Solar Panels Cost 16k-26k in Marathon, NY | January, 2025

Solar Panels Cost $16k-$26k in Marathon, NY | January, 2025

High Power Bills?

Reduce or replace your electricity bill with solar

How much do solar panels cost in Marathon, NY in 2025?

To go solar in January, 2025 in Marathon, NY is, on average, $3.81/W.

In accordance with this cost per watt, you can come to the conclusion that for every 1 kW (1000 watts) your solar panels can produce, you will need to invest, on average, $3,810 for installation. In Marathon, you will spend about $13,335 for a 5 kW panel install once the 30% federal income tax credit is factored in. However, a 5kW system may not be sufficient to fulfill your energy demands.

To the left,choose your area to determine the average roof size and the average maximum capacity of solar panels for homes in your county. Below is a complete summary of the costs, payback period, and 20-year average savings for a 5 kW system in your county.

Average out-of-pocket cost for a 5 kW system The upfront amount spent to buy and install solar.
Marathon: $13,335US Average: $12,523
Average Payback Period The number of years until you break even on the solar investment.
Marathon: 13 yearsUS Average: 7 years
Average Net 20-year savings The total amount of money saved over 20 years minus the out-of-pocket cost.
Marathon: $2,087US Average: $16,265

Solar Potential in Marathon

Estimated system size and solar electricity production per median viable roof in

Roof size 572sq. ft.
Capacity 8kW DC
Electricity 8.7kkWh AC per yr.

Electricity Costs in Marathon, NY & What that Means for Your Solar Panel Pricing

In Marathon, the standard electric bill is $88.07 per month, and residents use 1,068 kWh. These statistics also account for apartments and other compact residences with less energy needs.

As of January 2025, the mean rate for electricity per kWh in Marathon, NY is 8.25¢.

In Marathon, average consumers need a system size of 10 kW or greater to fully satisfy their full energy consumption requirements. Currently, a 10 kW setup costs around $26,670 after incentives.

Go Solar for less than your cell phone bill.

Average solar panel costs by system size in Marathon

Shown on the left, you will find a price breakdown for different solar panel system sizes set up in Marathon. Although a more extensive solar installation does come with a higher price tag, it also provides greater electricity savings and more substantial income tax credits.

Check a cost benefit analysis in the solar panel cost calculator down and to the right, for an average electric bill of $88.07 in Marathon. To get results more personalized, change the $88.07 to align with your regular electricity bill.

System Size 6kW
Roof Size Min. space required
429 ft²
Electricity Value Annual Production $671 a year
Est. Price
Savings from a 6kWthis system
  • Est. yearly production 8,382 kWh
  • Est. monthly savings $56
  • Full payback in 15 years
Environmental Impacts
  • Reduces CO2 emissions by 1.07 tons a year
  • Equivalent to planting 49 trees a year
  • Equivalent to driving 2,636 mi less a year
System Size 7kW
Roof Size Min. space required
501 ft²
Electricity Value Annual Production $782 a year
Est. Price
Savings from a 7kWthis system
  • Est. yearly production 9,779 kWh
  • Est. monthly savings $65
  • Full payback in 18 years
Environmental Impacts
  • Reduces CO2 emissions by 1.24 tons a year
  • Equivalent to planting 57 trees a year
  • Equivalent to driving 3,076 mi less a year
System Size 8kW
Roof Size Min. space required
572 ft²
Electricity Value Annual Production $894 a year
Est. Price
Savings from a 8kWthis system
  • Est. yearly production 11,176 kWh
  • Est. monthly savings $75
  • Full payback in 20 years
Environmental Impacts
  • Reduces CO2 emissions by 1.42 tons a year
  • Equivalent to planting 65 trees a year
  • Equivalent to driving 3,515 mi less a year
System Size 9kW
Roof Size Min. space required
644 ft²
Electricity Value Annual Production $1,006 a year
Est. Price
Savings from a 9kWthis system
  • Est. yearly production 12,573 kWh
  • Est. monthly savings $84
  • Full payback in 23 years
Environmental Impacts
  • Reduces CO2 emissions by 1.6 tons a year
  • Equivalent to planting 73 trees a year
  • Equivalent to driving 3,954 mi less a year
System Size 10kW
Roof Size Min. space required
715 ft²
Electricity Value Annual Production $1,118 a year
Est. Price
Savings from a 10kWthis system
  • Est. yearly production 13,970 kWh
  • Est. monthly savings $88
  • Full payback in 25 years
Environmental Impacts
  • Reduces CO2 emissions by 1.68 tons a year
  • Equivalent to planting 77 trees a year
  • Equivalent to driving 4,152 mi less a year

Marathon Solar Panel Installation Incentives & Rebates | 2025

The REAP Grant can fund anywhere from 80% to 100% of the expenses involved in setting up solar or wind turbines for rural small businesses and farms. If you believe yourself eligible, we recommend utilizing our REAP Grant eligibility tool to confirm your qualification.

Almost all residents can take advantage of a 30% federal income tax credit for residential solar, making it a practical option in various areas of the United States. Together with federal efforts, state and local programs help to promote the use of solar power.

A total of 21 solar rebates and incentives are available in New York through multiple utility companies and government departments.

Solar incentives in NY

Residential Solar Tax Credit

Value:Up to $5,000

Homeowners in New York may be eligible for state income tax credits on solar energy-related expenses. The tax code covers photovoltaic, water heating, and HVAC systems rated for up to 25 kW (single-family homes) or 50 kW (condos). Leased and owned systems qualify regardless of whether they are part of a power purchasing agreement. The credit amount will generally equal 25% of the new equipment's purchase price and installation costs. To claim the credit, homeowners can file form IT-255 with the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance.

NY-Sun Loan Program


The NY Sun Initiative offers a loan program to fund new residential and small commercial solar photovoltaic systems. The principal available for a residential loan ranges from $1,500 to $25,000 depending on capacity and expected performance. Small businesses and public-sector entities can apply for up to $100,000 of funding. Loans can be repaid over up to 15 years at competitively low interest rates. Standard credit checks apply at the time of application and will determine interest. Additional information is available from the Sun Initiative website.

New York Power Authority - Energy Services Programs for Public Entities


Local governments and state agencies may take advantage of energy efficiency advisory programs offered by the New York Power Authority. NYPA can conduct property energy audits and assist with project research, design, contracting, and financing. Public-sector facilities, including public schools, may receive upfront financing on the total cost of energy-related improvement projects. The agency will make regular repayments based on their estimated energy savings. Additional information is available from the NYPA website.

Solar Sales Tax Exemption


In New York, new solar energy systems for use on residential property are exempt from state sales/use tax. The exemption applies to solar PV, water heating, and HVAC systems, but not to pool heaters. (Commercial pool heaters may still be subject to tax incentives.) Additional information is available from local assessors and solar retailers.

Clean Energy Fund (CEF)


A Clean Energy Fund is managed by New York's Public Service Commission. The law creating this fund consolidates the expired Renewable and Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standard budgets into a single entity. By 2030, 50% of the state's retail electricity should be generated from renewable sources. In the same year, the state should also reduce building energy consumption by 23% and overall carbon emissions by 40% from 2012 benchmarks. Initiatives funded through the CEF include rebate and incentive programs, large-scale private renewable energy facilities, education, and business support. Additional information is available from the PSC website.

NY-Sun Commercial and Industrial Incentive Program


In New York, new solar energy systems for use on residential property are exempt from state sales/use tax. The exemption applies to solar PV, water heating, and HVAC systems, but not to pool heaters. Cities and county governments may enact local sales/use tax exemptions adding to state incentives. In cities of more than 1 million people, these exemptions must be formally codified as a local ordinance. Additional information is available from local assessors and solar retailers.

Clean Energy Standard


New York established a mandatory Clean Energy Standard in 2016 to consolidate and replace the expiring Renewable and Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standards. The Renewable Energy substandard goals require 70% of the state's retail electricity to be sourced renewable by 2030. The state should phase out energy sources producing carbon emissions by 2040. The Zero-Emissions Standard and lower "carve-out" standards dictate minimum investment in specific zero-emission energy sources, including solar and offshore wind. Compliance with the standard is measured using both Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) and Zero-Emission Credits (ZECs) pegging a megawatt hour of electricity to a fluctuating dollar value. All operation renewable energy systems in the state will generate at least one type of credit, though utilities are expected to purchase a share of their REC/ZEC quotas from customers through tariff programs.

NY Green Bank


The New York Green Bank is a public financial institution overseen by NYSERDA. The Bank specializes in forming public-private partnerships to streamline financial considerations in green energy investment. Currently, the Bank manages hundreds of millions of dollars used for renewable portfolio standard compliance, incentive programs, energy assistance, and project financing. It may legally involve itself with any renewable energy project and is formally charged with reviewing proposals for special financing agreements on the corporate and utility levels.

PSEG Long Island - Net Metering


PSEG, the private electrical utility on Long Island, has created its own net metering policies in addition to state standards. The utility has committed to net metering agreements for up to 150 MW of wind, solar, biomass, and CHP energy. Net metering customers will be compensated through bill credits on the net excess generation (NEG) they export to the grid, as measured by a bidirectional meter. Should generation exceed consumption for a given month, credits will roll ahead to subsequent billing cycles. "Virtual net metering" arrangements are available for agricultural renewable energy systems and microgrid customers. As a condition of compensation, PSEG takes ownership of the renewable energy credits generated through the use of a renewable energy device under net metering. Additional information is available through the PSEG website.

Local Option - Real Property Tax Exemption for Green Buildings


In New York, municipal corporations may be eligible for property tax exemptions on buildings meeting certain green construction standards. Exemptions are at the local level, and cities/counties in New York may choose not to grant them whatsoever. Qualifying buildings should meet the requirements for LEED Silver certification at a minimum, and they should pursue formal certification from the US Green Building Council. Exemptions for a LEED Silver building last for three years, after which time the incentive turns into a tax credit which decreases by 20% annually. Longer exemption periods of up to six years are available for buildings with LEED Gold or Platinum certification. Interested taxpayers should consult with their local assessor for details.

NY-Sun PV Incentive Program (Residential, Low-Income, and Small Business)


Through the Sun Incentive Program operated by NYSERDA, homeowners installing a new solar energy system up to 25 kW in capacity may receive rebates. Homeowners must be a customer of a participating utility and use a participating solar contractor to qualify. Rebate amounts will build on a base rate per watt. Additional incentives are available for low-income customers or larger systems. NYSERDA may contract with microgrids in low-income neighborhoods to proportionally allot incentives to each subscriber. Additional information is available from the NYSERDA website.

PSEG Long Island - Renewable Electricity Goal


Until its replacement by PSEG Long Island, the Long Island Power Authority held itself to a local renewable portfolio standard exceeding state standards. By 2013, at least 25% of the island's retail electricity was to be generated using renewable technology. Solar, wind, and other renewable energy projects used to comply with the local standard could not be used for state RPS compliance. Though this policy promoted renewable investment above and beyond state minimum quotas, it was actually established for legal reasons to ensure renewable energy credits were not counted twice. PSEG Long Island, as LIPA's successor, did not establish a new renewable energy goal to keep with increasing state standards.

Local Option - Solar, Wind & Biomass Energy Systems Exemption


In New York, local governments may choose to enact real property tax exemptions on farm renewable energy systems. Localities may choose to opt out of the exemption program; in most cases, it will be offered by default, in contrast with other local-option tax incentives. Wind turbines, solar PV, water heating, HVAC, and some pool heating systems are eligible. Agricultural biomass, manure, or waste energy systems may also be eligible for exemptions. Exemptions are valid at the local and school tax levels, and taxpayers may still be liable for special assessments their local government places on the property.

PSEG Long Island- Commercial Solar PV Feed-in Tariff


In New York, new solar energy systems for use on residential property are exempt from state sales/use tax. The exemption applies to solar PV, water heating, and HVAC systems, but not to pool heaters. Cities and county governments may enact local sales/use tax exemptions adding to state incentives. In cities of more than 1 million people, these exemptions must be formally codified as a local ordinance. Additional information is available from local assessors and solar retailers.

State of NY Commercial PACE Financing Program


The New York state government offers a statewide property-assessed clean energy (PACE) financing program for multi-family residential and commercial properties making energy efficiency improvements. Single-family homes, duplexes, and townhomes are not eligible for financing due to FHFA regulations. The available principal will depend on property type and the projects being financed. The applicant must request an energy audit from a PACE representative as a part of the process: only projects the auditor suggests are eligible. Loan repayment will be made through a property tax lien senior to mortgages. Should the owner sell or transfer their property, the new owner will be responsible for repayments. Additional information is available from the New York Energy Improvement Corporation website.

Net Metering


Since 1997, public/private utilities and cooperatives have offered net metering or other distributed generation tariffs to as many renewable energy customers as allowable by state quotas. The state recently replaced net metering with a "value of distributed energy resources" (VDER) tariff. VDER operates as an "inflow-outflow" program. Customers are technically billed for all electricity they generate, including excess generation (EG) sent to the grid. Rather than paying for all generated energy, however, they will only owe the cost of their "nettable energy" in that cycle. Nettable energy is equal to total power generated at the standard billed cost minus EG at a different "credit rate." As with net metering, should generation exceed consumption, remaining credits will be applied to subsequent cycles. VDER credit rates are fixed for the length of the contract. "Community Metering" provisions exist to compensate microgrid subscribers in proportion.

Energy Conservation Improvements Property Tax Exemption


Real property tax exemptions may apply to small residential renewable energy equipment in New York, including CHP units, hydroelectric systems, fuel cells, and devices used to store energy. Exemptions apply at the local and state level, with the exception of special assessments that a property may incur. Multi-family property may be eligible for the exemptions if they are under five units in size. Additional information is available from the NY Department of Taxation and Finance.

Home Performance with ENERGY STAR


Energy efficiency project financing through NYSERDA lending partners is available to single-family homeowners and multifamily properties up to four units. Applicants are limited to borrowers from Con Edison, Central Hudson, PSEG-Long Island, the National Grid, NYS E&G, Rochester G&E, or Orange Rockland. Loans with a principal of $1,500 - $25,000 are available at 3.49% - 3.99% APR over up to 15 years. Monthly payments are made through energy bills and will be based on estimated cost savings. Loans may fund projects approved by NYSERDA energy auditors and undertaken by participating contractors. The initial audit is available at no cost to the applicant. Additional information is available from the NYSERDA website.

Interconnection Standards


In 1999, New York became one of the first states to standardize distributed generation and grid interconnection practices. The state Standard Interconnection Requirements cover any renewable energy system rated for under five megawatts. Systems should meet certain IEEE and UL safety and performance standards. Should the standards be met, the system will be eligible for expedited permit review procedures.

City of Riverhead - Energy Conservation Device Permitting Fees


Special building permit processes and fees are available for new renewable energy systems or "energy conservation devices" in Riverhead. Eligible equipment includes solar PV arrays as well as any other device which qualifies for federal, state, or county tax incentives. Should a project meet certain safety and performance specifications, it will be considered under a 14-day expedited review and cost a $50 fee. Additional information is available from the Riverhead municipal website.

System Benefits Charge


All customers of New York's six private electrical utilities are assessed system benefits surcharges to support a variety of NYSERDA energy initiatives. Currently, surcharge funding supports energy efficiency improvements, renewable energy investments, and energy access/assistance for low-income or disadvantaged communities. The fund's administrators annual reports to the state assembly detailing funding goals, actual revenue earned from surcharges, and initiatives supported by surcharges. These reports are publicly available on the NYSERDA website.

Are solar panels worth it in New York?

If your goal is to own your home well past the payback period of your solar system, solar panels are an obvious choice in Marathon. By installing a 5 kW solar system in Marathon, NY, you can expect to save roughly $7,801.8 over 20 years, with the break even point typically being 13 years.

The cost of not having solar panels in Marathon, NY

Choosing not to install solar panels or a different backup energy solution results in you missing out on the savings mentioned earlier and makes you fully reliant on your electric utility for electricity. The media has shown several cases where complete reliance on your utility isn't always ideal.

Lately, the utilities in Marathon have experienced an average of 0.89 outages per customer annually. Outages typically last for an average of 93.82 minutes. Major occurrences like high winds, grid management errors, or wildlife damage can lead to a significant rise in these time frames.

A solar panel system could alleviate the strain of future outages, even if it doesn't have a backup battery.

Power Outages

Currently, 0 customers are being tracked in Cortland County.

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Customers Out:


Go Solar for less than your cell phone bill.

What impacts the cost of solar panels in Marathon, NY?

Your Energy Needs - With larger solar panel systems, the cost per watt declines, despite the greater upfront expense. Setting up a solar panel system that can fully offset the electric bill is advantageous to consumers because of the money saved.

Make & Model - There are numerous brands and models of solar panels and mounting equipment. Your installer’s brand preferences might necessitate selecting a reputable company. The use of superior materials is likely to result in a more satisfactory long-term experience for buyers.

Solar Panel Type - Monocrystalline panels have become the industry standard, and rightly so. Even though they are costlier, they produce more energy. The majority of installers utilize panels constructed from this material.

Your Property - No two properties or homes are identical. Uneven ground, trees, or other impediments can increase the difficulty of the installation. Nowadays, the majority of solar installers can assess your home with satellite images and include these considerations in the first cost estimate.

Labor Rates - The wage differences between companies cause costs that are passed on to the consumers. Reviews for work and customer service are usually higher for companies that pay higher wages.

Permitting & Interconnection - The local permitting and utility interconnection fees, which change by region, will influence your final installation price. Experienced local installers will integrate these numbers into your preliminary quotes to avoid any surprises.

See what solar panels cost in other NY cities

Go Solar for less than your cell phone bill.

Who are the best solar installers in Marathon?

All Energy Solar

St. Paul, MN(800) 620-3370


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.


Cleveland, OH(216) 333-1364


  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Reparation of solar arrays.

Paradise Energy Solutions

Paradise CDP, PA(877) 851-9269


  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.
  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.

Academy Energy Group

Newburgh, IN(812) 518-2150


  • Reparation of solar arrays.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Monitoring of independent energy generation.
  • Auditing of energy requirements for independent energy generation.
  • Installation of solar arrays.

Trinity Solar

(732) 780-3779


  • Consulting on all things solar related.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Installation of solar arrays.

Revolution Solar

Cooperstown, NY(607) 441-0367


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.

SunVest Solar

Pewaukee, WI(262) 547-1200


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.

Core Development Group

(201) 825-2195


  • Consulting on all things solar related.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.

GreenSpark Solar

Ontario CDP, NY(585) 265-2384


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Monitoring of independent energy generation.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.

Plug PV

Troy, NY(518) 948-5316


  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Monitoring of independent energy generation.
  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.

SI Solar

(844) 747-6527


  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.

Dividend Finance

Cincinnati, OH(415) 805-7000


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.

Sunrise Solar Solutions

Briarcliff Manor, NY(914) 762-7622


  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Installation of solar arrays.

Summit Energy Group

(888) 578-6648


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.
  • Monitoring of independent energy generation.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.
  • Reparation of batteries.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.


Middletown, CT(860) 632-1682


  • Consulting on all things solar related.
  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Auditing of energy requirements for independent energy generation.

Entero Energy

Austin, TX(512) 551-0742


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.

Harvest Power

Islip Terrace CDP, NY(631) 647-3402


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.

SunPower Corporation

San Jose, CA(800) 786-7693


  • Consulting on all things solar related.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Monitoring of independent energy generation.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.
  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Reparation of solar arrays.

Silver Sun Solar

Deltona, FL(407) 832-42452


  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Installation of solar arrays.

ConEdison Solutions

Valhalla CDP, NY(914) 286-7000


  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.

Independent Power

Wood-Ridge, NJ(914) 619-0625


  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Reparation of batteries.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Reparation of solar arrays.
  • Monitoring of independent energy generation.

Same Sun of Vermont

Rutland, VT(802) 775-7900


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Reparation of solar arrays.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.

Venture Home Solar

Hicksville CDP, NY(888) 522-9161


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.

Sunnova Energy

Houston, TX(866) 786-6682


  • Consulting on all things solar related.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Monitoring of independent energy generation.
  • Reparation of batteries.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Reparation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of solar arrays.


San Francisco, CA(833) 394-3384


  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Monitoring of independent energy generation.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.
  • Installation of solar arrays.

RWE Clean Energy

Austin, TX(512)-482-4099


  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.
  • Installation of solar arrays.

Sunnyside Solar

(802) 280-7319


  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Installation of solar arrays.

Sigora Solar

Charlottesville, VA(434) 465-6192


  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.
  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.


Little Rock, AR(800) 700-1414


  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Reparation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Auditing of energy requirements for independent energy generation.
  • Monitoring of independent energy generation.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.

Quixotic Systems

New York, NY(212) 367-9161


  • Monitoring of independent energy generation.
  • Reparation of batteries.
  • Reparation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.
  • Auditing of energy requirements for independent energy generation.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.


Freehold, NJ(732) 835-4272


  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Reparation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.

Venture Solar

(888) 522-9161


  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.
  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.

Engie North America

Houston, TX(713) 636-1900


  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.
  • Installation of solar arrays.

Lumina Solar

Baltimore, MD(800) 971-6118


  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.

Alternative Power Solutions of NY

East Syracuse, NY(315) 314-6930


  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.
  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Consulting on all things solar related.

ACE Solar

Carlstadt, NJ(201) 507-1110


  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Reparation of solar arrays.
  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.

Precision Renewables

(435) 602-4120


  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Installation of solar arrays.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.


Lakewood CDP, NJ(732) 987-3939


  • Installation of batteries for energy storage.
  • Expertise in consulting on advantageous financing for solar.
  • Solar systems for selling electricity back to the grid.
  • Installation of solar arrays.

Marathon, NY Solar Panel Cost FAQs

  • As of January, 2025, the average solar panel installation cost in Marathon, NY has reached $3.81/W. Post federal tax credit, a 5 kW solar panel system installation in Marathon, NY will roughly cost $13,335.
  • Various utility providers and government organizations in New York are offering 21 rebates and incentives at this time. On top of that, most individuals are eligible for the 30% federal income tax credit.
  • While cash payments offer the most savings, there are now many financing options for solar panels that are also advantageous. Many installers will include information about financing options in their initial quotes.
  • Yes, in Marathon, NY, the average time for 5 kW solar panel systems to pay for themselves is 13 years, leading to electricity savings of $7,801.8 over a 20-year period.
King Manalo
Last Reviewed By: King Manalo
Published: 2025-01-04