Troup County, GA: 6 Electric Providers

Troup County, Georgia Electricity Rates & Statistics

Electricity Rates, Plans & Statistics

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Troup County, Georgia Electricity Overview

Troup County is the 42nd largest producer of solar power by megawatt hours generated in Georgia out of 159 counties.

With a population of 70,191 citizens, Troup County is the 794th largest county by population in the country.

Troup County produces 2.91 megawatt hours per citizen of the county from renewable fuels. This makes Troup County the 762nd highest ranking county for renewable production per capita in the nation out of 3230 counties.

Renewable electricity fuels account for 100.00%, or 204,265 megawatt hours, of Troup County's total energy production.

Troup County released 246,046,404.42 kilograms of CO2 gases due to electricity consumption, which makes it the 1053rd worst polluting county out of 3230 counties in the country.

Troup County citizens are responsible for 3,505.38 kilograms of CO2 emissions per capita, making them the 139th worst polluting county based on per capita emissions.


  • Total Consumption

    935,083 MWh

  • Consumption per Capita

    13.32 MWh


  • Total Production

    204,265 MWh

  • Production from Renewable Energy

    204,265 MWh

  • Production per Capita

    2.91 MWh


  • CO2 Emissions

    246,046,404 kg

  • CO2 Emissions per Capita

    3,505.38 kg

Recent Electricity Rates and Production Changes in LaGrange

To see the most recent electricity rates and production changes for cities in Troup County, select the city below. If you would like to get access to monthly historical data, please contact us directly by submitting a request.

Rates and Production Categories

LaGrange Electricity Pricing Data

Average Residential Bundled Electricity Rate for May, 2024

14.86¢ per kWh

  • 2.34% lower than last month
  • 1.22% higher than May last year
  • 0.38% lower than the Georgia average
  • 9.87% lower than the US average
  • 152nd in the state out of 675 cities
  • The state rank has increased by 479 since last month
  • The state rank has increased by 84 since May last year
  • 15,674th in the US out of 31,764 cities
  • The national rank has increased by 1,033 since last month
  • The national rank has dropped by 479 since May last year

12 Month Rolling Average Residential Bundled Rate

14.42¢ per kWh

  • 0.1% higher than last month
  • 0.58% lower than May last year
  • 4.98% higher than the Georgia average
  • 10.67% lower than the US average
  • 211th in the state out of 675 cities
  • The state rank has increased by 25 since last month
  • The state rank has dropped by 24 since May last year
  • 15,058th in the US out of 31,764 cities
  • The national rank has increased by 35 since last month
  • The national rank has increased by 1,035 since May last year

Average Residential Bundled Electricity Bill for May, 2024

$138.49 per month

  • 19.41% higher than last month
  • 11.56% higher than May last year
  • 4% lower than the Georgia average
  • 11.49% higher than the US average
  • 98th in the state out of 675 cities
  • The state rank has increased by 453 since last month
  • The state rank has increased by 7 since May last year
  • 23,057th in the US out of 31,764 cities
  • The national rank has dropped by 3,734 since last month
  • The national rank has dropped by 2,132 since May last year

12 Month Rolling Average Residential Bundled Bill

$153.86 per month

  • 0.78% higher than last month
  • 2.11% higher than May last year
  • 4.79% higher than the Georgia average
  • 12.53% higher than the US average
  • 554th in the state out of 675 cities
  • The state rank has increased by 1 since last month
  • The state rank has dropped by 437 since May last year
  • 22,371st in the US out of 31,764 cities
  • The national rank has dropped by 113 since last month
  • The national rank has dropped by 2,399 since May last year

LaGrange, GA Electricity Overview

Coverage Map Placeholder

LaGrange's residents pay an average residential electricity rate of 14.42 cents per kilowatt hour, which is 4.18% above the average Georgia rate of 13.84 cents, a potentially frustrating situation for citizens of the city. City of La Grange Utilities is the largest electricity provider in the city based on megawatt hours sold. The city experiences an average of 1.15 electrical outages per consumer each year. These outages last for an average of 111.94 minutes. In comparison, the US average is 1.45 outages per customer and 171.11 minutes an outage.

Electricity consumption in LaGrange has byproducts of 139,277,222.13 kilograms of CO2 emissions. This is the 40th highest amount of any city in the state. This total equates to 4,485.15 kilograms of CO2 emissions per resident, ranking the city 238th highest in Georgia for emissions per capita. The city is home to zero electricity producing plants.

Average Residential Electricity Bills & Rates in LaGrange

LaGrange residential electric rates are highest in August and the highest average bill is in July.

Historical Electricity Rates:

Price Per kWhAverage Bill$0.164/kWh$0.097/kWh$235.08/mo.$91.93/mo.
211th14.42¢Average residential price per kWh in the city of LaGrange
554th$153.86Average residential monthly electricity bill for LaGrange Residents

Electric Companies With Service in LaGrange, Georgia

ProviderService TypeResidential Rate (¢)Residential Average Bill ($)City Production (MWh)Residential Sales (MWh)Residential Revenues ($)
City of La Grange UtilitiesBUNDLED12.55121.97143,066.6717,956,613.44
Diverse Power IncorporatedBUNDLED17.61214.15465,950.4282,076,853.78
Georgia PowerBUNDLED14.79146.6128,603,154.84,229,306,775

Zips with electric coverage in LaGrange, Georgia include: 30240, 30241, 31833

West Point, GA Electricity Overview

Coverage Map Placeholder

West Point's residents pay an average residential electricity rate of 14.67 cents per kilowatt hour, which is 5.97% above the average Georgia rate of 13.84 cents, a potentially frustrating situation for citizens of the city. City of West Point GA Utilities is the largest electricity provider in the city based on megawatt hours sold. The city experiences an average of 1.08 electrical outages per consumer each year. These outages last for an average of 83.11 minutes. In comparison, the US average is 1.45 outages per customer and 171.11 minutes an outage.

Electricity consumption in West Point has byproducts of 17,353,027.8 kilograms of CO2 emissions. This is the 195th highest amount of any city in the state. This total equates to 4,485.15 kilograms of CO2 emissions per resident, ranking the city 238th highest in Georgia for emissions per capita. The city is home to zero electricity producing plants.

Average Residential Electricity Bills & Rates in West Point

West Point residential electric rates are highest in August and the highest average bill is in July.

Historical Electricity Rates:

Price Per kWhAverage Bill$0.164/kWh$0.109/kWh$390.79/mo.$120.30/mo.
296th14.67¢Average residential price per kWh in the city of West Point
672nd$260.73Average residential monthly electricity bill for West Point Residents

Electric Companies With Service in West Point, Georgia

ProviderService TypeResidential Rate (¢)Residential Average Bill ($)City Production (MWh)Residential Sales (MWh)Residential Revenues ($)
City of West Point GA UtilitiesBUNDLED11.06315.4938,883.174,301,362.5
Diverse Power IncorporatedBUNDLED17.61214.15465,950.4282,076,853.78

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Hogansville, GA Electricity Overview

Coverage Map Placeholder

Hogansville's residents pay an average residential electricity rate of 16.27 cents per kilowatt hour, which is 17.51% above the average Georgia rate of 13.84 cents, a potentially frustrating situation for citizens of the city. The largest electricity provider in the city based on megawatt hours sold is City of Hogansville Utilities. Customers in Hogansville experience 1.15 power outages per year with outages lasting on average 111.94 minutes.

Electricity consumption in Hogansville has byproducts of 14,460,108.98 kilograms of CO2 emissions. This is the 221st highest amount of any city in the state. This total equates to 4,485.15 kilograms of CO2 emissions per resident, ranking the city 238th highest in Georgia for emissions per capita. The city is home to zero electricity producing plants.

Average Residential Electricity Bills & Rates in Hogansville

Hogansville residential electric rates are highest in August and the highest average bill is in July.

Historical Electricity Rates:

Price Per kWhAverage Bill$0.183/kWh$0.106/kWh$240.17/mo.$88.86/mo.
668th16.27¢Average residential price per kWh in the city of Hogansville
61st$141.7Average residential monthly electricity bill for Hogansville Residents

Electric Companies With Service in Hogansville, Georgia

ProviderService TypeResidential Rate (¢)Residential Average Bill ($)City Production (MWh)Residential Sales (MWh)Residential Revenues ($)
City of Hogansville UtilitiesBUNDLED16.03127.4617,199.52,756,754.33
Diverse Power IncorporatedBUNDLED17.61214.15465,950.4282,076,853.78
Georgia PowerBUNDLED14.79146.6128,603,154.84,229,306,775

Go Solar for less than your cell phone bill.

Electricity Production in Troup County, Georgia

Power Plants in Troup County, Georgia

PlantCity/CountyStatePrimary Fuel TypeProduction (MWh)Emission (kg)Emissions per MWhToxic Chemical ReleaseClosing Date
Troup County GA Conventional Hydroelectric 198,670
Troup RC50 IITroup County GA S1, LLC (100.00%)
Troup County GA Solar 2,939
Kimberly-Clark SolarNextEra Energy (100.00%)
Troup County GA Solar 2,656

Troup County, Georgia Details

Power Plant Fuel Types, Emissions & Pollution Factors

About 246,046,404.42 kilograms of CO2 emissions are released in Troup County due to electricity consumption. This total results in 3,505.38 kilograms of CO2 emissions per resident, which ranks the county 2223rd highest in the United States for pollution per capita. Electricity facilities in the county most often use Conventional Hydroelectric, which accounts for 97.26% of the fuel sources used for electricity generation in the county. Troup County has the 786th most power producing plants of any county in the nation, with 3 total power plants.

Conventional Hydroelectric
Conventional Hydroelectric
Conventional Hydroelectric
Conventional Hydroelectric
Conventional Hydroelectric
Conventional Hydroelectric
Conventional Hydroelectric
Conventional Hydroelectric
Conventional Hydroelectric
Conventional Hydroelectric

Troup County, Georgia Net Metering

Companies offering net metering in Troup County include Diverse Power Incorporated and Carroll EMC At the state level, Georgia has above average net metering and feed in tariff regulations.

Energy Loss

There are 4 companies in Troup County that report energy loss. Together, these 4 providers average a yearly energy loss of 4.45% of electricity generated. The countrywide average for energy loss is 2.87% while the Georgia average is 3.69%, resulting in a rank of 1277th best in the United States and a state rank of 102nd best out of 3230 and 159 counties, respectively.


What electricity company is the largest provider in Troup County, Georgia?

The largest electricity company in Troup County, Georgia by total customer count is City of La Grange Utilities.

How many electric companies offer service in Troup County, Georgia?

Troup County, Georgia is home to 6 electricity companies offering service in the area.

How many power plants are within Troup County, Georgia?

Troup County, Georgia is home to 3 active power plants producing electricity for the county and other surrounding areas.

What electricity companies offer service in Troup County, Georgia?

King Manalo
Last Reviewed By: King Manalo
Published: 2024-07-26