How much do solar panels cost in Bella Vista CDP, CA in 2024?
Getting solar panels installed in August, 2024 in Bella Vista CDP, CA averages out to $3.39/W.
This means that, for every 1000 watts (or 1 Kw) your system can generate you will spend $3,390 to get your system installed in . After receiving the 30% federal tax credit, you can expect to pay about $11,865 for a 5 kW system in Bella Vista CDP. Remember, a more extensive system might be essential to adequately cover your energy consumption effectively.
To your left, you have the option to choose your county and determine the average roof size along with the average maximum capacity for solar panel installations on homes in your area. Shown below is an outline of the price, payback period, and 20-year average savings for a 5 kW system installed in your county.