South Feather Water and Power: Rates, Coverage Area, Emissions

South Feather Water and Power

Electricity Rates, Plans & Statistics

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About South Feather Water and Power

South Feather Water and Power is a political subdivision, which is a government owned entity that is usually larger than a city and smaller than a state. Approximately 492,662 megawatt hours were sold to other providers via whole channels in 2023. During the same timeframe, South Feather Water and Power produced 492,662 megawatt hours in electricity generation facilities owned by the supplier. They earned $25,289,800 in total revenue from electricity-related activities in 2023 through sales to retail end-users alone.

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South Feather Water and Power Overview

  • Company Type:Political Subdivision
  • Headquarters:2310 Oro Quincy Highway
    Oroville, California 95966
    United States of America
  • CEO:Rath Moseley

South Feather Water and Power Contact

South Feather Water and Power Service

  • Outage Phone:(530) 533-4578

    Quick Facts About South Feather Water and Power

    South Feather Water and Power generates 492,659 megawatt hours of electricity from the use of hydroelectric power, ranking South Feather Water and Power 12th in California out of 65 electric companies.

    South Feather Water and Power generates 100.00% of their electricity from sustainable fuel sources, which ranks them 1st in the US out of the 3530 companies we track.

    As the 295th largest producer of electricity in the nation, South Feather Water and Power produces 492,659 megawatt hours of electricity.

    Energy provider of the year for National, Major Provider Category
    Highest Ratio of Renewable Electricity
    National, Major Provider Category
    Claim Award
    Energy provider of the year for National, Major Provider Category
    Highest Ratio of Renewable Electricity
    National, Major Provider Category
    Claim Award
    Energy provider of the year for National, Major Provider Category
    Highest Ratio of Renewable Electricity
    National, Major Provider Category
    Claim Award

    South Feather Water and Power Energy Makeup

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    Power Plants Owned by South Feather Water and Power

    PlantCity/CountyStatePrimary Fuel TypeProduction (MWh)Emission (kg)Emissions/MWhToxic Chemical ReleaseClosing Date
    Butte County CA Conventional Hydroelectric 231,554
    Butte County CA Conventional Hydroelectric 155,030
    Oroville East CDP CA Conventional Hydroelectric 64,970
    Butte County CA Conventional Hydroelectric 41,105

    South Feather Water and Power Fuel Makeup

    Conventional Hydroelectric
    Conventional Hydroelectric
    Conventional Hydroelectric
    Conventional Hydroelectric
    Conventional Hydroelectric
    Conventional Hydroelectric
    Conventional Hydroelectric
    Conventional Hydroelectric
    Conventional Hydroelectric
    Conventional Hydroelectric

    South Feather Water and Power Reviews

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    South Feather Water and Power FAQ:

    Who is the CEO of South Feather Water and Power?

    Rath Moseley is the current CEO of South Feather Water and Power.

    What is the phone number for South Feather Water and Power?

    South Feather Water and Power's customer service phone number is (530) 533-4578

    How many power plants are owned by or associated with South Feather Water and Power?

    South Feather Water and Power is associated with or owns 4 power plants.

    What percentage of South Feather Water and Power's electricity is generated from nonrenewable fuel sources?

    South Feather Water and Power produces 0% of their electricity from nonrenewable fuel types.

    What percentage of South Feather Water and Power's electricity is generated using renewable fuel types?

    Power production facilities owned by or associated with South Feather Water and Power generate 100.00% of their electricity from renewable fuel types.

    Alex Zdanov
    Last Reviewed By: Alex Zdanov
    Published: 2022-03-13