Menominee County, WI: 2 Electric Providers

Menominee County, Wisconsin Electricity Rates & Statistics

Electricity Rates, Plans & Statistics

  • The average electricity bill in Menominee County, WI is $117.28
  • The average electricity rate in Menominee County, WI is 16.72¢

Electric Bills and Electric Rates in Menominee County, WI

The average residential electric bill in Menominee County, WI is $117.28 per month. Menominee County, WI is the 42nd most expensive county in Wisconsin for electricity.

High Power Bills?

Reduce or replace your electricity bill with solar

Menominee County, Wisconsin Electricity Overview

There was a 10.57% decrease in CO2 emissions per capita during the preceding year in Menominee County.

The largest supplier in Menominee County by customer count is Alliant Energy.

Menominee County is the 1510th largest producing county in the nation out of 3221 counties when it comes to megawatt hours generated from renewable fuel sources.

Menominee County generates 2.99 megawatt hours per capita per year, making it the 37 highest county out of 72 counties for production per capita in the state.

Menominee County produces 100.00% of their electricity from hydroelectric power, roughly 12,913 megawatt hours per year.

Menominee County is ranked 55th out of 72 for worst polluting county in the state when considering pollution per capita.


  • Total Consumption

    50,439 MWh

  • Consumption per Capita

    11.68 MWh


  • Total Production

    12,913 MWh

  • Production from Renewable Energy

    12,913 MWh

  • Production per Capita

    2.99 MWh


  • CO2 Emissions

    18,381,628 kg

  • CO2 Emissions per Capita

    4,256.98 kg

Recent Electricity Rates and Production Changes in Legend Lake CDP

To see the most recent electricity rates and production changes for cities in Menominee County, select the city below. If you would like to get access to monthly historical data, please contact us directly by submitting a request.

Rates and Production Categories

Legend Lake CDP Electricity Pricing Data

Average Residential Bundled Electricity Rate for November, 2024

16.11¢ per kWh

  • 0.79% lower than last month
  • 2.45% lower than November last year
  • 4.69% lower than the Wisconsin average
  • 5.43% lower than the US average
  • 327th in the state out of 804 cities
  • The state rank has increased by 97 since last month
  • The state rank has increased by 20 since November last year
  • 16,099th in the US out of 31,800 cities
  • The national rank has increased by 549 since last month
  • The national rank has increased by 4,239 since November last year

12 Month Rolling Average Residential Bundled Rate

16.79¢ per kWh

  • 0.2% lower than last month
  • 5.45% higher than November last year
  • 2.31% lower than the Wisconsin average
  • 1.84% higher than the US average
  • 432nd in the state out of 804 cities
  • The state rank has dropped by 2 since last month
  • The state rank has dropped by 153 since November last year
  • 19,816th in the US out of 31,800 cities
  • The national rank has increased by 461 since last month
  • The national rank has increased by 113 since November last year

Average Residential Bundled Electricity Bill for November, 2024

$99.2 per month

  • 7.65% higher than last month
  • 6.98% lower than November last year
  • 1.9% higher than the Wisconsin average
  • 16.1% lower than the US average
  • 429th in the state out of 804 cities
  • The state rank has dropped by 18 since last month
  • The state rank has increased by 137 since November last year
  • 8,330th in the US out of 31,800 cities
  • The national rank has dropped by 2,185 since last month
  • The national rank has increased by 3,771 since November last year

12 Month Rolling Average Residential Bundled Bill

$116.07 per month

  • 0.53% lower than last month
  • 1.6% higher than November last year
  • 4.9% higher than the Wisconsin average
  • 18.4% lower than the US average
  • 458th in the state out of 804 cities
  • The state rank has dropped by 2 since last month
  • The state rank has dropped by 54 since November last year
  • 6,834th in the US out of 31,800 cities
  • The national rank has increased by 158 since last month
  • The national rank has increased by 1,216 since November last year

Legend Lake CDP, WI Electricity Overview

Coverage Map Placeholder

Legend Lake CDP has an average residential electricity rate of 16.79 cents per kilowatt hour, which is 1.84% higher than the average nationwide price of 16.49 cents. With an estimated 819 total residential customers, Alliant Energy is the largest provider in the city.

Legend Lake CDP residents average 5,721.83 kilograms of CO2 emissions per citizen due to electricity use, which ranks them 589th highest in the state out of 810 in this category. With total emissions of 7,856,075.14 kilograms, the city ranks 318th worst in the state for total emissions from electricity consumption. All of the 16,038.2 megawatt hours consumed in Legend Lake CDP must be brought in from nearby areas as there are no electricity plants within the city limits.

Average Residential Electricity Bills & Rates in Legend Lake CDP

Legend Lake CDP residential electric rates are highest in May and the highest average bill is in July.

Historical Electricity Rates:

Price Per kWhAverage Bill$0.175/kWh$0.109/kWh$146.81/mo.$76.30/mo.
432nd16.79¢Average residential price per kWh in the city of Legend Lake CDP
458th$116.07Average residential monthly electricity bill for Legend Lake CDP Residents

Electric Companies With Service in Legend Lake CDP, Wisconsin

ProviderService TypeResidential Rate (¢)Residential Average Bill ($)City Production (MWh)Residential Sales (MWh)Residential Revenues ($)
Alliant EnergyBUNDLED16.96114.153,507,184.36594,928,592
Oconto Electric CooperativeBUNDLED15.37134.78105,287.3816,177,684.55

Zips with electric coverage in Legend Lake CDP, Wisconsin include: 54124, 54174, 54135

Keshena CDP, WI Electricity Overview

Coverage Map Placeholder

Keshena CDP has an average residential electricity rate of 16.99 cents per kilowatt hour, which is 3.01% higher than the average nationwide price of 16.49 cents. With an estimated 244 total residential customers, Alliant Energy is the largest provider in the city.

Keshena CDP residents average 5,721.83 kilograms of CO2 emissions per citizen due to electricity use, which ranks them 21st highest in the state out of 810 in this category. With total emissions of 7,735,916.67 kilograms, the city ranks 324th worst in the state for total emissions from electricity consumption. All of the 15,792.9 megawatt hours consumed in Keshena CDP must be brought in from nearby areas as there are no electricity plants within the city limits.

Average Residential Electricity Bills & Rates in Keshena CDP

Keshena CDP residential electric rates are highest in April and the highest average bill is in July.

Historical Electricity Rates:

Price Per kWhAverage Bill$0.178/kWh$0.105/kWh$147.03/mo.$72.50/mo.
566th16.99¢Average residential price per kWh in the city of Keshena CDP
418th$114.16Average residential monthly electricity bill for Keshena CDP Residents

Electric Companies With Service in Keshena CDP, Wisconsin

ProviderService TypeResidential Rate (¢)Residential Average Bill ($)City Production (MWh)Residential Sales (MWh)Residential Revenues ($)
Alliant EnergyBUNDLED16.96114.153,507,184.36594,928,592

Go Solar for less than your cell phone bill.

Neopit CDP, WI Electricity Overview

Coverage Map Placeholder

Neopit CDP has an average residential electricity rate of 16.99 cents per kilowatt hour, which is 3.01% higher than the average nationwide price of 16.49 cents. Alliant Energy sells an estimated 8,418.17 megawatt hours in the city each year, more than all other vendors. Neopit CDP has the 471st highest population in the state, with 685 residents residing within the city's borders.

Neopit CDP residents average 5,721.83 kilograms of CO2 emissions per citizen due to electricity use, which ranks them 140th highest in the state out of 810 in this category. With total emissions of 3,919,454.82 kilograms, the city ranks 458th worst in the state for total emissions from electricity consumption. All of the 8,001.58 megawatt hours consumed in Neopit CDP must be brought in from nearby areas as there are no electricity plants within the city limits.

Average Residential Electricity Bills & Rates in Neopit CDP

Neopit CDP residential electric rates are highest in April and the highest average bill is in July.

Historical Electricity Rates:

Price Per kWhAverage Bill$0.178/kWh$0.105/kWh$147.03/mo.$72.50/mo.
566th16.99¢Average residential price per kWh in the city of Neopit CDP
418th$114.16Average residential monthly electricity bill for Neopit CDP Residents

Electric Companies With Service in Neopit CDP, Wisconsin

ProviderService TypeResidential Rate (¢)Residential Average Bill ($)City Production (MWh)Residential Sales (MWh)Residential Revenues ($)
Alliant EnergyBUNDLED16.96114.153,507,184.36594,928,592

Go Solar for less than your cell phone bill.

Electricity Production in Menominee County, Wisconsin

Power Plants in Menominee County, Wisconsin

PlantCity/CountyStatePrimary Fuel TypeProduction (MWh)Production State RankEmission (kg)Emission State RankEmissions per MWhEmissions per MWh State RankToxic Chemical ReleaseClosing Date
Menominee Mill MarinetteN E W Hydro LLC (100.00%)
Menominee MI Conventional Hydroelectric 12,9132833

Menominee County, Wisconsin Details

Power Plant Fuel Types, Emissions & Pollution Factors

Menominee County residents average 4,256.98 kilograms of CO2 emissions per citizen from electricity use. At 4,256.98 kilograms per person and 4,318 residents in the county, the county emits 18,381,627.51 kilograms of CO2 emissions. This is the 68th worst rank in the state for total emissions. Conventional Hydroelectric is the fuel of choice in Menominee County, with 100.00% of electricity production coming from the fuel source. Menominee County has one power producing plant within its borders.

Conventional Hydroelectric
Conventional Hydroelectric
Conventional Hydroelectric
Conventional Hydroelectric
Conventional Hydroelectric
Conventional Hydroelectric
Conventional Hydroelectric
Conventional Hydroelectric
Conventional Hydroelectric
Conventional Hydroelectric

Menominee County, Wisconsin Net Metering

Of the 2 electricity suppliers in Menominee County, only one of them report that they offer net metering crediting. Regulations put in place at the state level are heavily restricted for consumers interested in installing solar or other alternative electricity generation sources.

Energy Loss

Energy loss in Menominee County averages out to about 2.41% of all energy transmitted by the one company that reports energy loss. The United States average for energy loss is 2.43% and the state average is 2.35%, resulting in a rank of 307th best in the country and a state rank of 5th best out of 3221 and 72 counties, respectively.

Power Companies in Menominee County, Wisconsin


How many power plants are located in Menominee County, Wisconsin?

Menominee County, Wisconsin is home to one active power plant producing electricity for the county and other surrounding areas.

What electricity company is the largest provider in Menominee County, Wisconsin?

By total revenue, Alliant Energy is the largest electricity provider in Menominee County, Wisconsin.

How many electric companies offer service in Menominee County, Wisconsin?

Menominee County, Wisconsin is home to 2 electricity suppliers operating in the area.

What electricity companies offer service in Menominee County, Wisconsin?

County Customers RankProviderEst. County Customers
1Alliant Energy4,692
2Oconto Electric Cooperative272

King Manalo
Last Reviewed By: King Manalo
Published: 2024-12-05