How much do solar panels cost in Lexington, TN in 2024?
It averages out to $3.92 per watt to go solar in October, 2024 in Lexington, TN.
For every 1000 watts (1 kW) your solar panels can produce, you will need to spend, on average, $3,920 for its installation. Applying the 30% federal tax credit, the average expense for a 5 kW solar system in Lexington is approximately $13,720. Bear in mind that you may need a bigger system to satisfy your energy requirements.
Use the left-hand menu to select your area and see the typical roof size and the maximum capacity for residential solar on homes in your county. Below, you can see a complete outline of the costs, payback period, and 20-year average savings for a 5 kW system in your county.