Cheyenne Light Fuel & Power
Electricity Rates, Plans & Statistics
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About Cheyenne Light Fuel & Power
Cheyenne Light Fuel & Power is a privately owned company. Cheyenne Light Fuel & Power averages 16.60 cents per kilowatt hour billed to their customers for residential electricity. Unfortunately for their patrons, this price is above both the state and the national average rates of 13.27 and 15.73 cents per kilowatt hour, respectively. There were a total of 2,118,748 megawatt hours sold via retail sales in 2023 by the supplier. The electricity sourced consisted of megawatt hours generated by the company in electricity plants they own and additional megawatt hours acquired via wholesale channels. They purchased 1,563,788 wholesale megawatt hours. Their total revenue in 2023 from electricity activities was $218,411,400, with $196,651,400 coming from retail sales to end users and $9,061,000 from wholesale electricity sales.
Consumers of the company have an average residential electricity bill of $98.98. This is 1.99% lower than the Wyoming average of $101.75. Based on megawatt hours produced, Cheyenne Light Fuel & Power is the 269th largest out of 3530 providers in the nation. The power grid managed by the provider experiences an average of 0.73 outages per customer each year, with outages lasting on average 35.43 minutes. The nationwide average for other suppliers is 1.44 outages per consumer and 123.49 minutes each outage. There are 662,046.7 megawatt hours generated by the company from coal usage. This is the 161st most out of 3530 electricity providers in the United States.
Offering net metering to consumers is a win-win situation for Cheyenne Light Fuel & Power and people who receive their electricity from the company. Without net metering, solar panel purchased are significantly less economically realistic, as individuals have no way to sell excess electricity back to their electric company.
Cheyenne Light Fuel & Power recently reported an annual loss of around 7.38% of the electricity that they generate. Loss of electricity due to heat dissipation during electricity transmission and other causes is operating in the electricity generation business and providers are required to report these losses. Cheyenne Light Fuel & Power's energy loss amounts give them a ranking of 15th best out of the 33 providers that operate in the state and report energy loss and 1332nd best out of 3530 in the US.
Cheyenne Light Fuel & Power Rate & Electric Bills
Cheyenne Light Fuel & Power residential electric rates are highest in February and the highest average bill is in February.
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Cheyenne Light Fuel & Power Overview
- Company Type:Investor Owned
- Headquarters:1301 West 24th Street
Cheyenne, Wyoming 82001
United States of America - CEO:Linden R. Evans
Cheyenne Light Fuel & Power Contact
- Customer Service Phone:(888) 890-5554
- Contact
- Social Media:
Quick Facts About Cheyenne Light Fuel & Power
Cheyenne Light Fuel & Power produces 8.42% of their electricity from sustainable fuel sources, which ranks them 339th out of the 3530 suppliers we track in the United States.
Cheyenne Light Fuel & Power generates 91.58% of their total electricity generation from non-renewable fuels. The total electricity generated from non-renewable sources is 857,248.62 megawatt hours, which is 244th highest in the United States out of 3530 suppliers.
With production of 936,045.42 megawatt hours, Cheyenne Light Fuel & Power is ranked 269th for total generation of all companies in the nation.
Cheyenne Light Fuel & Power ranks 212th out of 3530 companies in the nation for total electricity production from natural gas.
Cheyenne Light Fuel & Power produces 78,796.8 megawatt hours of electricity (or 8.42% of their total electricity production) from wind energy.
Energy Loss
Cheyenne Light Fuel & Power's energy loss due to business operations.
Total Energy Loss
1332 National Rank
Grid Reliability
Length & Frequency of Cheyenne Light Fuel & Power's Power Outages
35.43 min.
vs. national average of 123.49 min.
0.73 outages/yr
vs. national average of 1.44
Cheyenne Light Fuel & Power Energy Makeup
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Cheyenne Light Fuel & Power State Coverage
State | Customers | Sales ($) | State Rank Based On Revenue | % of Provider's Residential Sales in State |
Wyoming | 45,328 | 216,739,843 | 5 | 100% |
Power Plants Owned by Cheyenne Light Fuel & Power
Plant | City/County | State | Primary Fuel Type | Production (MWh) | Emission (kg) | Emissions/MWh | Toxic Chemical Release | Closing Date |
Wygen 2Black Hills Energy (100.00%) | Campbell County | WY | Coal | 663,372 | 794,505,461.56 | 1,197.68 | ||
Cheyenne Prairie Generating StationBlack Hills Energy (100.00%) | Cheyenne | WY | Natural Gas | 437,188 | 177,632,835.38 | 406.31 | ||
Corriedale Wind EnergyBlack Hills Energy (100.00%) | Laramie County | WY | Wind | 207,360 |
Cheyenne Light Fuel & Power Fuel Makeup
Cheyenne Light Fuel & Power Reviews
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Cheyenne Light Fuel & Power FAQ:
Who is the CEO of Cheyenne Light Fuel & Power?
Linden R. Evans is the CEO of Cheyenne Light Fuel & Power.
What percentage of Cheyenne Light Fuel & Power's electricity is produced from nonrenewable fuel types?
Cheyenne Light Fuel & Power produces 91.58% of their electricity using nonrenewable fuel types.
How much is the average bundled bill for Cheyenne Light Fuel & Power customers each month?
Currently, the average monthly bundled electric bill for customers of Cheyenne Light Fuel & Power is $98.98. The Wyoming average bundled bill is $101.75 and the nationwide average is $101.75.
When will Cheyenne Light Fuel & Power power be restored?
Cheyenne Light Fuel & Power's outages last, on average, around 35.434 minutes per outage.
What is the average bundled electricity rate for Cheyenne Light Fuel & Power customers?
Cheyenne Light Fuel & Power's current average bundled electricity rate is 16.60 cents per kilowatt hour (¢/kWh), compared to the average state bundled rate of 13.27 cents and the average United States rate of 15.73 cents.
What is the phone number for Cheyenne Light Fuel & Power?
The Cheyenne Light Fuel & Power phone number is (888) 890-5554.
How many power plants are owned by or associated with Cheyenne Light Fuel & Power?
Cheyenne Light Fuel & Power is associated with or owns 3 power plants.
What percentage of Cheyenne Light Fuel & Power's electricity is generated from renewable fuel sources?
Cheyenne Light Fuel & Power produces 8.42% of their electricity using renewable fuels.