Electric Rates & Providers in Montrose County, CO

Montrose County, Colorado Electricity Rates & Statistics

Electricity Rates, Plans & Statistics

  • The average electricity bill in Montrose County, CO is $161.61
  • The average electricity rate in Montrose County, CO is 16.63¢

Electric Bills and Electric Rates in Montrose County, CO

The average residential electric bill in Montrose County, CO is $161.61 per month. Montrose County, CO is the 47th most expensive county in Colorado for electricity.

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Reduce or replace your electricity bill with solar

Montrose County, Colorado Electricity Overview

Residents in Montrose County, on average, pay $161.61 per month for residential electricity, compared to the Colorado average of $106.2.

When measuring CO2 emissions per capita, Montrose County had a 100.00% decrease within the preceding year.

Montrose County emitted 0 kilograms of CO2 gases due to electricity consumption, which ranks them as the 2931st worst polluting county out of 3221 counties in the nation.

Citizens of Montrose County use enough electricity to release 0 kilograms of CO2 gases per capita, compared to the national average of 4,092.6.

Montrose County generates 1,809 megawatt hours from solar energy, making it 1038th in the US out of 3221 counties for total megawatt hours generated from solar power sources.

The average residential price per kilowatt hour in Montrose County is 16.63 cents. This rate is about 0.82% more than the nationwide average price of 16.49 cents per kilowatt hour.


  • Total Consumption

    418,921 MWh

  • Consumption per Capita

    9.9 MWh


  • Total Production

    463,262 MWh

  • Production from Renewable Energy

    463,262 MWh

  • Production per Capita

    10.94 MWh

Recent Electricity Rates and Production Changes in Montrose

To see the most recent electricity rates and production changes for cities in Montrose County, select the city below. If you would like to get access to monthly historical data, please contact us directly by submitting a request.

Rates and Production Categories

Montrose Electricity Pricing Data

Average Residential Bundled Electricity Rate for November, 2024

17.49¢ per kWh

  • 5.39% higher than last month
  • 7.47% higher than November last year
  • 14.65% higher than the Colorado average
  • 2.69% higher than the US average
  • 358th in the state out of 480 cities
  • The state rank has dropped by 53 since last month
  • The state rank has dropped by 43 since November last year
  • 21,528th in the US out of 31,800 cities
  • The national rank has dropped by 4,134 since last month
  • The national rank has dropped by 2,516 since November last year

12 Month Rolling Average Residential Bundled Rate

16.08¢ per kWh

  • 0.63% higher than last month
  • 8.65% higher than November last year
  • 7% higher than the Colorado average
  • 2.5% lower than the US average
  • 318th in the state out of 480 cities
  • The state rank is the same since last month
  • The state rank has dropped by 3 since November last year
  • 17,823rd in the US out of 31,800 cities
  • The national rank has dropped by 37 since last month
  • The national rank has dropped by 2,404 since November last year

Average Residential Bundled Electricity Bill for November, 2024

$122.58 per month

  • 20% lower than last month
  • 34.62% higher than November last year
  • 28.17% higher than the Colorado average
  • 3.67% higher than the US average
  • 282nd in the state out of 480 cities
  • The state rank has increased by 62 since last month
  • The state rank has dropped by 11 since November last year
  • 18,341st in the US out of 31,800 cities
  • The national rank has increased by 8,622 since last month
  • The national rank has dropped by 12,999 since November last year

12 Month Rolling Average Residential Bundled Bill

$147 per month

  • 1.82% higher than last month
  • 33.47% higher than November last year
  • 39.12% higher than the Colorado average
  • 3.35% higher than the US average
  • 347th in the state out of 480 cities
  • The state rank is the same since last month
  • The state rank has dropped by 58 since November last year
  • 18,070th in the US out of 31,800 cities
  • The national rank has dropped by 684 since last month
  • The national rank has dropped by 11,689 since November last year

Montrose, CO Electricity Overview

Coverage Map Placeholder

The residential electricity price is 16.08 cents per kilowatt hour for consumers in Montrose, which is 7.00% higher than Colorado's average price of 15.03 cents and 2.50% less than the US average of 16.49 cents. Delta Montrose Electric sells an estimated 3,824.9 megawatt hours in the city a year, more than all other electricity providers. The average residential power bill for a consumer in the city is $147 per month, while the national average is $142.46. Customers in the city are stuck with a 3.19% markup compared to other residents in the nation.

Emitting 87,081,967.87 kilograms of CO2 emissions, Montrose ranks 39th highest out of 482 cities in the state for total emissions from electricity consumption. The city averages 4,332.87 kilograms of CO2 emissions per citizen, which is a better measurement of the city's pollution levels. The city has zero power plants currently operating within the city.

Average Residential Electricity Bills & Rates in Montrose

Montrose residential electric rates are highest in November and the highest average bill is in August.

Historical Electricity Rates:

Price Per kWhAverage Bill$0.175/kWh$0.135/kWh$209.51/mo.$80.83/mo.
318th16.08¢Average residential price per kWh in the city of Montrose
347th$147Average residential monthly electricity bill for Montrose Residents

Electric Companies With Service in Montrose, Colorado

ProviderService TypeResidential Rate (¢)Residential Average Bill ($)City Production (MWh)Residential Sales (MWh)Residential Revenues ($)
Delta Montrose ElectricBUNDLED16.03146.44317,858.6650,956,638.5

Olathe, CO Electricity Overview

Coverage Map Placeholder

The residential electricity price is 16.08 cents per kilowatt hour for consumers in Olathe, which is 7.00% higher than Colorado's average price of 15.03 cents and 2.50% less than the US average of 16.49 cents. With an estimated 17 residential customers, Delta Montrose Electric is the largest vendor in the city. The US average monthly residential electricity bill is $142.46, while the Olathe average is 3.19% higher at $147 per month.

Emitting 8,119,793.4 kilograms of CO2 emissions, Olathe ranks 173rd highest out of 482 cities in the state for total emissions from electricity consumption. This total also results in a ranking of 40th worst in Colorado for emissions per resident. The city has one electricity producing plant.

Average Residential Electricity Bills & Rates in Olathe

Olathe residential electric rates are highest in November and the highest average bill is in August.

Historical Electricity Rates:

Price Per kWhAverage Bill$0.175/kWh$0.135/kWh$209.51/mo.$80.83/mo.
318th16.08¢Average residential price per kWh in the city of Olathe
347th$147Average residential monthly electricity bill for Olathe Residents

Electric Companies With Service in Olathe, Colorado

ProviderService TypeResidential Rate (¢)Residential Average Bill ($)City Production (MWh)Residential Sales (MWh)Residential Revenues ($)
Delta Montrose ElectricBUNDLED16.03146.44317,858.6650,956,638.5

Go Solar for less than your cell phone bill.

Nucla, CO Electricity Overview

Coverage Map Placeholder

The residential electricity price is 17.33 cents per kilowatt hour for consumers in Nucla, which ranks the city 409th out of 482 cities in Colorado. With a population of 578 citizens, the city is the 279th most populated city in Colorado. The average monthly residential electricity bill for a resident in the city is $178.91 per month.

Emitting 2,504,397.32 kilograms of CO2 emissions, Nucla ranks 274th highest out of 482 cities in the state for total emissions from electricity consumption. The city averages 4,332.87 kilograms of CO2 emissions per citizen, which is a better measurement of the city's pollution levels. The city has zero power plants currently operating within the city.

Average Residential Electricity Bills & Rates in Nucla

Nucla residential electric rates are highest in November and the highest average bill is in August.

Historical Electricity Rates:

Price Per kWhAverage Bill$0.189/kWh$0.150/kWh$254.99/mo.$94.78/mo.
409th17.33¢Average residential price per kWh in the city of Nucla
441st$178.91Average residential monthly electricity bill for Nucla Residents

Electric Companies With Service in Nucla, Colorado

ProviderService TypeResidential Rate (¢)Residential Average Bill ($)City Production (MWh)Residential Sales (MWh)Residential Revenues ($)
San Miguel Power AssociationBUNDLED17.28178.22133,527.4223,075,007.97

Go Solar for less than your cell phone bill.

Electricity Production in Montrose County, Colorado

Power Plants in Montrose County, Colorado

PlantCity/CountyStatePrimary Fuel TypeProduction (MWh)Production State RankEmission (kg)Emission State RankEmissions per MWhEmissions per MWh State RankToxic Chemical ReleaseClosing Date
Montrose County CO Conventional Hydroelectric 273,894111
Montrose County CO Conventional Hydroelectric 122,724511
Shavano Falls Hydro Drop 4Shavano Falls Hydro LLC - Drop 4 Project (100.00%)
Montrose County CO Conventional Hydroelectric 19,1801411
Ash Mesa Solar, LLC
Olathe CO Solar 16,2702311
South Canal Hydro-1Delta-Montrose Electric Association (100.00%)
Montrose County CO Conventional Hydroelectric 15,5891911
South Canal Hydro-3Delta-Montrose Electric Association (100.00%)
Montrose County CO Conventional Hydroelectric 11,5362311
Shavano Falls HydroShavano Falls Hydro LLC ? Shavano Project (100.00%)
Montrose County CO Conventional Hydroelectric 10,1322511
Drop 5Drop 5 Hydro LLC (100.00%)
Montrose County CO Conventional Hydroelectric 8,3983011
SMPA Solar 1 Community SolarSan Miguel Power Association (100.00%)
Montrose County CO Solar 1,80913211

Montrose County, Colorado Details

Power Plant Fuel Types, Emissions & Pollution Factors

Coming in as the 56th worst ranked county out of 64 counties in Colorado, Montrose County emits 0 kilograms of CO2 emissions from electricity consumption. The county averages 0 kilograms of CO2 emissions per person in the county from electricity use, which is a better measurement of the county's pollution levels. They rank 2931st worst in the country in this category. Conventional Hydroelectric is the primary fuel in Montrose County, with 99.61% of electricity generation coming from the fuel source. Montrose County has the 10th most electricity generation plants of any county in Colorado, with 9 total power plants.

Conventional Hydroelectric
Conventional Hydroelectric
Conventional Hydroelectric
Conventional Hydroelectric
Conventional Hydroelectric
Conventional Hydroelectric
Conventional Hydroelectric
Conventional Hydroelectric
Conventional Hydroelectric
Conventional Hydroelectric

Montrose County, Colorado Net Metering

There are 2 companies in Montrose County providing electricity. Of those 2, 100.00% of them offer some type of net metering option for their customers, making solar panels and alternative electric sources more economically viable. Citizens of Colorado have favorable net metering laws that encourage the installation of personal solar.

Energy Loss

In Montrose County one company reports energy loss, Delta Montrose Electric. They average an annual energy loss of 5.89%. The countrywide average for energy loss is 2.43% while the Colorado average is 2.23%, resulting in a rank of 2488th best in the US and a state rank of 48th best out of 3221 and 64 counties, respectively.

Power Companies in Montrose County, Colorado

Providers In Each City in Montrose County:

  • Montrose, Colorado:
    • Delta Montrose Electric: 100.00%
  • Naturita, Colorado:
    • San Miguel Power Association: 100.00%
  • Nucla, Colorado:
    • San Miguel Power Association: 100.00%
  • Olathe, Colorado:
    • Delta Montrose Electric: 100.00%

* City coverage generated based on government data. Always verify you can get service from the provider.


What electricity company is the largest supplier in Montrose County, Colorado?

The largest electricity provider in Montrose County, Colorado by total customer count is Delta Montrose Electric.

How many electric companies offer service in Montrose County, Colorado?

There are 2 electricity suppliers serving consumers in Montrose County, Colorado.

How many power plants are located in Montrose County, Colorado?

There are 9 electricity plants in Montrose County, Colorado

Which electricity companies offer service in Montrose County, Colorado?

County Customers RankProviderEst. County Customers
1Delta Montrose Electric12,117
2San Miguel Power Association3,729

Matt Hope
Last Reviewed By: Matt Hope
Published: 2024-08-07