Redwood Electric Coop: Rates and Coverage Area

Redwood Electric Coop

Electricity Rates, Plans & Statistics

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About Redwood Electric Coop

Redwood Electric Coop is a cooperative. This means the company is owned by the customers it serves. There are a total of 4,611 customers who are receiving service from the company. These accounts are made up of 83.19% residential customers, 16.42% commercial accounts and 0.39% industrial properties. Redwood Electric Coop has an average residential electricity rate of 13.62 cents per kilowatt hour, resulting in the provider ranking 89th out of 174 companies in Minnesota and 1412th out of 2885 in the nation. The company sold 134,802 megawatt hours in 2019 by way of traditional retail accounts. The electricity sourced by Redwood Electric Coop is made up of primarily wholesale purchased megawatt hours, with 141,375 megawatt hours acquired by the company. The total revenue for Redwood Electric Coop in 2019 from electricity sales was $14,827,400, with $14,757,400 coming from retail sales to end users.

The nationwide average monthly residential electric bill is $139.34, while the Redwood Electric Coop average is 25.96% higher at $175.51 per month. Redwood Electric Coop is the 2524th ranked provider in the nation for average monthly bill total. The provider does not have ownership in any electricity generation facilities and all of the power that they sell to their customers must be purchased from other companies.

Redwood Electric Coop Net Metering

Net metering is available to consumers of Redwood Electric Coop. This makes it cheaper for residents in the area to install solar and other electricity options as they have the ability to sell excess wattage into the grid.

Redwood Electric Coop Rate & Electric Bills

Redwood Electric Coop residential electric rates are highest in June and the highest average bill is in January.

Historical Electricity Rates:

Price Per kWhAverage Bill$0.147/kWh$0.105/kWh$219.66/mo.$124.58/mo.
1412th13.62¢Redwood Electric Coop's Average residential price per kWh
2524th$175.51Average monthly electricity bill for Redwood Electric Coop's residential customers

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Redwood Electric Coop Overview

  • Company Type:Cooperative
  • Headquarters:60 Pine Street
    Clements, Minnesota 56224
    United States of America
  • CEO:Ron Horman

Redwood Electric Coop Contact

Redwood Electric Coop Service

  • States Served:
    • Minnesota

Go Solar for less than your cell phone bill.

Redwood Electric Coop State Coverage

StateCustomersSales ($)State Rank Based On Revenue% of Provider's Residential Sales in State

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Redwood Electric Coop FAQ:

What is the average bundled bill for Redwood Electric Coop customers each month?

Redwood Electric Coop currently has an average monthly bundled electric bill of $175.51, compared to the Minnesota average of $106.37 and the national of $106.37 for bundled service.

What is the average bundled electricity rate for Redwood Electric Coop customers?

Consumers of Redwood Electric Coop, on average, have an electricity bundled rate 13.62 cents per kilowatt hour (¢/kWh).

What is the phone number for Redwood Electric Coop?

Redwood Electric Coop's customer service phone number is (888) 251-5100

Who is the CEO of Redwood Electric Coop?

Redwood Electric Coop's current CEO is Ron Horman.

Matt Hope
Last Reviewed By: Matt Hope
Published: 2024-07-08