Montezuma, Indiana Electric Utility: Rates, Coverage Area, Emissions

Montezuma, Indiana Electric Utility

Electricity Rates, Plans & Statistics

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About Montezuma, Indiana Electric Utility

Montezuma, Indiana Electric Utility is headquartered in Montezuma, Indiana and it serves electricity in the citizens that call the city home. Montezuma, Indiana Electric Utility averages 12.44 cents per kilowatt hour charged to their customers for residential electricity, which ranks the company 20th out of 118 providers in Indiana and 873rd out of 2885 in the US. In 2019 the company had retail sales of 15,280 megawatt hours. During the same timeframe, Montezuma, Indiana Electric Utility procured 16,000 megawatt hours via wholesale channels. In 2019, the company made a total of $1,606,000 from retail electricity sales to end users. Their total revenue from electricity related activities was $1,612,000.

The national average monthly residential power bill is $139.34, while the Montezuma, Indiana Electric Utility average is 12.75% less at $121.58 per month. The supplier produces a total of 14,876.69 megawatt hours from coal use. By customer count, Montezuma, Indiana Electric Utility is the 102nd largest provider out of 111 suppliers in the state. Electricity production plants owned or managed by the supplier use non-renewable fuel types to generate 100.00% of their total electricity production, or 14,990.29 megawatt hours. They rank 25th in the state out of 111 companies.

Montezuma, Indiana Electric Utility Rate & Electric Bills

Montezuma, Indiana Electric Utility residential electric rates are highest in November and the highest average bill is in July.

Historical Electricity Rates:

Price Per kWhAverage Bill$0.137/kWh$0.095/kWh$162.65/mo.$69.46/mo.
873rd12.44¢Montezuma, Indiana Electric Utility's Average residential price per kWh
1232nd$121.58Average monthly electricity bill for Montezuma, Indiana Electric Utility's residential customers

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Montezuma, Indiana Electric Utility Overview

  • Company Type:Municipal
  • Headquarters:1243 North Jackson Street
    Montezuma, Indiana 47862
    United States of America

Montezuma, Indiana Electric Utility Contact

  • Customer Service Phone:(765) 245-2759

Montezuma, Indiana Electric Utility Service

  • Rates &
  • Outage Phone:(765) 245-2211
  • States Served:
    • Indiana
  • Counties Served:
    • Parke County
  • Major Cities Served:

Quick Facts About Montezuma, Indiana Electric Utility

Montezuma, Indiana Electric Utility has the 487th highest total electricity generation in the nation, producing 14,990.29 megawatt hours.

Montezuma, Indiana Electric Utility produces 17.4 megawatt hours from natural gas and ranks 416th out of 3530 providers in the country for this category.

Montezuma, Indiana Electric Utility Energy Makeup

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Montezuma, Indiana Electric Utility Coverage Map

Coverage Map Placeholder

Montezuma, Indiana Electric Utility State Coverage

StateCustomersSales ($)State Rank Based On Revenue% of Provider's Residential Sales in State

Montezuma, Indiana Electric Utility County Coverage

CountyPopulationProvidersAvg. County Rate (¢)Avg. Electric Bill
Parke County16,316317.23$187.58/mo

Power Plants Owned by Montezuma, Indiana Electric Utility

Montezuma, Indiana Electric Utility Fuel Makeup

Distillate Fuel Oil
Natural Gas

Montezuma, Indiana Electric Utility Reviews

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Montezuma, Indiana Electric Utility FAQ:

How much is the average bundled bill for Montezuma, Indiana Electric Utility customers each month?

Currently, the average monthly bundled electric bill for customers of Montezuma, Indiana Electric Utility is $121.58. The Indiana average bundled bill is $131.94 and the United States average is $131.94.

What is the phone number for Montezuma, Indiana Electric Utility?

You can reach Montezuma, Indiana Electric Utility by phone via (765) 245-2759.

How many power plants are owned by or associated with Montezuma, Indiana Electric Utility?

Montezuma, Indiana Electric Utility is associated with or owns one power plant.

What is the average bundled electricity rate for Montezuma, Indiana Electric Utility customers?

The average bundled rate of electricity for customers of Montezuma, Indiana Electric Utility is 12.44 cents per kilowatt hour (¢/kWh).

What percentage of Montezuma, Indiana Electric Utility's electricity is generated using nonrenewable fuel types?

Electric production facilities owned by or associated with Montezuma, Indiana Electric Utility generate 100.00% of their electricity using nonrenewable fuel sources.

What percentage of Montezuma, Indiana Electric Utility's electricity is produced from renewable fuel sources?

Electric production plants owned by or associated with Montezuma, Indiana Electric Utility produce 0% of their electricity from renewable fuels.

Alex Zdanov
Last Reviewed By: Alex Zdanov
Published: 2023-11-09