Solar Panels Cost 5.6k-16k in Massachusetts | February, 2025

Solar Panels Cost $5.6k-$16k in Massachusetts | February, 2025

High Power Bills?

Reduce or replace your electricity bill with solar

How much do solar panels cost in Massachusetts in 2025?

In Massachusetts in February, 2025, the typical cost per watt of solar panel systems is estimated at $4.02/W

Each 1 kW (1000 watts) of solar power capacity will require an investment of $4,020 for installation. You can come to this conclusion by using this rate price cost per watt. After receiving the 30% federal tax credit, a 5 kW system in Massachusetts sets you back $14,070. Subject to your electricity consumption habits, you could need a bigger system.

Use the left-hand menu to choose your area and find out the average roof size and the maximum production capacity for solar panel systems on homes in your county. Additionally, you can also see an analysis of the price, payback period and 20 year average savings for a 5 kW system in your county below.

Average out-of-pocket cost for a 5 kW system The upfront amount spent to buy and install solar.
Massachusetts: $14,070US Average: $12,523
Average Payback Period The number of years until you break even on the solar investment.
Massachusetts: 7 yearsUS Average: 7 years
Average Net 20-year savings The total amount of money saved over 20 years minus the out-of-pocket cost.
Massachusetts: $19,790US Average: $16,300

Solar Potential in Massachusetts

Estimated system size and solar electricity production per median viable roof in

Roof size 501sq. ft.
Capacity 7kW DC
Electricity 7.8kkWh AC per yr.

Electricity Costs in Massachusetts & What that Means for Your Solar Panel Pricing

Massachusetts's average monthly electric bill is $166.21, with consumers using an average of 572 kWh. Compact dwellings, including townhouses and duplexes, are also encompassed in the numbers cited in the previous sentence.

The average electricity rate in Massachusetts in February 2025 is 29.08¢ per kWh.

If you’re an average electricity consumer in Massachusetts you has to have 6 kW or larger sized system to account for your full electricity needs. Right now, 6 kW setup will have an initial cost of about $24,120 upfront, but the 30% federal tax credit will return 30%, bringing the total down to $16,884.

Go Solar for less than your cell phone bill.

Average solar panel costs by system size in Massachusetts

Below and on the left, you can see the pricing details for multiple sizes of solar panel systems set up in Massachusetts. Larger solar installations carry a larger expense, yet they also provide increased electricity savings and more generous income tax credits.

Refer to the solar panel cost calculator to the right and below to see the cost and benefit details based on an average $166.21 electric bill in Massachusetts. If you prefer more personalized results, just adjust the $166.21 to whichever your typical electricity bill is.

System Size 2kW
Roof Size Min. space required
143 ft²
Electricity Value Annual Production $796 a year
Est. Price
Savings from a 2kWthis system
  • Est. yearly production 2,735 kWh
  • Est. monthly savings $66
  • Full payback in 3 years
Environmental Impacts
  • Reduces CO2 emissions by 1.09 tons a year
  • Equivalent to planting 50 trees a year
  • Equivalent to driving 2,704 mi less a year
System Size 3kW
Roof Size Min. space required
215 ft²
Electricity Value Annual Production $1,193 a year
Est. Price
Savings from a 3kWthis system
  • Est. yearly production 4,103 kWh
  • Est. monthly savings $99
  • Full payback in 4 years
Environmental Impacts
  • Reduces CO2 emissions by 1.64 tons a year
  • Equivalent to planting 75 trees a year
  • Equivalent to driving 4,056 mi less a year
System Size 4kW
Roof Size Min. space required
286 ft²
Electricity Value Annual Production $1,591 a year
Est. Price
Savings from a 4kWthis system
  • Est. yearly production 5,471 kWh
  • Est. monthly savings $133
  • Full payback in 6 years
Environmental Impacts
  • Reduces CO2 emissions by 2.18 tons a year
  • Equivalent to planting 100 trees a year
  • Equivalent to driving 5,408 mi less a year
System Size 5kW
Roof Size Min. space required
358 ft²
Electricity Value Annual Production $1,989 a year
Est. Price
Savings from a 5kWthis system
  • Est. yearly production 6,839 kWh
  • Est. monthly savings $166
  • Full payback in 7 years
Environmental Impacts
  • Reduces CO2 emissions by 2.73 tons a year
  • Equivalent to planting 125 trees a year
  • Equivalent to driving 6,760 mi less a year
System Size 6kW
Roof Size Min. space required
429 ft²
Electricity Value Annual Production $2,387 a year
Est. Price
Savings from a 6kWthis system
  • Est. yearly production 8,206 kWh
  • Est. monthly savings $166
  • Full payback in 8 years
Environmental Impacts
  • Reduces CO2 emissions by 2.74 tons a year
  • Equivalent to planting 126 trees a year
  • Equivalent to driving 6,771 mi less a year

Massachusetts Solar Panel Installation Incentives & Rebates | 2025

The financial burden of installing solar or wind turbines for rural agricultural enterprises and small businesses could be eased with the REAP Grant, covering 80% to 100% of the costs. If you feel you might be eligible, try our REAP Grant eligibility tool to verify your qualification.

For those looking into residential solar, the 30% federal income tax credit is accessible to nearly everyone, making solar a feasible option in various states. Furthermore, a variety of state and local programs are available to incentivize solar adoption.

There are 29 solar rebate and incentive programs currently offered in Massachusetts by multiple utilities and government agencies.

Solar incentives in MA

Concord Municipal Light Plant - Solar Photovoltaic Rebate Program

Value:Up to $3,125

Residential and business Concord Municipal Light Plant customers who install a new solar PV system on their property may be eligible for a rebate. The incentive amount will depend on system capacity. Both owned and leased systems qualify. To receive a rebate, the customer should include an installation agreement from a participating solar contractor and applications for grid interconnection. A CMLP representative will then visit the property to test and inspect the system. Additional information is available from the CMLP website.

Reading Municipal Light Department - Business Energy Efficiency Rebate Program

Value:Up to $25,000

Industrial and business customers of the Reading Municipal Light Department may be eligible for a variety of rebates on new energy-efficient equipment and improvement projects. Available programs and incentives will vary from time to time. Current offers include rebates on heat pumps, lawn/vegetation, lighting, and renewable energy generation (including special offers for solar PV. Improvement projects can be considered for rebates on a case-by-case basis; the owner will receive an incentive proportional to the size and savings impact of the project. Additional information is available from the RMLD website.

Commercial Solar Hot Water Rebate Program

Value:Up to $101,500

The Massachusetts Clean Energy Center is a state agency offering financial assistance to enable solar PV and thermal system ownership. Residential and commercial property owners may apply for a variety of loan or grant options. The Center also conducts and pays for feasibility studies on public, nonprofit, or agricultural properties. Feasibility study grants may be up to $5,000 for a single project with 5% cost-sharing. Applicants are limited to $50,000 in total grants paid. Grants may increase in value if they pertain to solar photovoltaics. The applicant's chosen solar contractor will complete CEC paperwork on their behalf. Additional information is available from the CEC website.

Chicopee Electric Light - Residential Solar Rebate Program

Value:Up to $12,000

Residential customers of Chicopee Electric Light who install new solar PV systems may be eligible for a rebate from the utility. The incentive amount depends on the system's rated capacity; the current rate is $1.20 per watt. At maximum, the rebate will cover $12,000 or half of the system's total purchase price and installation costs (whichever comes first). The system should be installed by a participating solar contractor and be interconnected to the grid. Additional information is available from the CEL website.

Residential & Small-Scale Solar Hot Water Program

Value:Up to $5,000

The Massachusetts Clean Energy Center is a state agency offering special rebates to enable solar thermal system ownership. Funding for the rebates comes from a surcharge on consumer energy bills. The incentive amount is determined by a standard equation that considers both the number of panels and the angle at which they are oriented. Solar Rating and Certification Corporation (SRCC) benchmarks for the system on a slightly overcast day of operation are also considered. Further rebates may apply if the customer participates in experience improvement or performance programs, or if they are within certain income brackets. Additional information is available from the CEC website.

Taunton Municipal Lighting Plant - Residential PV Rebate Program

Value:Up to $4,500

Single-family home customers of the Taunton Municipal Lighting Plant may be entitled to a rebate if they install a new solar PV system. Rebate amounts will vary depending on system capacity; customers will receive 60 cents per watt up to $4,500. TMLP effectively matches state rebates 1:1, meaning customers could earn a maximum overall incentive of $9,000. To apply, customers should provide proof of residency and purchase to TMLP and pay a $250 processing fee. Applications will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis as annual state funding allows. Additional information is available from the TMLP website.

Hudson Light & Power - Photovoltaic Incentive Program

Value:Up to $5,000

Hudson residents who install new solar PV systems may be eligible for rebates from Hudson Light and Power. Eligible systems are divided into two "ranges" based on the orientation of the solar panels. A more ideal orientation will yield a higher incentive rate per watt. Currently, rebates top out at $6,000 for residential systems and $12,000 for commercial/industrial systems. To apply, the customer must seek preapproval from HL&P, including submitting cost estimates from their chosen solar contractor. Once preapproved, the customer has a one-year window to install the system and pass a final city inspection. Additional information is available from the Hudson website.

Excise Tax Exemption for Solar or Wind Powered Systems


In Massachusetts, corporate excise tax exemptions may be available for wind or solar-powered water heating and HVAC systems. These systems would otherwise be assessed as tangible property. Once a taxpayer claims the exemption, they will not have to renew it for the length of their system's reasonable life, even as the system depreciates in value. Additional information is available from the Massachusetts Department of Revenue website.

Energy Reduction Plan for State Buildings


A 2007 executive order established green construction and energy efficiency standards for new and existing Massachusetts government buildings. The underlying goal of the order was to cut state buildings' energy use by 35% by 2020 and reduce the government's carbon emissions by 80% by 2050. New state buildings at least 20,000 square feet in size should meet LEED energy efficiency standards and seek certification from both the US Green Building Commission and the Massachusetts Sustainable Design Roundtable. Smaller projects are only required to meet state standards and do not have to be formally LEED certified. Existing buildings should adopt a variety of energy efficient practices and procure ENERGY STAR certified appliances and lighting. Additional information is available from the MA SDR website.

PACE Massachusetts Financing


The Solar Massachusetts Renewable Target (SMART) program will act as the successor to the state's solar renewable energy credit initiatives. Currently, per carve-out provisions of the renewable portfolio standard, utilities must accumulate a certain proportion of SRECs each year. Should a utility fail to meet the minimum carve-out quota, it may purchase credits at auction. Should it fail to meet the quota after the auction, it will be assessed an alternate compliance payment of $350 per watt deficient. Solar customers generate SRECs through the use of their system. While they maintain ownership of their SRECs, utilities must offer to purchase the credits through net metering or other tariff compensation contracts. Credit prices are subject to market forces, but the SREC auctions offered to utilities can provide stability. Additional information is available from the SMART website.

Interconnection Standards


Massachusetts has adopted measures to standardize interconnection and distributed generation practices in the state. New renewable energy systems planned to link to the grid are sorted into one of three capacity tiers: Standard, Simplified, and Expedited. The names of these tiers allude to permitting procedures and review times. Customers wishing to interconnect an energy system rated for over 500 W must obtain preapproval from their city or county, a process separate from standard permitting procedures. Utilities may require energy systems to meet IEEE/UL certifications and have external disconnect switches ready to use if necessary. Customers are required to carry a minimum amount of liability insurance for their system. Interested customers should consult with their local government to determine specific standards.

Solar Renewable Energy Certificates (SREC-II)


The Solar Massachusetts Renewable Target (SMART) program will act as the successor to the state's solar renewable energy credit initiatives. Currently, per carve-out provisions of the renewable portfolio standard, utilities must accumulate a certain proportion of SRECs each year. Should a utility fail to meet the minimum carve-out quota, it may purchase credits at auction. Should it fail to meet the quota after the auction, it will be assessed an alternate compliance payment of $350 per watt deficient. Solar customers generate SRECs through the use of their system. While they maintain ownership of their SRECs, utilities must offer to purchase the credits through net metering or other tariff compensation contracts. Credit prices are subject to market forces, but the SREC auctions offered to utilities can provide stability. Additional information is available from the SMART website.

Net Metering


In Massachusetts, private utilities must offer net metering contracts to their renewable energy and distributed generation customers. Public or municipal utilities may offer net metering if they so choose. Under a net metering contract, interconnected renewable energy systems up to 10 MW in capacity will have a bidirectional meter installed to measure net excess generation (NEG) sent back to the grid. The utility will compensate the customer for both NEG and related renewable energy credits at a fixed avoided-cost rate. "Virtual" net metering arrangements are available for microgrid customers. NEG credits from the system's total generation will be proportionally allocated to each customer. Additional information is available from the customer's utility.

MuniHELPS - Offered by 17 Utilities through the MMWEC


HELPS (Home Energy Loss Prevention Services) is a program managed by the Massachusetts Municipal Wholesale Electric Company. The program acts as an incentive program authority and "loss cushion" for eighteen municipal utilities that offer rebates on energy efficient equipment. By preventing financial losses from rebate disbursements, the utilities can safely and easily continue their own incentive offerings. HELPS representatives may also participate in energy audits to determine eligible projects for incentives. Additional information is available from the MuniHELPS website.

Cape Light Compact- Residential Energy Efficiency Rebate Program


The Solar Massachusetts Renewable Target (SMART) program will act as the successor to the state's solar renewable energy credit initiatives. Currently, per carve-out provisions of the renewable portfolio standard, utilities must accumulate a certain proportion of SRECs each year. Should a utility fail to meet the minimum carve-out quota, it may purchase credits at auction. Should it fail to meet the quota after the auction, it will be assessed an alternate compliance payment of $350 per watt deficient. Solar customers generate SRECs through the use of their system. While they maintain ownership of their SRECs, utilities must offer to purchase the credits through net metering or other tariff compensation contracts. Credit prices are subject to market forces, but the SREC auctions offered to utilities can provide stability. Additional information is available from the SMART website.

Solar Massachusetts Renewable Target (SMART) Program


The Solar Massachusetts Renewable Target (SMART) program will act as the successor to the state's solar renewable energy credit initiatives. Currently, per carve-out provisions of the renewable portfolio standard, utilities must accumulate a certain proportion of SRECs each year. Should a utility fail to meet the minimum carve-out quota, it may purchase credits at auction. Should it fail to meet the quota after the auction, it will be assessed an alternate compliance payment of $350 per watt deficient. Solar customers generate SRECs through the use of their system. While they maintain ownership of their SRECs, utilities must offer to purchase the credits through net metering or other tariff compensation contracts. Credit prices are subject to market forces, but the SREC auctions offered to utilities can provide stability. Additional information is available from the SMART website.

Holyoke Gas & Electric - Residential Energy Conservation Loan Program


Residential Holyoke Gas & Electric customers may be eligible for special financing on new energy efficient equipment. What equipment is eligible may vary from time to time. Currently, loans can fund central HVAC, boilers, insulation/weatherization, windows, smart thermostats, and new solar or geothermal energy and thermal systems. The maximum available principal is $5,000 by default, but it raises to $10,000 if the project is solar in nature. Loans can be repaid over up to five years at 0% APR. HG&E services the loans themselves and payments will be made as a part of the customer's bill. Credit checks and energy audits may be required as part of the application process. Additional information is available from the HG&E website.

Renewable Energy Equipment Sales Tax Exemption


In Massachusetts, new residential solar, wind, or geothermal energy devices which are directly involved in the production of power or heat are typically exempt from state sales tax. If a taxpayer owns multiple properties, only equipment at their primary place of residence will qualify for the exemption. Bay Staters wishing to file an exemption claim should submit form ST-12 (available from the MA Department of Revenue website) to their salesperson. The exemption can then be immediately applied to the purchase price.

Excise Tax Deduction for Solar or Wind Powered Systems


In Massachusetts, corporate excise tax deductions may be available for wind or solar-powered water heating and HVAC systems. Deductions can cover the purchase price, installation costs, or operating costs incurred by purchasing and using the system. The only condition for a deduction to be granted is that the system must be used exclusively for business purposes. Once the credit is applied, the system will not qualify for any other tax incentives. Additional information is available from the Massachusetts Department of Revenue website.

Model As-of Right Zoning Ordinance or Bylaw: Allowing Use of Large-Scale Solar Energy Facilities


Massachusetts communities are encouraged to enact "as of right" ordinances for owners of solar PV systems. Essentially, these ordinances would secure residents' and businesses' ability to install ground-mounted solar panels rated for larger capacities. A model ordinance is available from the state website which details suggested permit processes, fee schedules, setback requirements, interconnection guidelines, design requirements, and processes for special circumstances (for example, decommissioning of the panels.) The ordinance should also list conditions in which variances or exemptions might be warranted. Additional information is available from the Massachusetts Office of Environmental Affairs website.

Reading Municipal Light Department - Residential Renewable Energy Rebates


Residential customers of the Reading Municipal Light Department may be eligible for rebates and local incentives on new solar photovoltaic systems. Incentive amount depends on the capacity of the system; the current rate is $1 per watt up to $2,000. RMLD effectively matches and exceeds state rebates of 60 cents/watt, allowing for a maximum rebate of $6,500. The program is funded annually with applications approved on a rolling, first-come/first-served basis. RMLD must pre-approve any rebate project, so interested homeowners should prepare and submit the application paperwork prior to purchasing their system. Additional information is available from the RMLD website.

Mass Solar Loan Program


The Solar Massachusetts Renewable Target (SMART) program will act as the successor to the state's solar renewable energy credit initiatives. Currently, per carve-out provisions of the renewable portfolio standard, utilities must accumulate a certain proportion of SRECs each year. Should a utility fail to meet the minimum carve-out quota, it may purchase credits at auction. Should it fail to meet the quota after the auction, it will be assessed an alternate compliance payment of $350 per watt deficient. Solar customers generate SRECs through the use of their system. While they maintain ownership of their SRECs, utilities must offer to purchase the credits through net metering or other tariff compensation contracts. Credit prices are subject to market forces, but the SREC auctions offered to utilities can provide stability. Additional information is available from the SMART website.

Holyoke Gas & Electric - Commercial Energy Conservation Loan Program


Business customers of Holyoke Gas & Electric may be eligible for special financing on new energy efficient equipment and improvement projects. Maximum principal varies depending on the project type. Eligible projects include HVAC/boilers/furnaces, insulation/weatherization, lighting, and solar PV systems/water heaters. Loans can be repaid over up to five years at 0% APR. HG&E services the loans themselves and payments will be made as a part of the customer's bill. Completed cost estimates from the customer's chosen contractor are required as part of the application process. Additional information is available from the HG&E website.

Massachusetts Green Power Purchasing Commitment


Massachusetts has both a mandatory Renewable Portfolio Standard and a mandatory Clean Energy Standard. Public, municipal, and private utilities in the commonwealth are obliged to obtain a certain percentage of their energy from renewable sources. Quotas increase each year until 2029. The RPS covers new investments in solar, wind, geothermal, or other renewable energy farms. The CES covers existing energy facilities; "existing" is defined as those operating before the RPS was established. Certain "carve-out" provisions require utilities to utilize solar energy for at least a portion of their RPS compliance. Official documentation on each standard is available from the Massachusetts government website.

Renewable Energy Trust Fund


At the same time Massachusetts established its Renewable Portfolio Standard, it also opened a public benefits fund to support public and private clean energy adoption. The Renewable Energy Trust Fund directly supports grants, financing, and customer rebates for solar, wind, biomass, hydroelectric, landfill/waste reclamation, and geothermal energy systems. The fund is supported by per-kilowatt hour surcharges on all customers of a private utility. Cooperatives or public utilities may collect surcharges voluntarily. The Massachusetts Clean Energy Center, which oversees the fund, submits annual reports on spending and compliance. These reports are available from the state website.

Renewable Energy Property Tax Exemption


Solar, wind, and certain hydroelectric power and thermal systems in Massachusetts may be entitled to property tax exemptions. Exemptions last for 20 years and only apply to the value the system adds to the property. Systems that have additional purposes beyond the generation of energy (for example, maintaining structural integrity) do not qualify for an exemption; however, structural components of the system such as ducts or fans do qualify. Should the system be located in an Economic Opportunity Zone or Economic Target Area, tax incentives may be issued as a refund rather than an exemption. Property owners wishing to claim an exemption should contact their local assessor, as tax codes vary from county to county.

Mass Save - HEAT Loan Program


The Mass Save HEAT program provides special financing to residential property owners to fund energy efficiency improvement projects. Currently, customers with National Grid, Eversource, the Cape Light Compact, Unitil, Columbia Gas, and Liberty Utilities qualify. Eligible projects for a Mass Save loan include central HVAC, heat pumps, windows, boilers, insulation/weatherization, and solar water heaters. The maximum available principal depends on the customer's utility, but will typically amount to $25,000. The loans can be repaid over up to seven years at 0% interest. Different terms and conditions may apply to low-income applicants. To apply, the customer should schedule an energy audit with their utility. Additional information is available from the Mass Save website.

Renewable Portfolio Standard


Massachusetts first set a renewable portfolio standard in 2002 after establishing the framework in 1997. RPS regulations and compliance are handled by the Department of Energy Resources (DOER). Currently, at least 16% of retail energy generated in Massachusetts should be sourced from renewable means. Solar, wind, hydroelectric, biomass, landfill gas reclamation, and fuel cells qualify. "Carve out" regulations require the state's utilities to fulfill at least 1,600 MW of the standard using solar photovoltaics specifically. Compliance is measured through a renewable energy credit (REC) system pegging a certain wattage to a fixed dollar value. Solar renewable energy credits (SRECs) measure compliance with the solar carve-out regulations. Customers technically own the RECs and/or SRECs they generate, but utilities are required to purchase them through net metering contracts to fulfill their portion of the standard. Additional information is available through the DOER website.

Green Communities Grant Program


NOTE: This program is no longer accepting applications as of winter 2017. Massachusetts legislators enacted the Green Communities Act of 2008 to support municipalities transitioning to clean energy or making energy efficiency improvements. The Green Communities program offered the full breadth of advisory services to community managers, including technical support for existing energy systems. Communities could also receive grants and other financial incentives to support new equipment and improvements. Interested jurisdictions were required to pursue Green Community certification, which involved creating energy savings goals, streamlining permit procedures, and establishing green building standards.

Are solar panels worth it in Massachusetts?

For homeowners in Massachusetts planning to remain in their homes after the payback period for solar panels, solar energy is a smart choice. Having a 5 kW solar system in Massachusetts can potentially save you around $25,820.17 over a span of 20 years, with an average break even point of 7 years.

The cost of not having solar panels in Massachusetts

Without solar panels or another energy backup source, you miss out on the savings highlighted earlier and are completely dependent on your electric utility for power. Total reliance on your utility is not always ideal, as several recent news reports have highlighted.

In recent years, customers in Massachusetts have faced an average of 0.89 utility outages each year. On average, an outage lasts 58.51 minutes. When major events such as wildlife damage, overloaded power grids or tornadoes occur, these durations can increase significantly

See the info below to see the number of current electricity customers without power in Massachusetts.

Whether it comes with a backup battery or not, a solar panel system could reduce the burden of any future power interruptions you may encounter.

Power Outages

Currently, 0 customers are being tracked in Massachusetts.

Learn more

Customers Out:


Go Solar for less than your cell phone bill.

What impacts the cost of solar panels in Massachusetts?

Your Energy Needs -The cost per watt declines with larger solar panel systems, even if the upfront cost is larger. For most consumers, installing a system that can produce enough power to eliminate their entire electric bill is beneficial, providing significant savings.

Make & Model - There are a variety of makes and models of solar panels. As your contractor may prefer particular brands, it's crucial to choose a highly rated company. Buyers who opt for high-quality materials usually enjoy a superior long-term experience.

Solar Panel Type - Monocrystalline panels have emerged as the standard in the industry, and for valid reasons. Although the cost is more, they yield more energy. Many installers use these kinds of panels.

Your Property - Factors like trees, uneven land, or additional hurdles may make the installation more challenging. Today, the majority of solar installers can evaluate your home with satellite images and include these considerations in the first cost estimate.

Labor Rates - The wages that companies give their employees are different, and these expenses are ultimately reflected in consumer prices. It is typical for businesses that provide higher wages to receive better reviews for their services and customer service.

Permitting & Interconnection - The fees for local permitting and utility interconnection, which vary by area, will influence the cost of your installation. Good local installers will integrate these figures into your initial estimates to avoid any surprises.

See what solar panels cost in other MA cities

Go Solar for less than your cell phone bill.

Who are the best solar installers in Massachusetts?

ReVision Energy

(207) 221-6342


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Reparation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.

All Energy Solar

St. Paul, MN(800) 620-3370


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.

Northeast Solar

Hatfield CDP, MA(413) 247-6045


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Monitoring of independent energy generation.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.

M. L. Schmitt Electric

Springfield, MA(413) 733-7868


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Reparation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Monitoring of independent energy generation.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.

Trinity Solar

(732) 780-3779


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.

TRC Companies

(530) 747-2026


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Auditing of energy requirements for independent energy generation.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.

glb, Consulting Company

Bennington CDP, VT(518) 587-7745


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.

PV Squared

Greenfield Town, MA(413) 772-8788


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.

Mass Renewables

Bellingham CDP, MA(508) 657-1116


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.

621 Energy

West Concord CDP, MA(978) 263-5215


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.

Plug PV

Troy, NY(518) 948-5316


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Monitoring of independent energy generation.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.

Earthlight Technologies

Northampton, MA(860) 871-9700


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Reparation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Monitoring of independent energy generation.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.

US SolarWorks

Attleboro, MA(508) 226-8005


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Reparation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Monitoring of independent energy generation.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.


Mount Pleasant, SC(912) 596-1780


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.

Alternate Power & Energy

Fall River, MA(508) 525-3013


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.

Intelligent Solar Services

Lunenburg CDP, MA(978) 612-6075


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Reparation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Reparation of batteries.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.

Solar Energy Systems

(718) 389-1545


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Reparation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Monitoring of independent energy generation.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.


Boston, MA(855) 727-4636


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Reparation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Monitoring of independent energy generation.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.

New England Solar & Green Solutions

Williamstown CDP, MA(413) 458-4966


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Reparation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.

Sunwatt Solar

Pawtucket, RI(844) 786-9288


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Monitoring of independent energy generation.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.

Summit Energy Group

(888) 578-6648


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Reparation of batteries.
  • Monitoring of independent energy generation.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.


Norwood CDP, MA(860) 632-1682


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Auditing of energy requirements for independent energy generation.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.

Solect Energy Development

Hopkinton CDP, MA(508) 598-3511


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Reparation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Monitoring of independent energy generation.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.

SunBug Solar

Woburn, MA(617) 500-3938


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Monitoring of independent energy generation.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.

Silver Sun Solar

Deltona, FL(407) 832-42452


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.

ConEdison Solutions

Valhalla CDP, NY(914) 286-7000


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.

Venture Home Solar

Hudson CDP, MA(888) 522-9161


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.


Boston, MA(888) 363-7662


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.

Newport Electric Construction

Framingham CDP, MA(833) 255-6829


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.

Solar Rising

Mashpee Neck CDP, MA(508) 744-6284


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Reparation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Reparation of batteries.
  • Monitoring of independent energy generation.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.

Sunnyside Solar

(802) 280-7319


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.

BayWa re Solar Systems

Santa Fe, NM(505) 216-7834


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Reparation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Reparation of batteries.
  • Auditing of energy requirements for independent energy generation.
  • Monitoring of independent energy generation.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.


Jersey City, NJ(201) 432-1786


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.

Portside Renewables

(401) 215-7056


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Reparation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Monitoring of independent energy generation.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.

Venture Solar

Hudson CDP, MA(888) 522-9161


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.

Engie North America

Houston, TX(713) 636-1900


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.

PIMBY Energy

Thomas, WV(304) 704-5943


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Reparation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Reparation of batteries.
  • Auditing of energy requirements for independent energy generation.
  • Monitoring of independent energy generation.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.

Helio Solar

Trumbull CDP, CT(888) 868-4562


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.

Precision Renewables

(435) 602-4120


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.


Troy, NY(518) 948-5316


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.


Lakewood CDP, NJ(732) 987-3939


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.

1st Light Energy Inc

Manteca, CA(209) 824-5500


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Reparation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Monitoring of independent energy generation.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.

ACK Smart Energy

Nantucket CDP, MA(508) 257-1786


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.

Advanced Solar Products

Flemington, NJ(908) 751-5818


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Monitoring of independent energy generation.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.

Akari Energy

Houston, TX(833) 282-5274


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.

Altus Power

Stamford, CT(888) 882-5887


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Reparation of solar arrays.
  • Auditing of energy requirements for independent energy generation.

Amberjack Solar

Oakland, NJ(877) 901-7657


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Monitoring of independent energy generation.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.

Amergy Solar

Monmouth Junction CDP, NJ(866) 857-7875


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Monitoring of independent energy generation.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.

American Solar Partners

Mount Vernon, NY(914) 699-3366


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.

Bay State Electric

Peabody, MA(978) 532-4096


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Reparation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Reparation of batteries.
  • Auditing of energy requirements for independent energy generation.
  • Monitoring of independent energy generation.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.

Beacon Solar

(508) 499-3337


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Reparation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Reparation of batteries.
  • Auditing of energy requirements for independent energy generation.
  • Monitoring of independent energy generation.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.

Blue Hammer Solar

Dallas, TX(844) 426-6375


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Monitoring of independent energy generation.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.

Boston Solar

Woburn, MA(617) 648-5601


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.

Bright Home Solutions

Wilmington CDP, MA(617) 369-7222


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Monitoring of independent energy generation.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.

Carolina Connections

Burlington, NC(336) 585-1314


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Auditing of energy requirements for independent energy generation.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.

Cotuit Solar

Mashpee Neck CDP, MA(508) 28-8442


  • Reparation of solar arrays.
  • Auditing of energy requirements for independent energy generation.

Critical Mass Solar

Pepperell CDP, MA(978) 272-1486


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Auditing of energy requirements for independent energy generation.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.

CT Green Bank

Hartford, CT(860) 563-0015


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.

DIY Solar Company

Duxbury CDP, MA(617) 500-0816


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Reparation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.

E2 Solar

Dennis CDP, MA(508) 694-7889


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Monitoring of independent energy generation.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.

E2 Solar - Bend

Dennis CDP, MA(541) 388-1151


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Monitoring of independent energy generation.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.

Eastern Sun

(508) 776-6305


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Reparation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.

Eco Loop

Danvers CDP, MA(833) 363-7442


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Reparation of batteries.
  • Auditing of energy requirements for independent energy generation.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.

Emmaty Exteriors

Northborough CDP, MA(508) 369-0822


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Monitoring of independent energy generation.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.


Charleston, SC(854) 999-4837


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Monitoring of independent energy generation.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.


Boston, MA(888) 802-8806


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.

Everlast Energy

Manchester CDP, CT(860) 362-3129


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.

Farley Built

(508) 645-7800


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.


(786) 345-3990


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.

Future Energy Solar

Woburn, MA(781) 960-7005


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Reparation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Auditing of energy requirements for independent energy generation.
  • Monitoring of independent energy generation.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.

Glyde Solar

Westminster, CO(888) 444-5936


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.

Got Sun Go Solar

(774) 229-2986


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.

Great Sky Solar

Lexington CDP, MA(888) 966-0726


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.

Green Earth Energy

Longmeadow CDP, MA(860) 808-7115


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Monitoring of independent energy generation.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.


Andover CDP, MA(978) 735-1908


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.

Harvest Sun Solar

Vineyard Haven CDP, MA(833) 687-6527


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.

Helio Energy Solutions

Trumbull CDP, CT(888) 868-4562


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.

Helios Solar Energy

Methuen Town, MA(978) 381-1815


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.

Hudson River Solar

Hudson, NY(518) 212-7519


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Monitoring of independent energy generation.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.

Insight Energy

Hatfield CDP, MA(413) 338-7555


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Reparation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Reparation of batteries.
  • Auditing of energy requirements for independent energy generation.
  • Monitoring of independent energy generation.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.

Insight Solar

Hatfield CDP, MA(413) 338-7555


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Reparation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.

InvisibleSun Energy Consulting

Sunnyvale, CA(408) 663-1855


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.

Isaksen Solar

Fall River, MA(508) 717-3820


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.

K & M Electric Solutions

(774) 495-0015


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Reparation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Monitoring of independent energy generation.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.

KOTA Energy Group

Carlsbad, CA(855) 800 5682


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.

SunDrum Solar

Hudson CDP, MA (978) 562-5152


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.

Lunex Power

Tampa, FL(813) 540-8807


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Reparation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.

Melink Solar

Milford, OH(513) 965-7300


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Monitoring of independent energy generation.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.


Boston, MA(844) 666-2533


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.

National Roofing & Solar Corporation

Guilford Center CDP, CT(877) 671-3171


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.

NEC Solar

Newton, MA(781) 444-7020


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.

New Day Energy

Plymouth CDP, MA(339) 832-8799


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Reparation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Reparation of batteries.
  • Auditing of energy requirements for independent energy generation.
  • Monitoring of independent energy generation.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.

New England Clean Energy

Hudson CDP, MA(978) 567-6527


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Reparation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.

Next Solar

South San Francisco, CA(650) 375-2430


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Auditing of energy requirements for independent energy generation.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.

NuWatt Energy

Woburn, MA(877) 772-6357


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Monitoring of independent energy generation.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.

Olympus Electric & Solar

San Antonio, TX(210) 236-8314


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.

Pope Energy

Boston, MA(855) 767-3363


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Monitoring of independent energy generation.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.

Premier Home Solutions

Danvers, MA(844) 307-6527


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.

Renewable Energy Solutions

Pawtucket, RI(855) 683-1693


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Reparation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Auditing of energy requirements for independent energy generation.
  • Monitoring of independent energy generation.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.

RSRV Power

Charlotte, NC(866) 797-7778


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Monitoring of independent energy generation.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.

Savant Power


  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.

SGE Solar

Milford CDP, MA(508) 377-4037


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Reparation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.

SkyFi Solar

Chicago, IL(800) 485-3173


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.

Smart Green Solar

Worcester, MA(401) 227-8036


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.


Boston, MA(617) 918-7000


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Monitoring of independent energy generation.

Smartr Solar

Dover, DE855) 255-7485


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.

Solaflect Energy

Norwich CDP, VT(802) 649-3700


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.

East Coast Solar

Worcester, MA


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Reparation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.

Solar Power San Diego

San Diego, CA(619) 707-5886


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.

Solar Slate Solutions

(781) 870-7570


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.

Solar Wave Energy

Cambridge, MA(617) 242-2150


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Monitoring of independent energy generation.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.

SolarFlair Energy

(508) 293-4293


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Monitoring of independent energy generation.


(508) 669-7979


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.

Southern Light Solar

New Bedford, MA(774)-473-9339


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Reparation of batteries.
  • Monitoring of independent energy generation.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.

Spectrum Energy

Gloucester, MA(978) 515-6895


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Monitoring of independent energy generation.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.

Summit Energy

(888) 578-6648


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.


Bangor, ME(877) 786-2684


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.

Sunergy Solutions

Amesbury Town, MA(844) 427-6527


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.

Sunny Days Solar

Fall River, MA(774) 627-4189


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Reparation of solar arrays.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.

SunRa Solar

Sandwich CDP, MA508-841-5380


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.

SunRite Solar

Hudson CDP, MA(508) 851-7355


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.

Synergy Smart Homes

Middletown, CT(860) 809-5634


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Monitoring of independent energy generation.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.


Plymouth CDP, MA(800) 570-7166


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.

Titan Energy

Pittsburgh, PA(916) 800-5757


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.

United Better Homes

Central Falls, RI(401) 274-0111


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.

Uprise Solar

Washington, DC(202) 280-2285


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.

Valley Solar

Easthampton Town, MA(413) 584-8844


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Monitoring of independent energy generation.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.

Vineyard Power

Vineyard Haven CDP, MA(508) 693-3002


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.

Viridis Energy

Woburn, MA(617) 669-5534


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Reparation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Auditing of energy requirements for independent energy generation.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.

Viridis Energy Solutions

Woburn, MA(781) 829-3400


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Reparation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Auditing of energy requirements for independent energy generation.
  • Monitoring of independent energy generation.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.

Volt Seed Solar

(774) 273-7626


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Monitoring of independent energy generation.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.

Massachusetts Solar Panel Cost FAQs

  • During February, 2025, the average price for solar panel installations in Massachusetts is $4.02/W. The installation of a 5 kW solar panel system in Massachusetts will cost about $14,070 after federal tax credits.
  • Currently, Massachusetts residents can benefit from 29 rebates and incentives available through various utilities and government bodies. Furthermore, almost all individuals are entitled to the 30% federal income tax credit.
  • Although paying in cash ensures the most savings, numerous financing options for solar panels now exist that are cost-effective. Your initial quotes will often include information about financing options provided by installers.
  • Yes, homeowners in Massachusetts generally see a payback time of 7 years for 5 kW solar panel systems, with electricity savings averaging $25,820.17 over a 20-year period.
  • No program exists in Massachusetts to pay residents for installing solar panels, but the 30% federal tax credit for solar installations is accessible to everyone in the U.S.
  • In Massachusetts, there are no free solar panel programs yet, but the 30% federal income tax credit, which most US citizens can access, greatly reduces the cost of installing solar panels.
Matt Hope
Last Reviewed By: Matt Hope
Published: 2025-02-04