Duke Energy Indiana: Rates, Coverage Area, Emissions

Duke Energy Indiana

Electricity Rates, Plans & Statistics

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About Duke Energy Indiana

Duke Energy Indiana provides electricity to 62 counties in Indiana including counties like Hamilton County, Tippecanoe County, Hendricks County, Johnson County, and Monroe County. The company is an investor owned organization. Duke Energy Indiana's patrons are billed an average residential electricity rate of 13.03 cents per kilowatt hour, ranking the provider at 30th out of 118 suppliers in Indiana and 1131st out of 2885 in the nation. Of the 32,737,998 megawatt hours Duke Energy Indiana sold and dispossessed, 78.25% were via retail sales and 14.05% were from wholesale sales to other electricity companies. The megawatt hours sourced by the supplier came from a mixture of electricity generation from electricity facilities owned by Duke Energy Indiana and additional megawatt hours that they acquired on the wholesale market. In 2023 they had total electricity related revenue of $3,360,408,000, with 87.17% coming from retail sales and 7.39% from wholesale sales.

The average residential power bill for a customer of Duke Energy Indiana is $122.1, while the nationwide average is $139.34. The company is the 106th highest in the nation out of 3530 providers for megawatt hours produced by burning natural gas. The provider ranks 103rd out of 3530 companies in the US for megawatt hours generated from solar power sources. Consumers of the provider experience 0.89 power outages per year with outages lasting an average of 97.99 minutes.

Duke Energy Indiana Net Metering

Customers of Duke Energy Indiana have the ability to take advantage of net metering. Net metering makes solar panel installation more economically viable as it allows people to sell electricity into the grid.

Energy Loss

Electricity companies regularly report energy lost through heat dissipation and other causes to government agencies who track electricity grid efficiencies. Duke Energy Indiana recently reported a loss of 7.61% of their electricity production amount. The state of Indiana has an energy loss average of 4.15% and the United States average is 2.43%, giving Duke Energy Indiana a rank of 48th best out of 111 providers reporting energy loss in the state.

Duke Energy Indiana Rate & Electric Bills

Duke Energy Indiana residential electric rates are highest in October and the highest average bill is in December.

Historical Electricity Rates:

Price Per kWhAverage Bill$0.192/kWh$0.104/kWh$220.52/mo.$89.45/mo.
1131st13.03¢Duke Energy Indiana's Average residential price per kWh
1255th$122.1Average monthly electricity bill for Duke Energy Indiana's residential customers

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Duke Energy Indiana Overview

  • Company Type:Investor Owned
  • Parent Company:Duke Energy
  • Headquarters:100 South Mill Creek Road
    Noblesville, Indiana 46062
    United States of America
  • CEO:David Rudolph

Duke Energy Indiana Contact

Duke Energy Indiana Service

Quick Facts About Duke Energy Indiana

Duke Energy Indiana produces 394,661 megawatt hours of electricity from the use of hydroelectric power, ranking Duke Energy Indiana 56th out of 3530 electricity suppliers in the US.

Duke Energy Indiana is 26th in the US out of 3530 electricity companies for total megawatt hours generated from coal.

Duke Energy Indiana is the 67th largest generator of megawatt hours from non-renewable fuels in the nation.

Duke Energy Indiana is the 75th largest generator of electricity out of 3530 electricity providers in the United States, producing 18,664,977.66 megawatt hours.

Duke Energy Indiana produces 427,144 megawatt hours (or 2.29% of their total production) from the use of sustainable fuels in their power plants.

Energy Loss

Duke Energy Indiana's energy loss due to business operations.


Total Energy Loss


1348 National Rank

Grid Reliability

Length & Frequency of Duke Energy Indiana's Power Outages

97.99 min.

vs. national average of 123.49 min.

0.89 outages/yr

vs. national average of 1.44

Duke Energy Indiana Energy Makeup

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Duke Energy Indiana Coverage Map

Coverage Map Placeholder

Duke Energy Indiana State Coverage

StateCustomersSales ($)State Rank Based On Revenue% of Provider's Residential Sales in State

Duke Energy Indiana County Coverage

CountyPopulationProvidersAvg. County Rate (¢)Avg. Electric Bill
Bartholomew County83,540314.81$171.41/mo
Boone County74,164815.96$208.94/mo
Brown County15,444315.95$192.78/mo
Carroll County20,288315.16$172.09/mo
Cass County37,918512.70$157.72/mo
Clark County124,237414.74$183.47/mo
Clay County26,397315.66$170.98/mo
Clinton County33,010413.36$129.73/mo
Crawford County10,511313.74$139.81/mo
Daviess County33,281415.51$207.13/mo

Power Plants Owned by Duke Energy Indiana

PlantCity/CountyStatePrimary Fuel TypeProduction (MWh)Emission (kg)Emissions/MWhToxic Chemical ReleaseClosing Date
Gibson County IN Coal 9,274,044.959,591,667,293.911,034.25
Vermillion County IN Coal 4,086,515.013,827,715,569.97936.67
Knox County IN Coal 2,721,8081,087,181,177.32399.43
Hamilton County IN Natural Gas 1,272,819574,207,361451.13
Butler County OH Natural Gas 928,096.01648,671,765698.93
Vermillion County IN Natural Gas 568,920366,358,235.18643.95
Switzerland County IN Conventional Hydroelectric 394,661
Henry County IN Natural Gas 243,933134,562,229.34551.64
West Lafayette IN Natural Gas 121,02275,723,942.28625.7
Wheatland Generating FacilityDuke Energy Indiana (100.00%)
Knox County IN Natural Gas 83,32556,980,178.92683.83

Duke Energy Indiana Fuel Makeup

Natural Gas
Natural Gas
Natural Gas
Conventional Hydroelectric
Distillate Fuel Oil

Cities Duke Energy Indiana Has Coverage

* City coverage generated based on government data. Always verify you can get service from the provider.

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Duke Energy Indiana FAQ:

What company is Duke Energy Indiana owned by?

Duke Energy Indiana is a subsidiary of Duke Energy.

How much is the average bundled bill for Duke Energy Indiana customers each month?

Customers of Duke Energy Indiana pay, on average, a monthly bundled bill of $122.10.

What is the average bundled electricity rate for Duke Energy Indiana customers?

Duke Energy Indiana's current average bundled electricity rate is 13.03 cents per kilowatt hour (¢/kWh), compared to the average Indiana bundled rate of 14.85 cents and the average US rate of 15.73 cents.

What percentage of Duke Energy Indiana's electricity is generated using nonrenewable fuel sources?

Electric production facilities owned by or associated with Duke Energy Indiana generate 97.71% of their electricity using nonrenewable fuels.

When will Duke Energy Indiana power be restored?

The average number of minutes for an outage for Duke Energy Indiana's consumers is 97.99 minutes.

How many power plants are owned by or associated with Duke Energy Indiana?

Duke Energy Indiana is associated with or owns 13 power plants.

Who is the CEO of Duke Energy Indiana?

The current CEO of Duke Energy Indiana is David Rudolph.

What percentage of Duke Energy Indiana's electricity is generated using renewable fuel types?

Electric facilities owned by or associated with Duke Energy Indiana produce 2.29% of their electricity from renewable fuel sources.

What cities does Duke Energy Indiana supply electricity to?

Duke Energy Indiana supplies in 264 cities throughout the US including Indiana.

What is the phone number for Duke Energy Indiana?

You can reach Duke Energy Indiana by phone via (800) 343-3525.

How many counties does Duke Energy Indiana sell electricity in?

Duke Energy Indiana sells electricity in 62 counties.

Ginalyn Gelera
Last Reviewed By: Ginalyn Gelera
Published: 2024-08-26