North Pekin, Illinois Electricity Rates & Plans

North Pekin, Illinois electricity rates - plans that match your needs

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Electricity Providers in North Pekin, Illinois

North Pekin has an estimated 1,589 citizens—the 570th most populous city in the state of Illinois.

North Pekin’s deregulated energy market is quite competitive, with various electricity suppliers for residents to choose from. With North Pekin energy suppliers trying to out-price their rival companies, it is the customers who are actually the real winners, as they are able to reap the rewards of competitive energy plans for the least amount of money. There are, however, more than a few less-than-reputable electricity companies that are in the business of luring unsuspecting customers through sketchy marketing and deliberately misleading plan terms.

You can use to stay away from these types of predatory energy companies. Find Energy has everything you need to know about the many different suppliers that do business in the North Pekin area. Our website gives you the most attractive energy offerings available in your location.

Input your zip code to start saving on your monthly bill as soon as possible. View the top picks for providers in this list.

North Pekin, IL Residential Electricity Rates


North Pekin Averages

Usage679 kWh

Illinois Averages

Usage640 kWh

United States Averages

Usage860 kWh

Residential electricity in North Pekin can be had at 18.87 cents for every kilowatt-hour presently. To put it into a better view, the statewide average is at 14.53 cents for every kilowatt-hour, and the nationwide average is at 15.73 cents for every kilowatt-hour.

The average monthly energy bill in North Pekin is $128.14. Statewide, the present monthly energy bill averages $92.97; while nationwide, the monthly electricity bill averages $135.39.

It is worth noting that energy prices may be dramatically different from the averages listed depending on how much electricity you consume. This correlation between energy usage levels and electricity rates is what often leaves a lot of energy users perplexed about the details of their energy plans.

To assist in bringing clarity to our users, we include a TOS with all plans we include on our website. Learn crucial information about your electricity plan by reading the Terms of Service (TOS).. Terms of Service do not only highlight relevant electricity information—such as the terms, conditions, and price information of your electricity plan—it also allows consumers to make a fairly direct comparison between various electricity offerings from various energy companies.

Make more informed energy decisions—our marketplace allows you to directly find the TOS highlights of the many different electricity plans available in your area. Easily locate essential electricity information using our online marketplace, including the conditions, terms, and price of the most compelling electricity offerings in the North Pekin area.

Your new energy plan is underway—fill in your zip code. Our online marketplace gives you access to North Pekin’s most established energy providers and their best electricity plans.

You can find some of the best residential electricity plans in the North Pekin area in the following list.

North Pekin, Illinois Residential Electricity Plans


North Pekin, IL Commercial Electricity Rates


North Pekin Averages

Usage20,683 kWh

Illinois Averages

Usage3,102 kWh

United States Averages

Usage5,591 kWh

The average rate of electricity in North Pekin, Illinois area is presently at 13.07 cents per kilowatt-hour. On a statewide level, entrepreneurs pay an average of 11.86 cents for every kilowatt-hour; while on a national level, entrepreneurs pay an average of 12.00 cents per kilowatt-hour.

The average monthly energy bill that entrepreneurs pay in North Pekin is $2,702.61. Just to compare: the state monthly energy bill average is $368.11, while the countrywide monthly energy bill average is $670.91.

Most likely your company is highly dependent on electricity for most important parts of business. Most businesses use between 10x and 100x more electricity than a residential property does. If your business has significant electricity usage then shopping for a new lower electricity rate is good business. Reducing your bill by even a few pennies per kilowatt hour could mean massive savings for your business.

Find Energy can send customized pricing requests to established North Pekin, Illinois electricity suppliers if you consistently get an electricity bill upwards of $3,000 dollars.

There could be up to 25% energy savings to be had if you shop for your next energy plan through our marketplace.

Use to gain access to dependable energy suppliers in North Pekin and their most competitive business electricity plans. Get a new commercial electricity plan with Find Energy—go to our marketplace by typing in your zip code.

The following are some of the most compelling business energy plans available in the North Pekin area.

North Pekin, Illinois Commercial Electricity Plans


There are no Commercial plans available.

Keep in mind the following when deciding whether shopping for a personalized business electricity plan is worth your effort:

  • A low fixed-rate plan might save your business thousands - Fixed rate plans empower consumers secure rates for extended periods of time. They also enable your company to forecast expenses without the worry of possible massive price increases that come with variable rate plans.
  • No power inconvenience during the switching process - Power keeps flowing to your business if you're already getting service. In fact, about the only thing you will notice is the reduced number on your bill.
  • Fast, simple, and hassle-free - All we need from you is for you to spend a few minutes filling out your information with Find Energy. After that, we will handle the rest. You will secure a brand new electricity plan and spend almost no time at all.
  • Zero calls to your current supplier required - Find Energy handles the entire transition if you are not under contract. After submitting your information, the only thing you need to do is to let us help you choose the most attractive deal for your business. You will see a lower bill for months to come. And even if you are under contract, we can still assist you in finding and switching to a better pricing plan.
  • Zero obligation to make the switch - Not convinced with the quote you got after you submit your information? No worries. There is absolutely no obligation on your part to make the transition. It is completely up to you if you want to sign up for a new plan. This, of course, is what drives Find Energy to find you a great deal that you can't say no to!

Find Energy is dedicated to providing you the lowest electricity rates in North Pekin. To start saving on your monthly electricity expenses, all you have to do is simply enter your zip code on this page and answer the following questions.

North Pekin, IL Utility Company

Versant Power is charged with overseeing the delivery of electricity in the North Pekin area. Reach out to Versant Power if you have concerns about your electricity services—power interruptions, energy fluctuations, etc.—in your location.

Residents of North Pekin, Illinois can reach Versant Power at (207) 973-2000. Versant Power can also be reached using the official website here.

North Pekin, Illinois Electricity Rates Over Time


Historical Electricity Rates:

Price Per kWhAverage Bill$0.219/kWh$0.129/kWh$201.52/mo.$78.82/mo.


Historical Electricity Rates:

Price Per kWhAverage Bill$0.219/kWh$0.129/kWh$201.52/mo.$78.82/mo.

Find the best plan for your needs

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Shop Electricity Providers by Zip Code in North Pekin, IL

  • 61554

North Pekin, Illinois Electricity FAQs


How many electricity providers are in North Pekin?

Presently, 2 electricity providers have operations North Pekin.

How should I choose an electricity company in North Pekin?

With many different electricity providers bidding for your business, it is wise to use a website like ours to help you evaluate your many different choices. You can get the process started by entering your zip code. Alternatively, you can visit all the different company websites, and with the use of an Excel file or a Word document, you can record and weigh the various rates you find.

What electric company does North Pekin, Illinois use?

Versant Power is North Pekin's main electric utility company. There are, however, many different suppliers that carry electricity supply in North Pekin, including the electricity providers in the list below:

Who has the cheapest electricity rates in North Pekin?

The cheapest electricity rates in North Pekin can be found below.

ProviderRate (¢/kWh)
Constellation Energy7.99
Just Energy9.89

How do I find a renewable electricity plan in North Pekin?

Just fill out your zip code, and then look for electricity deals that feature the 100% Green label on

What is the cheapest electricity provider in North Pekin?

Constellation Energy, as of writing, supplies the best priced residential electricity plan with a price point of 7.99 cents per kilowatt-hour.

What is a good electricity rate in North Pekin?

The cheapest plan that can be bought in North Pekin is 7.99 cents per kWh, currently being supplied by Constellation Energy.

Fernando García
Last Reviewed By: Fernando García
Published: 2024-06-09