Solar Panels Cost $0k-$0k in St. Clair County, AL | February, 2025
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How much do solar panels cost in St. Clair County, AL in 2025?
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To have solar panels installed in St. Clair County, AL in February, 2025 averages out to $0/W.
Applying the rate, we are able to come to the conclusion that for every 1000 watts (1 kW) your solar system can generate you will have to spend $0 to get your system installed. In St. Clair County, you will spend about $0 for a 5 kW solar installation once the 30% federal income tax credit is factored in. However, it’s vital to take into account that a more extensive system may be necessary to fulfill your energy demands.
To the left, you can choose your county to view the average roof size and the maximum capacity of solar panels for houses in your area. Displayed below is an outline of the costs, payback period, and 20-year average savings for a 5 kW system installed in your county.
Average out-of-pocket cost for a 5 kW system The upfront amount spent to buy and install solar.
St. Clair County: $0US Average: $12,523
Average Payback Period The number of years until you break even on the solar investment.
St. Clair County: 0 yearsUS Average: 7 years
Average Net 20-year savings The total amount of money saved over 20 years minus the out-of-pocket cost.
St. Clair County: $45,250US Average: $16,301
Solar Potential in St. Clair County
Estimated system size and solar electricity production per median viable roof in St. Clair County.
Roof size 501sq. ft.
Capacity 7kW DC
Electricity 8.6kkWh AC per yr.
Electricity Costs in St. Clair County, AL & What that Means for Your Solar Panel Pricing
Energy consumers in St. Clair County typically pay 188.54 per month for electricity, with an average monthly usage of1,133 kWh. Smaller residences, such as lofts or apartments, are also included in the numbers referenced in the earlier sentence.
The average rate for electricity in St. Clair County, AL during February, 2025 is 16.65¢ per kWh.
Installing a a 9 kW solar panel system will cost around $0 upfront, but with the federal income tax credit, you can get 30% back, reducing the cost to $0.
Go Solar for less than your cell phone bill.
Average solar panel costs by system size in St. Clair County
On the left side below, you can find a detailed price breakdown for different solar panel system sizes set up in St. Clair County. Even though a bigger solar installation carries a higher price tag, it also provides greater electricity savings and higher income tax credits.
Using the solar panel cost calculator located to the right and below, you can view a detailed cost and benefit analysis based on an average electric bill of $188.54 in St. Clair County. If you want more customized results, just adjust the $188.54 to whatever your average electricity bill is.
System Size
Roof Size Min. space required
Electricity Value Annual Production
Est. Price
System Size 5kW
Roof Size Min. space required
358 ft²
Electricity Value Annual Production $1,284 a year
Est. Price
Savings from a 5kWthis system
Est. yearly production 7,554 kWh
Est. monthly savings $107
Full payback in 0 years
Environmental Impacts
Reduces CO2 emissions by 2.56 tons a year
Equivalent to planting 118 trees a year
Equivalent to driving 6,345 mi less a year
System Size 6kW
Roof Size Min. space required
429 ft²
Electricity Value Annual Production $1,541 a year
Est. Price
Savings from a 6kWthis system
Est. yearly production 9,065 kWh
Est. monthly savings $128
Full payback in 0 years
Environmental Impacts
Reduces CO2 emissions by 3.08 tons a year
Equivalent to planting 141 trees a year
Equivalent to driving 7,614 mi less a year
System Size 7kW
Roof Size Min. space required
501 ft²
Electricity Value Annual Production $1,798 a year
Est. Price
Savings from a 7kWthis system
Est. yearly production 10,576 kWh
Est. monthly savings $150
Full payback in 0 years
Environmental Impacts
Reduces CO2 emissions by 3.59 tons a year
Equivalent to planting 165 trees a year
Equivalent to driving 8,883 mi less a year
System Size 8kW
Roof Size Min. space required
572 ft²
Electricity Value Annual Production $2,055 a year
Est. Price
Savings from a 8kWthis system
Est. yearly production 12,087 kWh
Est. monthly savings $171
Full payback in 0 years
Environmental Impacts
Reduces CO2 emissions by 4.1 tons a year
Equivalent to planting 188 trees a year
Equivalent to driving 10,152 mi less a year
System Size 9kW
Roof Size Min. space required
644 ft²
Electricity Value Annual Production $2,312 a year
Est. Price
Savings from a 9kWthis system
Est. yearly production 13,598 kWh
Est. monthly savings $189
Full payback in 0 years
Environmental Impacts
Reduces CO2 emissions by 4.53 tons a year
Equivalent to planting 208 trees a year
Equivalent to driving 11,205 mi less a year
St. Clair County Solar Panel Installation Incentives & Rebates | 2025
If you run a small business or farm in a rural area, you could receive REAP Grant support that covers 80% to 100% of your solar or wind turbine installation costs. Believe you fit this category? Check your qualification with our REAP Grant eligibility tool.
Adding residential solar panels comes with a 30% federal tax credit, available to most homeowners, making it a good option for numerous areas across the country. Alongside federal efforts, state and local programs help to encourage the use of solar power.
Alabama features 4 solar rebate and incentive initiatives available from different utilities and government organizations.
Solar incentives in ALIncentive Description Value
Local Government Energy Loan Program
Through its public-private partnership with PowerSouth, Alabama's Local Government Energy Loan Program offers zero-interest loans to governments and educational institutes for improvements involving renewable energy sources. The loans are repayable through savings on utility bills. They may borrow up to $350,000 for eligible projects, while schools may ask for $350,000 pr campus or $500,000 per system. There is a minimum loan of $50,000. An energy audit must be completed to identify improvements and the recipient must be benchmarked using the Energy Star Portfolio Manager program following installation. Details and application are available on the program website.
Local Option- Sales Tax Abatement for Renewable Energy Facilities
In order to encourage renewable energy sources, Alabama allows local governments to provide exemptions and abatement for qualifying renewable energy facilities; the precise governmental body depends on the size of the facility. Facilities may also qualify for a reduced tax rate of 1.5%, although it was only available until 2019. Hydroelectric power is exempted from the definition of renewable energy resource, but most other renewable resources do meet the definition. Note that the local government can impose an additional sales or use tax. The exemption and abatement only apply to the noneducational portion of the sales tax.
Local Option- Property Tax Exemption for Renewable Energy Faclities
Alabama provides abatement of property tax for qualifying renewable energy facilities for the noneducational part of the property tax. While most renewable resources are included in the program, hydroelectric power is exempted. The property tax abatement is based on the annual value of the assessed value. The abatement may be given for ten years and extended for another ten years, for a total of twenty years, depending on the permission of the local authority. Interested facilities can apply with the local governmental body. The local authority will perform a cost/benefit analysis to determine the maximum exemption period for the abatement.
AlabamaSAVES Revolving Loan Program
Alabama SAVES funds subordinated participating interests in qualified third-party loans for financing energy projects of existing Alabama businesses. The participating interest can be 25% of the loan or 100% of the cost of the project, whichever is lower. Before funding can be awarded, the project must undergo an energy assessment and an estimated energy savings impact must be submitted to ensure the loan will be paid back within 10 years. This program was initially capitalized through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Program and is offered through the Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs. Please see the program website for information and program materials.
Are solar panels worth it in St. Clair County, AL?
When you plan to live in your home beyond the payback period of your solar system, solar panels are an excellent choice in St. Clair County. A 5 kW system in St. Clair County, AL will enable you to save you, on average, $45,249.6 over a 20 period and the average break even point is 0 years.
The cost of not having solar panels in St. Clair County, AL
In addition to forgoing the savings, the absence of solar panels or another backup energy source results in full dependence on your electric utility for your power needs. Recent news stories have demonstrated that complete dependence on your utility is not always ideal.
Over the past few years, the utilities in St. Clair County have reported an average of 1.3 outages per customer annually. Usually, outages have an average duration of 144.78 minutes. However, during critical events like landslides, overloaded power grids, or construction accidents, these times can extend dramatically.
Take a look at the component below to see the number of current electricity customers without power in St. Clair County.
Whether or not a backup battery is included, a solar panel system could ease the impact of future power outages you might experience.
Power Outages
Currently, 0 customers are being tracked in St. Clair County.
What impacts the cost of solar panels in St. Clair County, AL?
Your Energy Needs - The upfront cost for larger solar panel systems is larger, but the cost per watt decreases as the system size increases. Many people find it advantageous to set up a solar energy system that can fully cover their entire electric bill. This ensures optimal savings.
Make & Model - Similar to other items, solar panels come in a variety of makes and models. As your installer may prefer certain systems, it's essential to choose a reputable contractor. Higher quality makes and models often result in a more satisfactory long-term experience for buyers.
Solar Panel Type - For numerous good reasons, monocrystalline panels are now the standard in the industry. They are associated with a higher price, but they provide more energy. Most solar panel installers opt for this kind of material.
Your Property - Elements such as trees, sloping terrain, or other obstructions might complicate the installation process. Using satellite imagery, solar installers can now assess your home and include these considerations into the initial cost estimate.
Labor Rates - Different companies have varying pay scales for their employees, and these costs are ultimately passed on to consumers. Businesses that invest in higher wages often see higher reviews for their work and customer service.
Permitting & Interconnection - Local permitting and utility level interconnection fees change by area and will affect your final install price. Experienced local installers will incorporate these numbers into your first quotes to prevent any surprises.
See what solar panels cost in other St. Clair County cities
The average solar panel cost in St. Clair County, AL as of February, 2025 is estimated at $0/W. In St. Clair County, AL, installing a 5 kW solar panel system will set you back approximately $0 after federal tax incentives.
Utilities and government agencies in Alabama are currently offering 4 different rebates and incentives. Furthermore, almost all individuals are entitled to the 30% federal income tax credit.
Opting to pay in cash provides the highest savings, but there are now various financing options for solar panels that are financially beneficial. Many installers will detail information about financing options in their initial quotes.
Yes, on average, 5 kW solar panels in St. Clair County, AL pay for themselves in 0 years, with homeowners saving approximately $45,249.6 on electricity over 20 years.