Nebraska Electricity Rates & Average Electricity Bills

Electricity Rates in Nebraska

Electricity Rates, Plans & Statistics

  • The average electricity bill in Nebraska is $111.58
  • The average electricity rate in Nebraska is 11.74¢

Electric Bills and Electric Rates in Nebraska

The average residential electric bill in Nebraska is $111.58 per month. Nebraska is the 11th most expensive state in the country for electricity.

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Electricity Companies & Statistics in Nebraska

  • Population
    see rank
  • Total Production
    see rank
    37,580,768 MWh / 19.1 MWh per capita
  • Total Consumption
    see rank
    34,592,239 MWh / 17.58 MWh per capita
  • Total Production from Renewable
    see rank
    13,582,009 MWh / 6.9 MWh per capita
  • CO2 Emissions from Consumption
    see rank
    16,256,746,355 kg / 8,260.87 kg per capita
  • Total Production from Non-Renewable
    see rank
    23,998,761 MWh / 12.19 MWh per capita
Coverage Map Placeholder

Average Residential Electricity Bills & Rates in Nebraska

Nebraska residential electric rates are highest in September and the highest average bill is in July.

Historical Electricity Rates:

Price Per kWhAverage Bill$0.131/kWh$0.092/kWh$154.47/mo.$82.01/mo.
5th11.74¢Average residential price per kWh in the state of Nebraska
11th$111.58Average residential monthly electricity bill for Nebraska Residents

Nebraska Electricity Fuel Mix

Nebraska's Electricity Prices and Usage

The average residential electricity rate in Nebraska in 2025 is 11.74 cents per kilowatt hour, which is 28.79% lower than the national average rate of 16.49 cents. Nebraska ranks as the 5th best priced state in the nation using average electric rate. The state is home to over 150 electric companies, but residents are usually stuck with only one or two supplier options because Nebraska has a regulated electricity market. Customers in the state have 0.57 electrical outages on average per year, with outages lasting around 66.71 minutes on average. The national averages for outages and duration are 1.44 outages and 123.49 minutes. Power production facilities in the state generate 8.64% more electricity than the state consumes, meaning the excess electricity can be exported or stored for later use. The state generates 36.14% of their electricity using sustainable fuel sources, which ranks them 17th in the United States for ratio of renewable fuel sources to non-renewable sources. The state consumes over 34,500,000 megawatt hours to meet their electricity needs, ranking the state at 34th in the country for total electricity consumption.

Residential Electricity Providers in Nebraska

ProviderService TypeResidential Rate (¢)Residential Rate State RankResidential Average Bill ($)Residential Average Bill State RankResidential Sales (MWh)Residential Sales State RankResidential Revenues ($)Residential Revenues State RankState Production (MWh)State Production Rank
Omaha Public Power DistrictBUNDLED12.3666109.56543,850,5041475,966,00017,409,240.012
Lincoln Electric SystemBUNDLED10.723187.31111,314,9842140,992,3242236,4076
Nebraska Public Power DistrictBUNDLED10.612799.0229823,618.52387,346,589314,390,4431
Norris Public Power DistrictBUNDLED9.619145.93124331,231431,827,000439
Dawson Public PowerBUNDLED11.3745146.9125249,217.87528,338,943539
Loup Power DistrictBUNDLED10.5726130.95101240,337625,410,0006150,7947
Southern Public Power DistrictBUNDLED9.165119.8379239,010.14721,882,145839
Grand Island UtilitiesBUNDLED10.432086.8910219,230.83822,862,0477418,238.395
Fremont UtilitiesBUNDLED12.0060103.1742144,671.48917,366,2319521,5793
Cornhusker PowerBUNDLED10.7933159.42135130,512.021014,088,2311139
North Platte Municipal Light and WaterBUNDLED11.805495.4325119,588.631114,113,627.051039
Northeast Nebraska Public PowerBUNDLED10.1118137.48111115,918.021211,714,075.831439
Hastings UtilitiesBUNDLED11.144389.312111,433.371312,414,09212495,072.864
Elkhorn Rural Public Power DistrictBUNDLED9.9614142.65119109,887.671410,941,953.571539
Cedar-Knox Public Power DistrictBUNDLED8.943125.068997,128.7158,679,230.091939
Howard Greeley Rural Public Power DistrictBUNDLED10.1919198.1314595,104.09169,690,126.561639
South Central Public Power DistrictBUNDLED9.598172.8213886,736178,313,916.782039
Custer Public Power DistrictBUNDLED14.65109210.0514684,572.621812,392,348.971339
Perennial PowerBUNDLED10.4824154.8812976,312.53197,996,371.132239
Niobrara Valley ElectricBUNDLED12.0059143.312275,926.11209,111,5881839

Commercial Electricity Providers in Nebraska

ProviderService TypeCommercial Rate (¢)Commercial Rate RankCommercial Average Bill ($)Commercial Average Bill State RankCommercial Sales (MWh)Commercial Sales State RankCommercial Revenues ($)Commercial Revenues State RankState Production (MWh)State Production Rank
Omaha Public Power DistrictBUNDLED8.6217737.191395,158,1421444,618,00017,409,240.012
Lincoln Electric SystemBUNDLED8.4814582.711291,476,5322125,137,6712236,4076
Nebraska Public Power DistrictBUNDLED8.4113377.77861,058,179.04389,011,482314,390,4431
Northeast Nebraska Public PowerBUNDLED7.1041,395.83146240,241.51417,047,221.4639
Loup Power DistrictBUNDLED10.0749462.66107213,118521,461,0005150,7947
Grand Island UtilitiesBUNDLED10.5766404.9494209,231.28622,123,1244418,238.395
South Sioux City UtilitiesBUNDLED8.1391,076.2143202,826.31716,486,346.77739
North Platte Municipal Light and WaterBUNDLED9.8039589.31130160,259.63815,697,942.01939
Norris Public Power DistrictBUNDLED10.4260204.0425152,783915,915,000839
Cedar-Knox Public Power DistrictBUNDLED7.0631,146.25144152,461.171010,764,420.011139
Hastings UtilitiesBUNDLED10.0348386.3888108,604.021110,896,04110495,072.864
Cornhusker PowerBUNDLED8.53151,054.4114282,087.78126,999,1451439
Dawson Public PowerBUNDLED10.4461414.549772,582.88137,577,7681239
South Central Public Power DistrictBUNDLED7.956362.068272,544.64145,769,034.851839
North Central Public PowerBUNDLED8.7418312.346761,173.81155,348,276.072239
Custer Public Power DistrictBUNDLED12.06102458.9510459,493.12167,176,669.751339
Fremont UtilitiesBUNDLED10.7769261.325057,285.17176,171,09815521,5793
Southwest Public Power DistrictBUNDLED10.2854177.482057,248.26185,884,565.21639
Lexington, Nebraska Electric UtilityBUNDLED9.5633483.1611254,015.61195,165,495.162439
Holdrege, Nebraska Electric UtilityBUNDLED9.4930512.7912052,040.87204,941,244.632639

Power Plants in Nebraska

PlantCity/CountyPrimary Fuel TypeProduction (MWh)Emission (KG)Emissions/MWh (KG/MWh)Toxic Chemical ReleaseClosing Date
Lincoln County Coal 6,580,3066,444,302,078.69979.33
Nemaha County Nuclear 6,096,974
Otoe County Coal 5,882,3365,861,223,158.84996.41
Grande Prairie Wind FarmBHE Renewables (100.00%)
Holt County Wind 1,373,841
Thunderhead Wind Energy LLCInvenergy (100.00%)
Antelope County Wind 1,191,483
Adams County Coal 1,119,036.011,174,444,245.581,049.51
Omaha Coal 1,089,980.011,213,399,174.541,113.23
Milligan 1 Wind FarmMilligan 1 Wind, LLC (100.00%)
Saline County Wind 1,055,621
Little Blue Wind Project, LLCLittle Blue Wind Project, LLC (100.00%)
Webster County Wind 984,193
Rattlesnake Creek Wind ProjectEnel Green Power (100.00%)
Dixon County Wind 943,090
Plum Creek Wind Project (NE)Plum Creek Wind, LLC (100.00%)
Lincoln Wind 833,179
Upstream Wind Energy LLCInvenergy (100.00%)
Antelope County Wind 788,360
Antelope County Wind 765,725
Haystack Wind Project, LLCHaystack Wind Project, LLC (100.00%)
Wayne County Wind 752,269
Sholes Wind Energy CenterNextEra Energy (100.00%)
Wayne County Wind 716,035
Cedar County Conventional Hydroelectric 715,294
Lancaster County Coal 676,524.01765,297,061.121,131.22
Gage County Natural Gas 579,592256,659,603.48442.83
Fremont Coal 521,579583,848,008.061,119.39
Cottonwood Wind Energy CenterNextEra Energy (100.00%)
Webster County Wind 412,673

There is 1 Nuclear Power Plant in Nebraska

PlantCity/CountyPrimary Fuel TypeProduction (MWh)Emission (KG)Emissions/MWh (KG/MWh)Toxic Chemical ReleaseClosing Date
Nemaha County Nuclear 6,096,974

Quick Facts

Wind turbines produce 6.22 megawatt hours per year per person for Nebraska residents, which is 8th highest in the US.

Non-renewable fuel types are used in the generation of 63.86% of the megawatt hours produced in Nebraska, ranking it 37th worst for total megawatt hours produced from non-renewable fuels.

Nebraska is the 28th ranked producer of nuclear power electricity in the country.

More people call the state of Nebraska home now than a year ago, as the state's population has grown by 0.22% during that time period.

Nebraska is 6th in the United States for megawatt hours per capita generated from coal, averaging 8.25 megawatt hours per person a year.

Nebraska has a population of 1,967,923 residents.

Nebraska Counties Comparison

CountyPopulationProvidersPlantsResidential Rate (¢)Residential Rate State RankResidential Rate National RankResidential Avg. Electric BillResidential Bill State RankResidential Bill National Rank
Douglas County586,3271412.3851490$108.84/mo3202
Lancaster County324,756399.941651$130.74/mo27658
Sarpy County196,5531212.3851490$108.84/mo3202
Hall County62,616429.40522$115.87/mo13332
Buffalo County49,8403211.3637206$142.98/mo461,104
Dodge County37,2496313.2863890$157.84/mo641,846
Scotts Bluff County36,2298214.45711,451$152.28/mo561,525
Madison County35,5535210.201859$140.24/mo40998
Lincoln County34,9066312.9360742$149.91/mo531,415
Platte County34,1233510.8532109$154.39/mo591,624
Adams County31,284359.47627$123.84/mo20528
Cass County26,5463112.3248468$108.55/mo2199
Dawson County24,0314311.4038224$144.80/mo491,175
Saunders County22,0084212.2646448$117.33/mo14357
Gage County21,706519.721442$143.19/mo471,111
Dakota County21,2844110.362375$133.22/mo30719
Washington County20,6992112.7257625$123.14/mo19513
Seward County17,605219.711139$144.84/mo501,176
Otoe County15,9164412.4253518$109.01/mo5207
Saline County14,395639.711240$144.25/mo481,156
York County14,1645110.562788$153.45/mo571,577
Box Butte County10,821515.77872,128$255.07/mo913,197
Red Willow County10,7246115.23821,891$113.30/mo11282
Custer County10,6257514.66731,543$207.38/mo823,114
Colfax County10,608711.1234177$148.90/mo521,371
Holt County10,1754211.8641333$141.91/mo431,060
Wayne County9,5906310.302167$138.59/mo37930
Cheyenne County9,5754115.74852,118$132.85/mo29705
Hamilton County9,37659.32420$120.46/mo18436
Cuming County9,0353311.6940282$170.58/mo692,541
Phelps County8,97259.851547$117.37/mo15359
Knox County8,4343210.372476$128.86/mo25620
Cedar County8,401429.06116$125.34/mo21552
Dawes County8,383215.75862,121$177.94/mo722,736
Butler County8,3543112.1345411$134.50/mo33764
Keith County8,3123112.1344410$139.61/mo38985
Richardson County7,8933212.6756602$111.49/mo10248
Merrick County7,68769.51729$129.82/mo26638
Pierce County7,2667110.251963$137.29/mo35873
Jefferson County7,2134110.532686$140.66/mo411,013
Nemaha County7,0254212.3549481$109.45/mo7218
Thurston County6,8066113.4765957$191.48/mo792,977
Burt County6,7053214.90801,670$216.04/mo873,151
Kearney County6,63939.30319$119.10/mo17393
Howard County6,461310.262065$196.20/mo803,034
Antelope County6,3103510.352273$138.16/mo36913
Clay County6,10449.681037$168.05/mo672,458
Stanton County5,877410.522585$173.30/mo712,630
Dixon County5,6324310.171757$137.07/mo34865
Fillmore County5,5615110.582890$154.56/mo601,633
Cherry County5,5057114.56721,505$189.00/mo772,944
Boone County5,4133210.8633113$155.65/mo621,682
Johnson County5,2984112.5054548$109.14/mo6210
Polk County5,2233110.682997$188.23/mo762,927
Sheridan County5,150315.82882,144$223.77/mo903,168
Thayer County5,053729.68936$146.25/mo511,224
Furnas County4,6556213.3064902$109.65/mo9221
Morrill County4,595616.08912,212$162.43/mo652,197
Nuckolls County4,12539.67835$172.04/mo702,597
Valley County4,0312112.8259682$184.86/mo742,836
Chase County3,694512.5255559$133.87/mo31743
Kimball County3,5832214.66741,549$128.33/mo24610
Webster County3,442549.721341$170.46/mo682,537
Nance County3,389410.8131106$154.74/mo611,642
Harlan County3,2163113.0261779$109.59/mo8220
Sherman County2,986313.1062815$185.38/mo752,846
Franklin County2,914439.24218$118.91/mo16387
Perkins County2,865312.0943394$142.37/mo441,077
Brown County2,7522114.00691,215$153.70/mo581,586
Hitchcock County2,630413.5166976$128.06/mo23605
Pawnee County2,564212.3147465$108.50/mo1197
Frontier County2,5124115.60832,060$115.22/mo12317
Greeley County2,2194111.1435179$189.17/mo782,946
Dundy County1,900310.7630103$140.79/mo421,018
Garfield County1,8893112.7758653$180.09/mo732,764
Deuel County1,8784115.65842,082$131.32/mo28669
Boyd County1,812312.0942391$142.70/mo451,090
Gosper County1,8112312.3750486$126.65/mo22576
Garden County1,726216.11922,220$196.74/mo813,041
Rock County1,321113.95671,198$150.13/mo541,421
Sioux County1,081617.03932,425$155.88/mo631,693
Keya Paha County9461113.95671,198$150.13/mo541,421
Hayes County891311.1636182$139.61/mo39986
Logan County865114.78751,613$210.08/mo833,127
Wheeler County735411.5339255$163.04/mo662,244
Grant County718115.87892,159$277.63/mo933,209
Hooker County714314.97811,705$222.28/mo893,163
Loup County665114.78751,613$210.08/mo833,127
Banner County605414.20701,342$133.89/mo32744
Thomas County562114.78751,613$210.08/mo833,127
McPherson County475214.90791,668$217.70/mo883,157
Arthur County472215.90902,171$267.69/mo923,207
Blaine County346114.78751,613$210.08/mo833,127

Power Plant Fuel Types, Emissions & Pollution Factors

For every person in the state there are 8,260.87 kilograms of CO2 emissions. This adds up to total emissions of 16,256,746,355.17 kilograms of CO2 emissions from electricity use, making the state the 32nd highest for total emissions in the US. Coal makes up 43.19% of the fuel sources used for electricity production in Nebraska. Other fuel types used include Wind at 32.58% and Nuclear at 16.22%. Nebraska has 120 power generation plants, which is the 32nd most in the country and 13th most when considering facilities per person in the state.

Natural Gas
Conventional Hydroelectric

Nebraska Net Metering

Of the 148 electricity suppliers in Nebraska, 67 of them report that they offer net metering. The state has highly restricted net metering and feed in tariffs that make solar and other types of electricity generation more realistic.

Energy Loss

There are 21 companies in Nebraska that reported energy loss, including Omaha Public Power District, Lincoln Electric System, and Nebraska Public Power District. Together, these 21 providers average a yearly energy loss of 3.46% of electricity generated. The national average for energy loss is 2.43%, which earns a rank of 31st best in the country for Nebraska in this category.

Solar Taxes And Rebates

Encouraging residents to consider installing solar panels can definitely be a challenge due to high installation costs. Governments can help ease costs by issuing rebates and tax breaks to their residents. Nebraska offers very limited state tax credits to citizens who purchase solar. The state has no all encompassing rebate program, but local rebates are available to many residents who wish to install private solar at their home. Fortunately, Nebraska offers a 100% tax exemption to homeowners who wish to purchase solar panels at their home. The state currently does not offer a sales tax exemption for the purchase of private solar panels, leaving citizens out in the cold for this one.

State Level Initiatives

Customers who are shopping for electricity options that are powered by renewable sources will have better luck if there are state level legislation that encourage green energy usage. Many states require renewable fuel sources to make up a percentage of the fuel used for electricity production. These stipulations are known as Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS). Nebraska, unfortunately, has no standards in place. In addition, there are currently no low income solar programs to assist low income families to install solar panels.

Learn about going solar in Nebraska, find out which system size is best for you, compare local installers and see which incentives are available in your area.

FAQ: Common Questions About Electricity in Nebraska

How much does electricity cost in Nebraska?

A good electricity rate in Nebraska would be anything below the state average of 11.74 cents per kilowatt hour. Anything below that amount would be better than most other rates in the state. Currently, the different rates in the state range from 4.14 cents per kilowatt hour up to 19.35 cents per kilowatt hour.

Where does Nebraska get its electricity?

Coal is the primary fuel source used for electricity production in Nebraska, making up 43.19% of production. Wind and Nuclear also make up 32.58% and 16.22% respectively.

What electricity company is the largest provider in Nebraska?

The largest electricity supplier in Nebraska by megawatt hours sold is Omaha Public Power District.

What is the average electric bill in Nebraska?

In 2025, Nebraska has an average electricity bill of $112.

Does Nebraska have a deregulated electricity market?

No, the state has a regulated market, where residents' electricity company options are usually determined by their location or state legislation.

How many electric companies offer service in Nebraska?

Nebraska is home to 148 electricity providers offering service in the area.

How many power plants are located in Nebraska?

There are 120 electricity plants in Nebraska.

Matt Hope
Last Reviewed By: Matt Hope
Published: 2024-10-09