How much do solar panels cost in Fort Bragg, CA in 2024?
In September, 2024 in Fort Bragg, CA you'll pay about $3.06/W to get solar installed.
Stemming from the cost, expect the cost to be $3,060, on average, for every 1 kW (or 1000 watts) of solar energy your panels can generate. When you subtract the 30% federal tax credit, you will pay approximately $10,710, in Fort Bragg, for a 5 kW panel install. Keep in mind that a higher capacity system could be essential to meet your energy demands.
Use the left-hand menu to select your area and find out the typical roof size and the maximum generation capacity for residential solar on homes in your county. Below, you can see a detailed outline of the costs, payback period, and 20-year typical savings for a 5 kW system in your county.