How much do solar panels cost in Piñon Hills CDP, CA in 2024?
Going solar averages out to $3.38 per watt in Piñon Hills CDP, CA in the month of August, 2024.
Utilizing this rate per watt, we can conclude that for every 1000 watts (1 kW) of solar generation capacity will require an investment of $3,380 for installation. In Piñon Hills CDP, the cost of a 5 kW system is generally $11,830, after the 30% federal tax credit. It's worth noting that a larger system might be required to satisfy your energy requirements.
By selecting your county on the left, you can determine the average roof size and the maximum capacity for residential solar on homes in your area. See below a detailed summary of the {price|costs, payback period, and 20-year average savings for a 5 kW system in your county.