Towamensing Trails CDP, Pennsylvania Electricity Rates & Plans

Towamensing Trails CDP, Pennsylvania electricity rates - plans that match your needs

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Electricity Providers in Towamensing Trails CDP, Pennsylvania

Towamensing Trails CDP ranks as the 794th largest population in the state, with 1,480 citizens calling it home.

Competition is strong in the deregulated electricity market in Towamensing Trails CDP. Customers can shop a number of different providers who sell the electricity to the area. Towamensing Trails CDP residents are getting the chance to enjoy competitive electricity plans at competitive price points because of this fierce competition between energy companies that operate in Towamensing Trails CDP. There are, unfortunately, quite a few less-than-legitimate energy companies that are in the business of luring new customers through sketchy marketing tactics and purposefully questionable plan terms.

Keep away from sketchy energy companies with the Find Energy marketplace. Make sure you’re making the right choices when buying a new electricity plan; use available data on Find Energy about the many different suppliers that do business in Towamensing Trails CDP, Pennsylvania. Find Energy has partnered with reputable energy providers to bring you the most attractive power plans available in Towamensing Trails CDP, Pennsylvania.

Energy shopping is quick with our website—enter your zip code to get the process started. Take a look at our most trusted retail electric providers in the list below.

Towamensing Trails CDP, PA Residential Electricity Rates


Towamensing Trails CDP Averages

Usage890 kWh

Pennsylvania Averages

Usage808 kWh

United States Averages

Usage884 kWh

The average price of residential electricity for residents in Towamensing Trails CDP, Pennsylvania is at 16.20 cents per kilowatt-hour. You can put this side-by-side to both the state and nationwide average rates that are currently at 17.06 cents per kilowatt-hour and 15.70 cents per kWh respectively.

Towamensing Trails CDP homeowners pay a monthly energy bill of $144.19 on average. Meanwhile, Pennsylvania’s monthly energy bill averages $137.81, and the present nationwide monthly electricity bill averages $138.7.

Your energy bills tend to vary depending on your monthly electricity usage. Not everybody knows this, and it can be quite confusing if you’re not aware of how your kilowatt-hour usage affects your specific electricity plan.

To assist in bringing clarity to our users, we have a TOS with every plan we feature on our website. Be sure you don’t overlook any essential energy information by consulting the Terms of Service (TOS) of your electricity plan. Leafing through the Terms of Service will enable you to make informed electricity decisions, as you get to make sense of important information about any electricity plan, including: energy prices, contract lengths, generation sources, and emissions levels.

Make better energy decisions—the Find Energy marketplace allows you to quickly review TOS highlights of the various energy plans available in the Towamensing Trails CDP area. Simply head over to our marketplace to locate valuable energy information—conditions, terms, prices. etc.—on the most attractive electricity plans and the most reliable energy providers in the Towamensing Trails CDP area.

Safely purchase a new electricity plan with—fill in your zip code to get started on your energy savings. Our website gives you access to Towamensing Trails CDP’s most dependable electricity providers and their best energy offerings.

Purchase the best home electricity plans available in the Towamensing Trails CDP area; check out the list below.

Towamensing Trails CDP, Pennsylvania Residential Electricity Plans


Towamensing Trails CDP, PA Commercial Electricity Rates


Towamensing Trails CDP Averages

Usage5,618 kWh

Pennsylvania Averages

Usage1,638 kWh

United States Averages

Usage5,560 kWh

You’ll be spending an average of 9.09 cents per kWh for your commercial electricity if you’re doing business in the Towamensing Trails CDP area. At the moment, 14.38 cents for every kilowatt-hour is the statewide average; while 11.69 cents for every kWh is the nationwide average.

If you’re doing business in Towamensing Trails CDP, chances are you’re spending $510.75 on your electricity bill per month, on average. Meanwhile: the average monthly business electricity bill in Pennsylvania is $235.61, and the average monthly commercial energy bill in the US is $649.8.

A majority of different types of businesses need large amounts of use of electricity. Businesses electricity accounts average approximately 12 times more electricity than residential electricity accounts. If your company is at or above this average electricity usage then it is all the more pressing to make sure you secure the best electricity rate out there. Many businesses will see four or five figure reductions in their annual costs by lowering their electricity cost by just a fraction of a penny.

If you manage a business in Towamensing Trails CDP, Pennsylvania and you normally spend upwards of $3,000 on your electricity expenses, then Find Energy can get you custom rates from the most dependable electricity companies in your location.

The Find Energy website can save you and your company up to 25% on your monthly energy bill.

Our team at Find Energy is dedicated to helping you purchase the most compelling business energy plans in your location. Let our company assist you in finding the most attractive commercial energy plan in your area—enter your zip code.

Check out the list below for the most attractive electricity rates available in your area.

Towamensing Trails CDP, Pennsylvania Commercial Electricity Plans


There are no Commercial plans available.

There's zero risk in comparing the currently available deregulated rates versus the rate you are actively paying, especially when you keep in mind the following:

  • Fixed-rate plans result in no surprises - Fixed rate plans help users secure rates for significant amounts of time. They also help your business to foresee overheads with zero worries of possible exponential price increases that come with variable rate plans.
  • The switching process is unnoticeable as there is no service interruptions - Your company will not experience any service outages at any time during the changeover. In fact, the only thing you will notice is the lower amount on your next bill!
  • Quick, easy, and seamless - Just fill out your information and let us do the rest! We'll find you with the best rates for your company and help you make an informed decision on which plan is right for you.
  • No need to call your existing electric supplier - There is no need to contact your current provider if you are not under contract. In most cases, this is just as true even if you are in contract. Our team handles the communication with the electricity service providers. At the end of the day, we will provide you with the most attractive plans currently available in Towamensing Trails CDP.
  • Zero commitment to purchase a new plan - It doesn't matter if our staff has already spent the time getting a quote for your company. There is zero obligation on your part to make the switch, unless you're convinced with the rates you receive from Find Energy. We've created our shopping experience to be as risk free as possible for you and your business!

Find Energy is committed to getting you the best deals in Towamensing Trails CDP. To start saving on your monthly electricity expenses, just enter your zip code and answer the following questions.

Towamensing Trails CDP, PA Utility Company

PPL Electric Utilities is Towamensing Trails CDP, Pennsylvania's chief utility provider. Reach out to PPL Electric Utilities if you have concerns about your energy services—power failures, energy fluctuations, etc.—in Towamensing Trails CDP, Pennsylvania.

PPL Electric Utilities can also be reached using PPL Electric Utilities's website here.

Towamensing Trails CDP, Pennsylvania Electricity Rates Over Time


Historical Electricity Rates:

Price Per kWhAverage Bill$0.231/kWh$0.136/kWh$241.85/mo.$99.64/mo.


Historical Electricity Rates:

Price Per kWhAverage Bill$0.231/kWh$0.136/kWh$241.85/mo.$99.64/mo.

Find the best plan for your needs

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Shop Electricity Providers by Zip Code in Towamensing Trails CDP, PA

  • 18210

Towamensing Trails CDP, Pennsylvania Electricity FAQs


How do I shop for a green electricity plan in Towamensing Trails CDP?

It's a pretty straightforward process! Simply fill out your zip code, and you can look up all available plans and see what percentage of each plan comes from green electricity.

How many electricity companies are in Towamensing Trails CDP?

There are presently 14 electricity companies selling electricity in Towamensing Trails CDP.

What electric company does Towamensing Trails CDP, Pennsylvania use?

The following suppliers are our best electricity companies in Towamensing Trails CDP:

Who provides the lowest priced electricity deals in Towamensing Trails CDP?

The lowest electricity services in Towamensing Trails CDP can be found below.

What is an affordable electricity rate in Towamensing Trails CDP?

The best rate that can be purchased in Towamensing Trails CDP is 8.19 cents per kWh, presently being offered by Energy Harbor.

What is the most affordable electricity company in Towamensing Trails CDP?

The cheapest residential electricity plan that can currently be had is priced at 8.19 cents per kWh, carried by Energy Harbor.

How should I pick an electricity provider in Towamensing Trails CDP?

The quickest way of shopping for an electricity supplier in Towamensing Trails CDP is to use in weighing the different pricing rates currently on the market. Alternatively, you can look up all the different individual websites of each provider and see what prices they are offering right now. It's best to start with these companies:

Matt Hope
Last Reviewed By: Matt Hope
Published: 2024-12-10