Aleutians East Borough, Alaska Electricity Rates & Statistics
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Aleutians East Borough, Alaska Electricity Overview
Aleutians East Borough has a population of 3,409 citizens.
Aleutians East Borough's average residential price per kilowatt hour is 299.66% more than the nationwide average price, at 64.64 cents per kilowatt hour compared to 16.17 cents.
By megawatt hours sold, the largest supplier in Aleutians East Borough is G & K Inc.
Aleutians East Borough has emissions of 3,474.83 kilograms per capita of CO2 equivalent gases, compared to the US average of 4,143.13.
Aleutians East Borough's 32.31% increase in the use of non-renewable fuels for electricity production in the last 12 months is an unfortunate trend.
Aleutians East Borough experienced a 8.11% rise in CO2 emissions per capita within the most recent year.
Total Consumption
28,183 MWh
Consumption per Capita
8.27 MWh
Total Production
4,479 MWh
Production from Renewable Energy
3,578 MWh
Production from Non-Renewable Energy
901 MWh
Production per Capita
1.31 MWh
CO2 Emissions
11,845,701 kg
CO2 Emissions per Capita
3,474.83 kg
Recent Electricity Rates and Production Changes in King Cove
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King Cove Electricity Pricing Data
King Cove, AK Electricity Overview
King Cove emits 2,749.69 kilograms of CO2 pollution per citizen in the city from electricity consumption, which makes it the 323rd highest polluting city out of 359 cities in Alaska based on emissions per capita. While not as telling of a statistic, the total emissions of the city from electricity use is 3,404,112.58 kilograms of CO2 emissions, which ranks as the 88th largest emissions amount in the state. The city is home to one power generation plant. King Cove has around 79.88% of its electricity produced by Conventional Hydroelectric.
Electric Companies With Service in King Cove, Alaska
Provider | Service Type | Residential Rate (¢) | Residential Average Bill ($) | City Production (MWh) | Residential Sales (MWh) | Residential Revenues ($) |
King Cove, Alaska Electric Utility | 4,479 |
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Sand Point, AK Electricity Overview
Sand Point's inhabitants are billed an average residential electricity rate of 142.75 cents per kilowatt hour, which is 484.66% more than Alaska's average price of 24.42 cents. This makes the city 255th best for average electricity rate out of 359 cities in Alaska. TDX Power sells an estimated 3,306.29 megawatt hours in the city each year, more than any other supplier. The US average monthly residential electricity bill is $140.54, while the Sand Point average is 70.80% more at $240.05 per month.
Sand Point emits 3,888.34 kilograms of CO2 pollution per citizen in the city from electricity consumption, which makes it the 76th highest polluting city out of 359 cities in Alaska based on emissions per capita. While not as telling of a statistic, the total emissions of the city from electricity use is 4,526,029.05 kilograms of CO2 emissions, which ranks as the 67th largest emissions amount in the state. All of the electricity consumed in Sand Point has to be sourced from surrounding cities or rural areas, because there are no electricity production sources within its borders.
Average Residential Electricity Bills & Rates in Sand Point
Sand Point residential electric rates are highest in June and the highest average bill is in January.
Historical Electricity Rates:
Electric Companies With Service in Sand Point, Alaska
Provider | Service Type | Residential Rate (¢) | Residential Average Bill ($) | City Production (MWh) | Residential Sales (MWh) | Residential Revenues ($) |
TDX Power | BUNDLED | 141.59 | 240.1 | 3,610 | 203.99 | 288,839.88 |
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Akutan, AK Electricity Overview
Akutan's inhabitants are billed an average residential electricity rate of 63.59 cents per kilowatt hour, which is 160.45% more than Alaska's average price of 24.42 cents. This makes the city 167th best for average electricity rate out of 359 cities in Alaska. Akutan has the 102nd largest population in Alaska, with 700 citizens calling the city home. The US average monthly residential power bill is $140.54, while the Akutan average is 145.26% higher at $344.7 per month.
Akutan emits 3,888.34 kilograms of CO2 pollution per citizen in the city from electricity consumption, which makes it the 76th highest polluting city out of 359 cities in Alaska based on emissions per capita. While not as telling of a statistic, the total emissions of the city from electricity use is 2,721,838.78 kilograms of CO2 emissions, which ranks as the 104th largest emissions amount in the state. All of the electricity consumed in Akutan has to be sourced from surrounding cities or rural areas, because there are no electricity production sources within its borders.
Average Residential Electricity Bills & Rates in Akutan
Akutan residential electric rates are highest in September and the highest average bill is in January.
Historical Electricity Rates:
Electric Companies With Service in Akutan, Alaska
Provider | Service Type | Residential Rate (¢) | Residential Average Bill ($) | City Production (MWh) | Residential Sales (MWh) | Residential Revenues ($) |
Akutan, Alaska Electric Utility | BUNDLED | 63.08 | 344.72 | 738.88 | 466,060.15 |
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Electricity Production in Aleutians East Borough, Alaska
Power Plants in Aleutians East Borough, Alaska
Plant | City/County | State | Primary Fuel Type | Production (MWh) | Emission (kg) | Emissions per MWh | Toxic Chemical Release | Closing Date |
King Cove | AK | Conventional Hydroelectric | 4,479 | 696,972.86 | 155.61 |
Which electricity company is the largest supplier in Aleutians East Borough, Alaska?
The largest electricity supplier in Aleutians East Borough, Alaska by total revenue is G & K Inc.
How many electric companies offer service in Aleutians East Borough, Alaska?
Aleutians East Borough, Alaska has 3 electricity companies operating in the area.
How many power plants are located within Aleutians East Borough, Alaska?
There is one power plant in Aleutians East Borough, Alaska
What electricity companies offer service in Aleutians East Borough, Alaska?
County Customers Rank | Provider | Est. County Customers |
1 | G & K Inc | 154 |
2 | Akutan, Alaska Electric Utility | 113 |