How much do solar panels cost in Tallahassee, FL in 2024?
In Tallahassee, FL, the cost per watt for solar panels averages $3.14/W in August, 2024.
Using the cost, you are able to conclude that for every 1000 watts (1 kW) your panels can produce you will have to invest $3,140 to have your system installed. After receiving the 30% federal tax credit, you can expect to pay around $10,990 for a 5 kW system in Tallahassee. Please consider, a 5kW system may not be enough to meet your energy demands.
By selecting your county on the left, you can see the average roof size and the average maximum capacity for residential solar panel systems in your area. Below is an analysis of the costs, payback period, and 20-year average savings for a 5 kW system in your county.