Concordia Parish, LA: Electricity Rates, Providers & More

Concordia Parish, Louisiana Electricity Rates & Statistics

Electricity Rates, Plans & Statistics

  • The average electricity bill in Concordia Parish, LA is $126.23
  • The average electricity rate in Concordia Parish, LA is 12.52¢

Electric Bills and Electric Rates in Concordia Parish, LA

The average residential electric bill in Concordia Parish, LA is $126.23 per month. Concordia Parish, LA is the 8th most expensive county in Louisiana for electricity.

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Reduce or replace your electricity bill with solar

Concordia Parish, Louisiana Electricity Overview

Concordia Parish averages 37.26 megawatt hours per person generated from renewable electricity sources, which is highest in the statecounties.

Concordia Parish ranks 71st county out of 3221 counties in the United States in hydroelectric power generation, generating 707,533 megawatt hours a year from hydroelectric facilities.

With 18,989 citizens within its borders and 707,533 megawatt hours produced a year, Concordia Parish has a megawatt hour per capita production rate of 37.26 megawatt hours. This is the 575th highest megawatt hour per capita amount in the nation.

Concordia Parish citizens are accountable for 0 kilograms of CO2 emissions per person per year, making them the 64th highest polluting county based on per capita pollution.

Concordia Parish is ranked as the 796th highest producer of electricity in the US out of 3221 counties for electricity generation, producing 707,533 megawatt hours.

While the national average residential electric rate is 16.49 cents per kilowatt hour, Concordia Parish's average price is 24.06% lower than at 12.52 cents per kilowatt hour.


  • Total Consumption

    405,271 MWh

  • Consumption per Capita

    21.34 MWh


  • Total Production

    707,533 MWh

  • Production from Renewable Energy

    707,533 MWh

  • Production per Capita

    37.26 MWh

Recent Electricity Rates and Production Changes in Vidalia

To see the most recent electricity rates and production changes for cities in Concordia Parish, select the city below. If you would like to get access to monthly historical data, please contact us directly by submitting a request.

Rates and Production Categories

Vidalia Electricity Pricing Data

Average Residential Bundled Electricity Rate for November, 2024

13.37¢ per kWh

  • 3.25% higher than last month
  • 4.62% higher than November last year
  • 12.62% higher than the Louisiana average
  • 21.53% lower than the US average
  • 475th in the state out of 488 cities
  • The state rank has dropped by 138 since last month
  • The state rank has dropped by 20 since November last year
  • 6,894th in the US out of 31,800 cities
  • The national rank has dropped by 1,230 since last month
  • The national rank has increased by 894 since November last year

12 Month Rolling Average Residential Bundled Rate

12.89¢ per kWh

  • 0.38% higher than last month
  • 0.91% lower than November last year
  • 11.36% higher than the Louisiana average
  • 21.83% lower than the US average
  • 426th in the state out of 488 cities
  • The state rank has dropped by 3 since last month
  • The state rank has increased by 40 since November last year
  • 6,730th in the US out of 31,800 cities
  • The national rank has dropped by 232 since last month
  • The national rank has increased by 2,296 since November last year

Average Residential Bundled Electricity Bill for November, 2024

$120.01 per month

  • 14.23% lower than last month
  • 5.63% higher than November last year
  • 8.22% higher than the Louisiana average
  • 1.49% higher than the US average
  • 369th in the state out of 488 cities
  • The state rank has increased by 78 since last month
  • The state rank has increased by 74 since November last year
  • 17,631st in the US out of 31,800 cities
  • The national rank has increased by 6,591 since last month
  • The national rank has dropped by 1,951 since November last year

12 Month Rolling Average Residential Bundled Bill

$147.53 per month

  • 0.36% higher than last month
  • 4.01% lower than November last year
  • 6.46% higher than the Louisiana average
  • 3.72% higher than the US average
  • 368th in the state out of 488 cities
  • The state rank has increased by 4 since last month
  • The state rank has dropped by 3 since November last year
  • 18,156th in the US out of 31,800 cities
  • The national rank has increased by 21 since last month
  • The national rank has increased by 4,998 since November last year

Vidalia, LA Electricity Overview

Coverage Map Placeholder

Vidalia's citizens are billed an average residential electricity rate of 12.89 cents per kilowatt hour, which is 11.36% higher than the state's average price of 11.58 cents and 21.83% below the US average of 16.49 cents. Customers in the city have 1.39 power outages a year, with outages lasting an average of 210.24 minutes. The national averages for these data points are 1.44 outages at 123.49 minutes each. City of Vidalia LA Utilities sells an estimated 98,672 megawatt hours in the city each year, more than any other vendor.

Vidalia emits 7,729.6 kilograms of CO2 pollution per citizen in the city from electricity use, which makes it the 189th worst polluting city out of 488 cities in Louisiana based on emissions per capita. While not as telling of a statistic (more people almost always equals more pollution), the total pollution of Vidalia from electricity consumption is 30,570,579.75 kilograms of CO2 emissions, which ranks as the 129th highest in Louisiana. The city has zero electricity generation plants.

Average Residential Electricity Bills & Rates in Vidalia

Vidalia residential electric rates are highest in August and the highest average bill is in July.

Historical Electricity Rates:

Price Per kWhAverage Bill$0.157/kWh$0.057/kWh$250.98/mo.$68.67/mo.
426th12.89¢Average residential price per kWh in the city of Vidalia
368th$147.53Average residential monthly electricity bill for Vidalia Residents

Electric Companies With Service in Vidalia, Louisiana

ProviderService TypeResidential Rate (¢)Residential Average Bill ($)City Production (MWh)Residential Sales (MWh)Residential Revenues ($)
City of Vidalia LA UtilitiesBUNDLED14.49158.4426,379.363,821,315.38
Entergy LouisianaBUNDLED11.04134.7514,019,002.351,547,631,959

Ferriday, LA Electricity Overview

Coverage Map Placeholder

Ferriday's citizens are billed an average residential electricity rate of 11.12 cents per kilowatt hour, which ranks the city 181st out of 488 cities in the state. Customers in the city have 1.39 power outages a year, with outages lasting an average of 210.24 minutes. The national averages for these data points are 1.44 outages at 123.49 minutes each. Entergy Louisiana sells an estimated 8,025.09 megawatt hours in the city each year, more than any other vendor.

Ferriday emits 7,729.6 kilograms of CO2 pollution per citizen in the city from electricity use, which makes it the 189th worst polluting city out of 488 cities in Louisiana based on emissions per capita. While not as telling of a statistic (more people almost always equals more pollution), the total pollution of Ferriday from electricity consumption is 24,688,351.89 kilograms of CO2 emissions, which ranks as the 146th highest in Louisiana. The city has zero electricity generation plants.

Average Residential Electricity Bills & Rates in Ferriday

Ferriday residential electric rates are highest in July and the highest average bill is in July.

Historical Electricity Rates:

Price Per kWhAverage Bill$0.141/kWh$0.057/kWh$241.78/mo.$68.67/mo.
181st11.12¢Average residential price per kWh in the city of Ferriday
247th$134.7Average residential monthly electricity bill for Ferriday Residents

Electric Companies With Service in Ferriday, Louisiana

ProviderService TypeResidential Rate (¢)Residential Average Bill ($)City Production (MWh)Residential Sales (MWh)Residential Revenues ($)
Entergy LouisianaBUNDLED11.04134.7514,019,002.351,547,631,959

Go Solar for less than your cell phone bill.

Minorca CDP, LA Electricity Overview

Coverage Map Placeholder

Minorca CDP's citizens are billed an average residential electricity rate of 11.12 cents per kilowatt hour, which ranks the city 181st out of 488 cities in the state. Customers in the city have 1.39 power outages a year, with outages lasting an average of 210.24 minutes. The national averages for these data points are 1.44 outages at 123.49 minutes each. Entergy Louisiana sells an estimated 22,306.65 megawatt hours in the city each year, more than any other vendor.

Minorca CDP emits 7,729.6 kilograms of CO2 pollution per citizen in the city from electricity use, which makes it the 30th worst polluting city out of 488 cities in Louisiana based on emissions per capita. While not as telling of a statistic (more people almost always equals more pollution), the total pollution of Minorca CDP from electricity consumption is 11,053,332.25 kilograms of CO2 emissions, which ranks as the 239th highest in Louisiana. The city has zero electricity generation plants.

Average Residential Electricity Bills & Rates in Minorca CDP

Minorca CDP residential electric rates are highest in July and the highest average bill is in July.

Historical Electricity Rates:

Price Per kWhAverage Bill$0.141/kWh$0.057/kWh$241.78/mo.$68.67/mo.
181st11.12¢Average residential price per kWh in the city of Minorca CDP
155th$134.7Average residential monthly electricity bill for Minorca CDP Residents

Electric Companies With Service in Minorca CDP, Louisiana

ProviderService TypeResidential Rate (¢)Residential Average Bill ($)City Production (MWh)Residential Sales (MWh)Residential Revenues ($)
Entergy LouisianaBUNDLED11.04134.7514,019,002.351,547,631,959

Go Solar for less than your cell phone bill.

Electricity Production in Concordia Parish, Louisiana

Power Plants in Concordia Parish, Louisiana

PlantCity/CountyStatePrimary Fuel TypeProduction (MWh)Production State RankEmission (kg)Emission State RankEmissions per MWhEmissions per MWh State RankToxic Chemical ReleaseClosing Date
Sidney A Murray Jr HydroelectricFirst National Bank-Commerce (100.00%)
Concordia Parish LA Conventional Hydroelectric 707,533111

Concordia Parish, Louisiana Details

Power Plant Fuel Types, Emissions & Pollution Factors

Concordia Parish emits 0 kilograms of CO2 pollution per citizen in the county from electricity consumption, which makes it the 2931st highest polluting county out of 3221 counties in the nation based on emissions per capita. This adds up to total emissions of 0 kilograms of CO2 emissions from electricity consumption, ranking the county the 2931st highest for total pollution in the US. The county is home to one electricity producing plant. Concordia Parish's primary fuel utilized for electricity generation is Conventional Hydroelectric. The county produces 707,533 megawatt hours from this fuel source.

Conventional Hydroelectric
Conventional Hydroelectric
Conventional Hydroelectric
Conventional Hydroelectric
Conventional Hydroelectric
Conventional Hydroelectric
Conventional Hydroelectric
Conventional Hydroelectric
Conventional Hydroelectric
Conventional Hydroelectric

Concordia Parish, Louisiana Net Metering

Concordia Parish has 2 out of 3 companies reporting that they offer net metering to residents with personal solar panels. Citizens of Louisiana have bad net metering regulations that encourage the installation of solar panels.

Energy Loss

Concordia Parish electricity companies who report energy loss average roughly 3.74% of their energy lost per year. The nationwide average for energy loss is 2.43% and the state average is 2.69%, resulting in a rank of 1022nd best in the US and a state rank of 53rd best out of 3221 and 64 counties, respectively.

Power Companies in Concordia Parish, Louisiana

Providers In Each City in Concordia Parish:

  • Clayton, Louisiana:
    • Entergy Louisiana: 100.00%
  • Ferriday, Louisiana:
    • Entergy Louisiana: 100.00%
  • Ridgecrest, Louisiana:
    • Entergy Louisiana: 100.00%
  • Vidalia, Louisiana:
    • Entergy Louisiana: 50.00%
    • City of Vidalia LA Utilities: 50.00%

* City coverage generated based on government data. Always verify you can get service from the provider.


What electricity company is the largest provider in Concordia Parish, Louisiana?

By total revenue, Entergy Louisiana is the largest electricity company in Concordia Parish, Louisiana.

Which electricity companies offer service in Concordia Parish, Louisiana?

County Customers RankProviderEst. County Customers
1Entergy Louisiana14,979
2Concordia Electric5,603
3City of Vidalia LA Utilities2,957

How many power plants are located in Concordia Parish, Louisiana?

There is one power plant in Concordia Parish, Louisiana

How many electric companies offer service in Concordia Parish, Louisiana?

Concordia Parish, Louisiana is home to 3 electricity providers serving customers in the area.

Ginalyn Gelera
Last Reviewed By: Ginalyn Gelera
Published: 2024-09-13