Woodmore CDP, Maryland Electricity Rates & Plans

Woodmore CDP, Maryland electricity rates - plans that match your needs

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Electricity Providers in Woodmore CDP, Maryland

Home to an estimated 4,742 citizens, Woodmore CDP ranks as the 205th most populated city in Maryland.

Woodmore CDP, Maryland has a deregulated electricity market that facilitates a very high level of competition among energy companies that operate in the Woodmore CDP area. It’s the energy consumers who genuinely benefit because of this competition as they get to enjoy competitive electricity plans and cheaper prices per kWh. However, it’s also this competition that encourages a number of less-than-legitimate energy providers to use questionable advertising tactics in a desperate attempt to swindle new consumers.

Using the Find Energy marketplace, you can shop with ease, knowing that you’re protected against these less-than-legitimate electricity suppliers. Our online marketplace can help you buy your next energy plan with confidence; the Find Energy marketplace features everything you ought to know about the many different energy suppliers in Woodmore CDP, Maryland. The Find Energy marketplace has partnered with reliable energy companies to bring you the most competitive energy plans available in Woodmore CDP, Maryland.

The Find Energy marketplace can make energy shopping easier for you; all you have to do is enter your zip code. You can also view the most trusted suppliers in Woodmore CDP in this list.

Woodmore CDP, MD Residential Electricity Rates


Woodmore CDP Averages

Usage830 kWh

Maryland Averages

Usage910 kWh

United States Averages

Usage887 kWh

Residential electricity prices in Woodmore CDP, Maryland are currently at an average of 21.65 cents for every kWh. As a point of comparison, 17.42 cents for every kilowatt-hour is presently the statewide average; while 15.77 cents per kWh is the nationwide average.

The average monthly electricity bill in the Woodmore CDP area is $179.6. Just to compare: the state monthly energy bill average is $158.51, while the national monthly electricity bill average is $139.96.

Normally expressed in kWh, your monthly energy usage will directly influence your energy bill. kWh usage, individual energy tendencies, plan-specific terms—all of these can make things a little too perplexing for many energy users.

We attempt to limit this confusion by including a TOS with the plans we highlight on our website. The Terms of Service (TOS) can help you make sense of any energy plan a little bit more. You can think of your electricity plan’s Terms of Service in a similar fashion to the nutrition labels you find on food items; only you’re given valuable electricity information such as the terms, conditions, and price information of your energy plan, in place of nutrition information.

Our team has already compared the Terms of Service of various energy plans in Woodmore CDP, Maryland. Learn about the best energy plans available in your area on FindEnergy.com; our marketplace contains readily available information including the conditions, terms, and prices of many different electricity plans from many different energy suppliers in the Woodmore CDP area.

Enjoy lower rates on your next energy bill—go to FindEnergy.com and fill in your zip code. FindEnergy.com gives Woodmore CDP energy users the best residential electricity plans from only the most reputable energy providers in the Woodmore CDP area.

Find Energy managed to shortlist the most attractive residential electricity plans you can get in your location; learn more about them in this list below.

Woodmore CDP, Maryland Residential Electricity Plans


Woodmore CDP, MD Commercial Electricity Rates


Woodmore CDP Averages

Usage21,177 kWh

Maryland Averages

Usage3,381 kWh

United States Averages

Usage5,630 kWh

Business owners in Woodmore CDP, Maryland typically pay an average of 16.05 cents per kWh of commercial electricity. Meanwhile, the state’s average is 14.61 cents for every kilowatt-hour, and the current national average is 11.84 cents per kilowatt-hour.

Business owners in Woodmore CDP, Maryland normally pay an average of $3,399.74 for their electricity every month. You can put this side-by-side to both the statewide and national monthly electricity bills that currently average $493.94 and $666.37 respectively.

Electricity is an important part of most businesses. Most businesses use between 10x and 100x more electricity than a residential property does. Higher usage means the chance for higher savings if you can sign up for a lower priced electricity plan. Committing some effort up front on even slightly reducing the electricity expense will result in savings for the entirety of your new contract.

If you run a business in the Woodmore CDP area that constantly racks up an energy bill north of $3,000, FindEnergy.com can request customized pricing from our partner providers that serve your area.

Our energy specialists at Find Energy estimate that businesses in the Woodmore CDP area may be able to save anywhere between 15% to 25% on their energy bill by shopping for their energy plan through FindEnergy.com.

Shop for the most compelling business electricity plans being offered in your location using our website. Energy shopping doesn't have to be difficult—fill in your zip code to get started.

Below, you can find some of the most competitive commercial electricity plans in Woodmore CDP, Maryland.

Woodmore CDP, Maryland Commercial Electricity Plans


There are no Commercial plans available.

Looking into the deregulated rates in Woodmore CDP is perfectly reasonable, particularly when keeping in mind the following facts:

  • A sensible fixed-rate plan might save your business thousands - Fixed rate plans allow consumers lock in rates for significant amounts of time. They also empower your establishment to predict overheads without the worry of possible massive price increases that come with variable rate plans.
  • Your power won't stop during the switching process - If you lock in a new plan, you just get a bill with your new electricity provider's name on it. Your utility company does not change and electricity never stops flowing to your establishment.
  • You'll save money in the long-term without investing much time - Just submit your information and let us do the rest! We'll give you with the best options for your establishment and help you make an informed decision on which plan is best for your company.
  • We will take charge of the transition - There is no need to inform your current supplier if you are under no contract. In most cases, this remains just as true even if you do have a contract. Find Energy handles the communication with the electricity companies. At the end of the day, we will present you with the best plans currently available on the market.
  • Free quotations and no obligation - Look around. See your options. And let us get you the most attractive quotes for your organization. It doesn't get any easier than that! If you don't like the rates you receive from us, then you don't have to do anything. You canjust continue on with your current plan. Only make the switch if it makes total sense.

Getting a better electricity rate with Find Energy is straightforward. Simply type in your zip code to get quotes on the best priced plans in Woodmore CDP.

Woodmore CDP, MD Utility Company

Potomac Electric Power Company is in charge of overseeing the transmission of electricity in Woodmore CDP. If you're in the Woodmore CDP area and are experiencing problems with your electricity, connect with Potomac Electric Power Company.

You can reach Potomac Electric Power Company through this number: (202) 833-7500​. Alternatively, citizens of Woodmore CDP can also head over to the company website here.

Woodmore CDP, Maryland Electricity Rates Over Time


Historical Electricity Rates:

Price Per kWhAverage Bill$0.233/kWh$0.147/kWh$247.55/mo.$96.31/mo.


Historical Electricity Rates:

Price Per kWhAverage Bill$0.233/kWh$0.147/kWh$247.55/mo.$96.31/mo.

Find the best plan for your needs

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Shop Electricity Providers by Zip Code in Woodmore CDP, MD

  • 20721

Woodmore CDP, Maryland Electricity FAQs


How do I shop for a green electricity plan in Woodmore CDP?

All you have to do is fill out your zip code on this page, and you can browse all deals available in your area that are powered entirely by green electricity. Look for the “100% Green” label!

What is the most affordable electricity company in Woodmore CDP?

WGL Energy, right now, sells the cheapest residential electricity plan in Woodmore CDP, selling at a rate of 8.35 cents per kWh.

How do I pick an electricity company in Woodmore CDP?

Start the process by typing in your zip code. Find Energy will then get you the lowest priced electricity deals available in your location.

How many electricity providers are in Woodmore CDP?

A total of 11 companies presently sell electricity in Woodmore CDP.

What electric company does Woodmore CDP, Maryland use?

The following are some of the most trusted electricity providers in Woodmore CDP:

Who offers the cheapest electricity rates in Woodmore CDP?

ProviderRate (¢/kWh)
WGL Energy8.35
Just Energy11.89

What is a good electricity rate in Woodmore CDP?

The lowest priced plan offered in Woodmore CDP is 8.35 cents per kWh, presently being offered by WGL Energy.

Alex Zdanov
Last Reviewed By: Alex Zdanov
Published: 2024-11-05