Medina, New York Electricity Rates & Plans

Medina, New York electricity rates - plans that match your needs

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Electricity Providers in Medina, New York

Ranking 324th for largest population in a city in New York, Medina is home to 5,941 citizens.

Deregulated electricity markets, like Medina, incite intense competition from electricity suppliers attempting to win the patronage of consumers in the area. This competition has made extremely attractive energy plans available to energy consumers for great prices. Not everything is good news, however, as there are many less-than-reputable energy suppliers that prey on unsuspecting customers, luring them with unrealistic advertising and deceptive advertising tactics.

The Find Energy marketplace can help you avoid these types of fly-by-night electricity suppliers. You can learn more about the many different energy providers in the Medina area through our marketplace. Only the most compelling power offerings from only the most dependable electricity providers in the Medina area are highlighted on

Let’s get you your new electricity plan—all you have to do is enter your zip code. You can also take a look at some of our top choices for retail electric providers in Medina in the list below.

Medina, NY Residential Electricity Rates


Medina Averages

Usage643 kWh

New York Averages

Usage615 kWh

United States Averages

Usage860 kWh

The average cost of residential electricity in Medina is 23.30 cents per kilowatt-hour. Meanwhile: the average cost of electricity in the state of New York is presently at 19.96 cents for every kWh; while the average cost of electricity nationwide is at 15.73 cents per kWh.

The average monthly energy bill in Medina, New York is $149.72. At the moment, $122.7 and $135.39 are the state and nationwide monthly electricity bill average, respectively.

Your energy bill can differ from the numbers above depending on how much power you use each month. Energy plans generally aren’t so cut-and-dry, and the connection between monthly kilowatt-hour consumption levels and particular electricity rates is one that leaves plenty of consumers perplexed.

To help bring clarity to consumers, we have a TOS with every plan we feature on If you want to better comprehend the details of your electricity plan, then you might want to read the Terms of Service (TOS) it comes with. Scanning through the Terms of Service will help you achieve a more accurate grasp of the terms, conditions, and price information of your electricity plan.

Our team at Find Energy has compiled the Terms of Service of various electricity plans available in your area. is committed to helping Medina residents make better energy decisions; the Find Energy marketplace makes it easy for you to find essential energy information, including the conditions, terms, and prices of the best electricity plans in Medina, New York.

Be sure you’re getting the best electricity plan from the most reputable energy suppliers in Medina, New York—fill in your zip code. Our website gives Medina energy users the most competitive residential energy plans from only the most dependable energy providers in Medina, New York.

View the list below for the most competitive energy rates available in the Medina area.

Medina, New York Residential Electricity Plans


Medina, NY Commercial Electricity Rates


Medina Averages

Usage8,410 kWh

New York Averages

Usage2,801 kWh

United States Averages

Usage5,591 kWh

If you’re a business owner in Medina, New York, the average rate of business electricity is 17.51 cents for every kWh. You can put this side-by-side to both the statewide and nationwide average rates that are currently at 18.02 cents for every kilowatt-hour and 12.00 cents per kWh respectively.

Medina business owners pay an average electricity bill of $1,472.85 every month. As of writing, $504.64 and $670.91 are the statewide and countrywide monthly energy bill average, respectively.

Electricity is important in most types of businesses. Most businesses have usage of between 10x and 100x more electricity than a house or apartment does. It isn't hard to see how electricity costs can have a substantial impact in a business' success. Spending some effort now on reducing your electricity expense could result in savings for the entirety of your new contract.

For establishments in Medina that regularly spend upwards of $3,000 on their monthly electricity bill, Find Energy can request custom rates from our dependable partner providers in the area.

Our website lets businesses in the Medina area reduce their bill by 25%; visit our website today.

Shop for the most competitive business energy offerings in Medina, New York using Your new commercial electricity plan is on the way—enter your zip code.

Our team at Find Energy has narrowed down your options to purposefully include the most compelling commercial electricity plans in the Medina area; check out the list below.

Medina, New York Commercial Electricity Plans


There are no Commercial plans available.

Just keep in mind the following facts when determining whether shopping for deregulated rates in Medina is a use of energy:

  • Fixed-rate plans mean no surprises - Our team at Find Energy work almost solely with fixed rate plans. If electricity rates are currently trending upwards, then locking in current rates may be among the most critical business moves you make this week.
  • Your electricity service won't be cut off during the switching process - Zero service interruptions will occur when switching providers. Your customers and employees will not see any differences during the switching process.
  • Instant, easy, and hassle-free - Just submit your information and let us do the the hard part! We'll give you with the most attractive rates for your organization and help you through the decision-making process.
  • No need to call your current provider - For organizations who are not in contract with an electric supplier, you don't need to wait on hold. Find Energy can easily take over and take care of the transition for you. Even if you are under contract, or are not sure if you are, we can likely we will still be able to save you money.
  • Free quotations with no obligation - Look around. Review your options. And allow us to get you the most attractive deals for your establishment. It doesn't get any simpler than that! If you don't like the prices you receive from us, then you don't have to do anything. You canjust remain on with your existing service. Only switch if it makes sense.

If you want your business to begin saving on electricity expenses as soon as possible, all you have to do is enter your zip code and answer these few simple questions. Our team at Find Energy will start recommending you the best deals as quickly as possible!

Medina, NY Utility Company

While there are an abundance of electricity providers in the Medina area, energy transmission is primarily taken care of by National Grid. Citizens of the Medina area can report power interruptions or any other concerns to National Grid.

National Grid can be reached at (800) 465-1212. National Grid's official website is here.

Medina, New York Electricity Rates Over Time


Historical Electricity Rates:

Price Per kWhAverage Bill$0.252/kWh$0.168/kWh$203.97/mo.$100.09/mo.


Historical Electricity Rates:

Price Per kWhAverage Bill$0.252/kWh$0.168/kWh$203.97/mo.$100.09/mo.

Find the best plan for your needs

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  • 14103

Medina, New York Electricity FAQs


How many suppliers are in Medina?

As of writing, there are 4 electricity providers operating in Medina.

Who is the most affordable electricity supplier in Medina?

The most affordable residential electricity plan currently available is priced at 9.39 cents per kWh, carried by Verde Energy.

What electric company does Medina, New York use?

National Grid is the primary electric utility company in Medina, but many other different suppliers sell electricity in the deregulated Medina market. Below is a comprehensive registry of our best suppliers carrying electricity in the city:

Who provides the best electricity deals in Medina?

Here are the best priced electricity plans sold in Medina.

ProviderRate (¢/kWh)
Verde Energy9.39

How do I find a green electricity plan in Medina?

Just enter your zip code on this page, and you can find all electricity plans offered in your location that are fueled completely by green electricity. Look for the “100% Green” label!

How should I pick an electricity company in Medina?

The whole process is quick! Enter your zip code on this page, and we will filter out the lowest priced electricity deals available on the market for you to choose from.

What is a good electricity rate in Medina?

The lowest priced rate available in Medina is 9.39 cents per kWh, currently being provided by Verde Energy.

Fernando García
Last Reviewed By: Fernando García
Published: 2024-06-09