How much do solar panels cost in Hondo, TX in 2024?
To get solar panels installed averages out to $3.08 per watt in the month of September, 2024 in Hondo, TX.
It will cost $3,080, on average, per 1K (or 1000 watts) of capacity that your solar panels have. After receiving the 30% federal tax credit, you will pay approximately $10,780 for a 5 kW solar panel install in Hondo. Please consider, a 5kW system may not be sufficient to ensure your energy requirements are met.
On the left, choose a county to view the average roof size and the maximum production capacity for solar panels on houses in your area. Below, you'll see a full overview of the costs, payback period, and 20-year average savings for a 5 kW system installed in your county.