How much do solar panels cost in Dixon Lane-Meadow Creek CDP, CA in 2024?
The typical price per watt for solar systems in Dixon Lane-Meadow Creek CDP, CA in September, 2024 is $3.12/W.
Utilizing this price per watt, you are able to come to the conclusion that for every 1 kW (1000 watts) your solar system can produce, you will have to spend, on average, $3,120 for its installation. In Dixon Lane-Meadow Creek CDP, after the 30% federal income tax credit, a 5 kW solar system sets you back $10,920. It's important to take into account that a more powerful system might be needed to meet your energy demands.
Use the left-hand menu to choose your area and find out the average roof size and the maximum production capacity for solar panel systems on homes in your county. Additionally, you can also see an analysis of the price, payback period and 20 year average savings for a 5 kW system in your county below.