Electricity Providers in Matamoras, Pennsylvania
Matamoras, Pennsylvania has an estimated population of 2,406 people calling it home—which means it is the 575th largest city by population in the state.
In Matamoras, customers may decide between many electricity providers for their electricity needs. This is known as a deregulated electricity market. With Matamoras energy companies trying their hardest to out-price their competition at every turn, it is the customers who are the true winners, as they are able to enjoy compelling energy plans for the least amount of money. Unfortunately, there’s no scarcity of dishonest electricity suppliers who lure new consumers with unrealistic marketing and purposefully deceptive plan terms.
With the Find Energy marketplace, it’s simple to stay away from these sketchy energy providers. There are many different electricity suppliers in Matamoras, Pennsylvania; you can find out more about them on the Find Energy marketplace. Find Energy showcases high-value electricity plans from reliable energy suppliers.
Enter your zip code to start saving on your energy bill right off the bat. View some of the top picks for suppliers in Matamoras in the list below.
- AEP Energy
- Constellation Energy
- Direct Energy
- Dynegy Energy Services
- Freepoint Energy Solutions
- Major Energy Electric Services
- Marathon Energy
- National Gas & Electric
- NextEra Energy
- SFE Energy
- Verde Energy
- WGL Energy
Matamoras, PA Residential Electricity Rates
Matamoras’s current residential electricity cost is at 19.13 cents per kilowatt-hour. You can compare this to the state average, which is at 17.06 cents for every kWh; as well as the countrywide average, which is at 15.70 cents per kilowatt-hour.
The monthly electricity bill in the Matamoras area is currently at an average of $142.7. On a statewide level, residents pay a monthly average of $137.81; while on a nationwide level, residents pay a monthly average of $138.7.
Your energy bills tend to differ from the numbers above depending on your monthly electricity use. Electricity plans normally aren’t so cut-and-dry, and the relationship between monthly kWh consumption levels and particular energy rates is one that leaves many consumers perplexed.
By only highlighting plans with a TOS, we eliminate the confusion related to your electricity plan. You can learn essential energy information in the Terms of Service (TOS) of your energy plan. In a similar fashion to scanning through the nutrition labels you find on food products, reviewing the TOS of your energy plan will help you better comprehend the terms, conditions, and price information of your energy plan.
There are various electricity suppliers in your area, and our team at Find Energy has already compiled the Terms of Service of many different electricity plans they offer. The Find Energy marketplace highlights readily available information—conditions, terms, prices. etc.—on the most compelling electricity plans and the most prominent electricity suppliers in your area.
Enjoy a better energy plan in less than 2 minutes—enter your zip code. FindEnergy.com gets you the most compelling residential energy plans from the most dependable energy companies in your location.
Find Energy has created this shortlist of the most compelling residential energy plans available to Matamoras consumers.
Matamoras, Pennsylvania Residential Electricity Plans
Matamoras, PA Commercial Electricity Rates
Commercial electricity rate in Matamoras, Pennsylvania is at 14.24 cents per kWh. Compare this to the 14.38 cents for every kWh statewide average and the 11.69 cents per kWh national average.
Business owners in the Matamoras area typically pay an average of $646.1 for their electricity every month. Now, compare this to the state of Pennsylvania’s monthly electricity bill averaging at $235.61, and the current national monthly energy bill averaging at $649.8.
Electricity is a necessity in most business types. In fact, electricity is a significant cost for a vast majority of companies out there. Reducing electricity costs is one easy method to increase your company's profits. Savvy shoppers will realize that even slight decreases in the cost per kilowatt hour may save sizable amounts of money for a business.
For business owners who consistently receive an electricity bill of $3,000, our team at Find Energy can help your business acquire customized rates from the most reputable electricity suppliers in Matamoras.
If you run a business in Matamoras, you can use FindEnergy.com to potentially reduce your electricity bill by 25%.
FindEnergy.com is home to Matamoras's most reputable energy providers and their best commercial energy offerings. Let's get you a new commercial energy plan—go to our marketplace by filling in your zip code..
Here is a shortlist of the most attractive business energy plans you can get in your location.
Matamoras, Pennsylvania Commercial Electricity Plans
Consider the following if you're still undecided about shopping for a new business electricity rate:
- Fixed-rate plans result in no surprises - Almost every plan on our marketplace is a fixed rate plan, as our experience tells us that these sorts of electricity plans are what's best for consumers. Fixed rate plans empower consumers to determine just what they will be paying per kilowatt-hour each month and provide them the opportunity to secure the most attractive rates available, even when the price of electricity skyrockets.
- Changing electricity suppliers will not result in any power interruption - If you purchase a brand new plan, you get a bill with your new electricity provider's name on it. Your utility company does not change and power keeps flowing the entire time.
- The whole switching process takes minutes - Our intention is to seamlessly and effectively help your company to save money as soon as possible. Our team has designed our purchasing process to be as hands free for you as possible. Simply fill out your information. After you confirm your account with us, we will take care of the remainder of the switching process. Find Energy will make sure that your company is getting only the best deals from the most reliable electricity companies on the market.
- Zero “break up” call with your current service provider - There is no need to inform your current provider if you are not under contract. Oftentimes, this is just as true even if you are under contract. Our team handles the communication with the electricity companies. At the end of the day, Find Energy will provide you with the best deals currently available on the market.
- Shop for new plans with no obligation - Not convinced with the deal you got after you submit your information? No worries. There is absolutely zero obligation to make the transition. It is entirely up to you if you want to sign up for a new plan. This, of course, is what drives Find Energy to find you a great plan that you can't refuse!
If you're ready for your business to start cutting back on electricity expenses as soon as possible, all you have to do is enter your zip code and answer these simple questions. Find Energy will start getting you the best options right away!
Matamoras, PA Utility Company
Pike County Electric is Matamoras's main utility company. Connect with Pike County Electric to report power interruptions or any other concerns in Matamoras, Pennsylvania.
You can also get in touch using Pike County Electric's website here.
Matamoras, Pennsylvania Electricity Rates Over Time
Find the best plan for your needs
Shop Electricity Providers by Zip Code in Matamoras, PA
- 18336