Hyde Park Electric: Rates and Coverage Area

Hyde Park Electric

Electricity Rates, Plans & Statistics

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About Hyde Park Electric

Hyde Park Electric is headquartered in Hyde Park, Vermont and it serves electricity in the citizens that call the city home. There are 182 commercial customer accounts and 1,189 residential customer accounts who are receiving service from the company. Customers of Hyde Park Electric are charged an average residential electricity price of 19.00 cents per kilowatt hour, which is 11.93% below the average Vermont rate of 21.57 cents. Of the 13,271 megawatt hours Hyde Park Electric sold and dispossessed, 11,934 were via retail sales. Electricity generation and wholesale power purchases made up 9.70% and 93.44%, respectively, of all electricity sourced. Power facilities owned by the company generated 1,287 megawatt hours and an additional 12,400 were acquired via wholesale channels. In 2019, the supplier earned a total of $2,163,200 from retail electricity sales to end users.

The national average monthly residential power bill is $139.34, while the Hyde Park Electric average is 7.92% less at $128.3 per month. Electricity production is not part of the Hyde Park Electric business plan, as they purchase electricity at wholesale rates to then be resold to their customers.

Hyde Park Electric Net Metering

Hyde Park Electric is one of 17 electricity suppliers in the state who offer net metering to their customers. Without net metering, solar panel purchased are significantly less economically feasible, as citizens have no way to sell unused energy back to their supplier.

Hyde Park Electric Rate & Electric Bills

Hyde Park Electric residential electric rates are highest in November and the highest average bill is in July.

Historical Electricity Rates:

Price Per kWhAverage Bill$0.209/kWh$0.158/kWh$170.81/mo.$79.28/mo.
2683rd19.00¢Hyde Park Electric's Average residential price per kWh
1426th$128.3Average monthly electricity bill for Hyde Park Electric's residential customers

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Hyde Park Electric Overview

  • Company Type:Municipal
  • Headquarters:344 Route 15 West
    Hyde Park, Vermont 05655
    United States of America
  • Director/Superintendent:Carol Robertson

Hyde Park Electric Contact

Hyde Park Electric Service

  • States Served:
    • Vermont
  • Counties Served:
    • Lamoille County
  • Major Cities Served:
    • Hyde Park
    • North Hyde Park CDP

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Hyde Park Electric Coverage Map

Coverage Map Placeholder

Hyde Park Electric State Coverage

StateCustomersSales ($)State Rank Based On Revenue% of Provider's Residential Sales in State

Hyde Park Electric County Coverage

CountyPopulationProvidersAvg. County Rate (¢)Avg. Electric Bill
Lamoille County25,920721.73$122.59/mo

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Hyde Park Electric FAQ:

How much is the average bundled bill for Hyde Park Electric customers each month?

Currently, the average monthly bundled electric bill for customers of Hyde Park Electric is $128.30. The Vermont average bundled bill is $121.98 and the United States average is $121.98.

What is the phone number for Hyde Park Electric?

Hyde Park Electric's customer service phone number is (802) 888-2310

Who is the CEO of Hyde Park Electric?

Carol Robertson is the CEO of Hyde Park Electric.

What is the average bundled electricity rate for Hyde Park Electric customers?

Hyde Park Electric's current average bundled electricity rate is 19.00 cents per kilowatt hour (¢/kWh), compared to the average state bundled rate of 21.57 cents and the average nationwide rate of 15.73 cents.

Alex Zdanov
Last Reviewed By: Alex Zdanov
Published: 2024-10-29