How much do solar panels cost in Comstock Northwest CDP, MI in 2024?
For solar panel systems in Comstock Northwest CDP, MI, the price per watt in October, 2024 is , on average, $3.87/W.
This means that, solar panel installations will cost you $3,870 per 1000 watts (1 kW) of generation capacity. In Comstock Northwest CDP, a 5 kW panel install will require you to pay, on average, $13,545 after the 30% federal income tax credit. Your energy use habits could need a larger system.
Use the menu on the left to pick your county and see the typical roof size and the average maximum capacity for solar panel systems on residences in your area. Below, you can find a complete overview of the costs, payback period, and 20-year typical savings for a 5 kW system installed in your county.