Spring Ridge CDP, Pennsylvania Electricity Rates & Plans

Spring Ridge CDP, Pennsylvania electricity rates - plans that match your needs

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Electricity Providers in Spring Ridge CDP, Pennsylvania

Approximately 786 citizens are residing in Spring Ridge CDP; it ranks as the 1108th largest population in Pennsylvania.

The Spring Ridge CDP area is a deregulated electricity market, this means that customers may choose between many different suppliers when deciding who they get their electricity from. This competition between electricity companies in Spring Ridge CDP, Pennsylvania drives these companies to offer their customers attractive energy plans at the lowest feasible prices per kilowatt-hour. It’s worth noting, however, that there are predatory electricity companies that employ questionable advertising tactics in a desperate bid to lure vulnerable customers.

Find Energy can help you avoid these types of fraudulent electricity suppliers. Make sure you’re making educated choices when buying a new electricity plan; use available data on FindEnergy.com about the various suppliers that provide service in the Spring Ridge CDP area. Only the most compelling energy offerings from only the most dependable electricity providers in your area are highlighted on our marketplace.

Let’s get you your new power plan—all you need to do is input your zip code. View the most reliable providers in Spring Ridge CDP in the list below.

Spring Ridge CDP, PA Residential Electricity Rates


Spring Ridge CDP Averages

Usage896 kWh

Pennsylvania Averages

Usage808 kWh

United States Averages

Usage884 kWh

Residential electricity prices in Spring Ridge CDP, Pennsylvania are at an average of 16.16 cents per kilowatt-hour. The present statewide and national average is at 17.06 cents for every kilowatt-hour and 15.70 cents per kilowatt-hour respectively.

Spring Ridge CDP residents pay $144.84 for their electricity each month, on average. On a statewide level, consumers pay a monthly average of $137.81; while on a nationwide level, residents pay a monthly average of $138.7.

In a lot of cases, there is a direct connection between your electricity rate and your average energy usage every month. Energy plans aren’t so cut-and-dry, and the connection between monthly kilowatt-hour consumption levels and individual electricity rates is one that leaves plenty of consumers puzzled.

We easily eliminate any confusion by including plans with an easy to understand TOSs on FindEnergy.com. Make sure you read the Terms of Service (TOS) before buying a new electricity plan. Terms of Service function in basically the same manner as the nutrition labels you read on food items; only instead nutrition information, you are given electricity information such as the terms, conditions, and price information of your energy plan.

Find Energy has created TOS highlights on many different energy offerings from the many different electricity suppliers in your area. Find Energy showcases readily available information—conditions, terms, prices. etc.—on the most attractive electricity plans and the most reputable electricity providers in the Spring Ridge CDP area.

Confidently shop for a new energy plan with FindEnergy.com—type in your zip code to get started. FindEnergy.com is home to Spring Ridge CDP’s most reputable electricity companies and their best energy plans.

Here’s a list of some of the most attractive residential energy plans you can get in your area.

Spring Ridge CDP, Pennsylvania Residential Electricity Plans


Spring Ridge CDP, PA Commercial Electricity Rates


Spring Ridge CDP Averages

Usage3,542 kWh

Pennsylvania Averages

Usage1,638 kWh

United States Averages

Usage5,560 kWh

The average rate of commercial electricity for business owners in the Spring Ridge CDP area is at 10.51 cents per kWh. Just to compare: business electricity can be had in Pennsylvania for 14.38 cents per kilowatt-hour; while, countrywide, commercial electricity can be had for 11.69 cents per kWh.

On average, business owners in the Spring Ridge CDP area spend $372.11 on their electricity bill per month. You can compare this to the statewide monthly electricity bill, which presently averages $235.61; as well as the countrywide monthly energy bill, which averages $649.8.

Electricity is a major overhead item for almost all different industries. In fact, It is not uncommon for a business to use between 10x and 100x more electricity compared to the average residence. Lowering this expense can result in a leaner company and better priced products and services for your customers. Savvy shoppers may see that even slight reductions in the electricity rate per kilowatt hour could save great sums of money.

For businesses who regularly receive an energy bill of $3,000, FindEnergy.com can help your business acquire customized pricing from the most reliable energy providers in the Spring Ridge CDP area.

Spring Ridge CDP area businesses may be able to reduce your monthly bill by 15% to 25% if they purchase their electricity plan using our marketplace.

Spring Ridge CDP Business owners can get their hands on the most compelling business electricity plans from reliable energy suppliers using our website. Your new business electricity plan is on the way—type in your zip code.

Our team at Find Energy has gathered the most attractive business energy plans available to Spring Ridge CDP businesses.

Spring Ridge CDP, Pennsylvania Commercial Electricity Plans


There are no Commercial plans available.

The right thing to do would be to compare the lowest available rates in the deregulated market versus the prices you are currently paying, especially when you consider the following facts:

  • No surprises besides the amount of money your organization will save - Purchasing a low fixed rate empowers organizations to save now and project their annual electricity expenses with a high level of predictability.
  • Your power won't be cut off during the switching period - Electricity keeps flowing to your location if you're already getting service. The only thing you will notice is the lower charge on your new bill.
  • The whole experience takes just a few minutes of your time - Our shopping process specifically designed to be fast and efficient for electricity users. Simply submit your information. After that, we'll take the reins and handle everything else. Our goal is to make sure to find your company the lowest electricity plans out there.
  • No “break up” call with your current electric service provider - There isn't any need for a “break up” call with your current provider if you are not under contract. If you haven't signed a contract with an electricity supplier, the entire process can be handled by our staff at Find Energy. If you're not sure, however, Find Energy can confirm it for you too. If you are under contract, we may still be able to find a way to save you money, so submit your info!
  • There's no obligation to buy - If you are displeased with the deals you receive after entering your information, or if you change your mind for some other reason, know that there is no obligation to proceed with the transition. Just let us know that you have changed your mind, and you will continue on with your existing service.

Find Energy is committed to finding you the lowest electricity rates in Pennsylvania. To get started, all you have to do is simply enter your zip code on this page and answer the following questions.

Spring Ridge CDP, PA Utility Company

While there are multiple electricity companies that offer energy services to the residents of Spring Ridge CDP, Pennsylvania, the actual distribution of electricity is taken care of by Metropolitan Edison Company. You should connect with Metropolitan Edison Company if you're experiencing frequent power interruptions or any other issues, no matter where you're purchasing your energy from.

Metropolitan Edison Company's customer support can be reached at (888) 544-4877. Or head over to the company website here.

Spring Ridge CDP, Pennsylvania Electricity Rates Over Time


Historical Electricity Rates:

Price Per kWhAverage Bill$0.209/kWh$0.137/kWh$222.66/mo.$99.59/mo.


Historical Electricity Rates:

Price Per kWhAverage Bill$0.209/kWh$0.137/kWh$222.66/mo.$99.59/mo.

Find the best plan for your needs

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Shop Electricity Providers by Zip Code in Spring Ridge CDP, PA

  • 19610

Spring Ridge CDP, Pennsylvania Electricity FAQs


Who is the cheapest electricity company in Spring Ridge CDP?

The most affordable residential electricity plan that can currently be had is priced at 8.19 cents per kWh, sold by Energy Harbor.

How do I shop for a green electricity plan in Spring Ridge CDP?

It's a pretty easy process! All you have to do is type in your zip code, and you can browse all available plans and inspect what percentage of each plan is derived from green electricity.

How many suppliers are in Spring Ridge CDP?

As of writing, there are 14 electricity suppliers offering electricity in Spring Ridge CDP.

Who offers the most affordable electricity deals in Spring Ridge CDP?

Here are the cheapest electricity rates sold in Spring Ridge CDP.

What electric utility company does Spring Ridge CDP, Pennsylvania use?

The following are a few of the top electricity suppliers in Spring Ridge CDP:

How should I choose an electricity supplier in Spring Ridge CDP?

Start the process by entering your zip code. We will then show you the cheapest rates currently available in Spring Ridge CDP.

What is a good electricity rate in Spring Ridge CDP?

The best rate that can be had in Spring Ridge CDP is 8.19 cents per kWh, presently being provided by Energy Harbor.

Alex Zdanov
Last Reviewed By: Alex Zdanov
Published: 2025-01-10