How much do solar panels cost in Bullard, TX in 2024?
On average, in Bullard, TX in the month of September, 2024, the cost per watt for going solar is $2.92/W.
In accordance with this cost, we can come to the conclusion that for every 1000 watts (1 kW) of solar power capacity will require an investment of $2,920 for installation. Typically, the cost for a 5 kW solar panel system in Bullard, after you subtract 30% federal tax credit, is $10,220. Please note that a larger system could be needed to satisfy your energy needs.
To the left, you can select a county to view the average roof size and the average maximum generation capacity for residential solar on homes in your area. Outlined below are the costs, payback period, and 20-year average savings for a 5 kW system installed in your county.