Square Butte Electric Cooperative: Rates and Coverage Area

Square Butte Electric Cooperative

Electricity Rates, Plans & Statistics

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About Square Butte Electric Cooperative

Square Butte Electric Cooperative is a cooperative. Cooperatives are owned by their customers and managed by individuals who are voted into their roles. The company sold 2,754,395 megawatt hours through wholesale channels to other electricity providers in 2023. The electricity they sourced consisted of megawatt hours produced by the company. They generated 2,754,395 megawatt hours. The supplier made a total of $174,805,000 for 2023 through electricity sales to wholesale consumers.

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Square Butte Electric Cooperative Overview

  • Company Type:Cooperative
  • Headquarters:822 State Mill Road
    Grand Forks, North Dakota 58201
    United States of America
  • CEO:Mac McLennan

Square Butte Electric Cooperative Contact

Square Butte Electric Cooperative Service

      Quick Facts About Square Butte Electric Cooperative

      Square Butte Electric Cooperative participates in the wholesale electricity market, purchasing electricity generated by other companies before reselling to their end users.

      Go Solar for less than your cell phone bill.

      Square Butte Electric Cooperative Reviews

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      Square Butte Electric Cooperative FAQ:

      What is the phone number for Square Butte Electric Cooperative?

      Square Butte Electric Cooperative's customer service phone number is (701) 795-4000

      Who is the CEO of Square Butte Electric Cooperative?

      Square Butte Electric Cooperative's CEO is Mac McLennan.

      Matt Hope
      Last Reviewed By: Matt Hope
      Published: 2024-05-28