How much do solar panels cost in Jefferson County, ID in 2025?
Going solar in the month of February, 2025 in Jefferson County, ID averages out to $0/W.
Each 1 kW (1000 watts) of solar generation capacounty will cost you $0 for installation. We are able to come to this conclusion in accordance with this rate price cost. After receiving the 30% federal tax credit, a 5 kW solar setup in Jefferson County will cost approximately $0. A 5kW system may not be large enough to adequately cover your energy requirements.
To the left, you have the option to select your county and find the average roof size along with the average maximum capacity for solar panels in homes in your area. Below, you can find a complete summary of the price, payback period, and 20-year typical savings for a 5 kW system installed in your county.