Otsego County, NY: Electric Rates, Bills & Providers

Otsego County, New York Electricity Rates & Statistics

Electricity Rates, Plans & Statistics

  • The average electricity bill in Otsego County, NY is $191.74
  • The average electricity rate in Otsego County, NY is 25.71¢

Electric Bills and Electric Rates in Otsego County, NY

The average residential electric bill in Otsego County, NY is $191.74 per month. Otsego County, NY is the 30th most expensive county in New York for electricity.

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Otsego County, New York Electricity Overview

With a population of 58,952 residents, Otsego County is the 43rd most populated county in the state and the 900th largest in the United States.

At an average residential rate of 25.71 cents per kilowatt hour in the county compared to the nationwide average 16.49 cents per kilowatt hour, customers in Otsego County pay a 55.89% markup from the national average price.

Constellation Energy is the largest supplier in Otsego County when calculated by megawatt hours sold.

With total production of 2,304 megawatt hours, Otsego County is the 2014th largest generator of electricity out of 3221 counties in the country.

At $191.74, the average monthly residential electric bill in Otsego County is 37.97% higher than the state average and 34.59% higher than the nationwide average.

Otsego County has emissions of 1,658.07 kilograms per capita of CO2 equivalent gases, compared to the New York average of 1,717.44.


  • Total Consumption

    419,263 MWh

  • Consumption per Capita

    7.11 MWh


  • Total Production

    2,304 MWh

  • Production from Renewable Energy

    2,304 MWh

  • Production per Capita

    0.04 MWh


  • CO2 Emissions

    97,746,285 kg

  • CO2 Emissions per Capita

    1,658.07 kg

Recent Electricity Rates and Production Changes in Oneonta

To see the most recent electricity rates and production changes for cities in Otsego County, select the city below. If you would like to get access to monthly historical data, please contact us directly by submitting a request.

Rates and Production Categories

Oneonta Electricity Pricing Data

Average Residential Bundled Electricity Rate for November, 2024

19.27¢ per kWh

  • 3.3% lower than last month
  • 12.85% higher than November last year
  • 21.98% lower than the New York average
  • 13.1% higher than the US average
  • 508th in the state out of 1,306 cities
  • The state rank has dropped by 1 since last month
  • The state rank has dropped by 387 since November last year
  • 25,694th in the US out of 31,800 cities
  • The national rank has increased by 716 since last month
  • The national rank has dropped by 4,062 since November last year

12 Month Rolling Average Residential Bundled Rate

18.52¢ per kWh

  • 1% higher than last month
  • 16.83% higher than November last year
  • 23.64% lower than the New York average
  • 12.32% higher than the US average
  • 507th in the state out of 1,306 cities
  • The state rank has dropped by 2 since last month
  • The state rank has dropped by 389 since November last year
  • 24,963rd in the US out of 31,800 cities
  • The national rank has dropped by 251 since last month
  • The national rank has dropped by 6,066 since November last year

Average Residential Bundled Electricity Bill for November, 2024

$109.42 per month

  • 2.87% lower than last month
  • 2.73% higher than November last year
  • 3.77% lower than the New York average
  • 7.46% lower than the US average
  • 482nd in the state out of 1,306 cities
  • The state rank has increased by 1 since last month
  • The state rank has increased by 2 since November last year
  • 12,003rd in the US out of 31,800 cities
  • The national rank has increased by 772 since last month
  • The national rank has dropped by 189 since November last year

12 Month Rolling Average Residential Bundled Bill

$127.57 per month

  • 0.19% higher than last month
  • 17.56% higher than November last year
  • 8.02% lower than the New York average
  • 10.31% lower than the US average
  • 483rd in the state out of 1,306 cities
  • The state rank is the same since last month
  • The state rank has dropped by 394 since November last year
  • 11,363rd in the US out of 31,800 cities
  • The national rank has increased by 122 since last month
  • The national rank has dropped by 6,180 since November last year

Oneonta, NY Electricity Overview

Coverage Map Placeholder

Citizens living in Oneonta are charged an average residential electricity rate of 18.52 cents per kilowatt hour, which is 23.64% less than the state's average price of 24.26 cents and 12.32% higher than the national average of 16.49 cents. Residents in the city have an average monthly residential power bill of $127.57. This is 10.45% lower than the nationwide average bill of $142.46. The electricity grid in the city has an average of 0.89 outages per customer a year, with outages lasting around 93.82 minutes each. The United States averages of outages and outage time frames are 1.44 outages each year and 123.49 minutes per outage.

Electricity consumption in Oneonta results in the release of 21,280,493.59 kilograms of CO2 emissions per year, which is the 153rd highest in the state out of 1306 cities. This total results in 1,667.23 kilograms of CO2 emissions per capita, ranking the city 257th worst in the state for pollution per capita from electricity consumption. There are no electricity generation plants in the city.

Average Residential Electricity Bills & Rates in Oneonta

Oneonta residential electric rates are highest in October and the highest average bill is in July.

Historical Electricity Rates:

Price Per kWhAverage Bill$0.199/kWh$0.111/kWh$165.59/mo.$68.96/mo.
507th18.52¢Average residential price per kWh in the city of Oneonta
483rd$127.57Average residential monthly electricity bill for Oneonta Residents

Electric Companies With Service in Oneonta, New York

ProviderService TypeResidential Rate (¢)Residential Average Bill ($)City Production (MWh)Residential Sales (MWh)Residential Revenues ($)
Abest Power & GasENERGY17.2573.9816,971.162,928,203.4
Aggressive EnergyENERGY
Agway Energy ServicesENERGY12.8284.1113,471.1514,542,537.39
All American Power and GasENERGY44.621922,648.221,181,755.49

West End CDP, NY Electricity Overview

Coverage Map Placeholder

Citizens living in West End CDP are charged an average residential electricity rate of 18.16 cents per kilowatt hour, which is 25.14% less than the state's average price of 24.26 cents and 10.12% higher than the national average of 16.49 cents. Residents in the city have an average monthly residential power bill of $127.07. This is 10.80% lower than the nationwide average bill of $142.46. The electricity grid in the city has an average of 0.89 outages per customer a year, with outages lasting around 93.82 minutes each. The United States averages of outages and outage time frames are 1.44 outages each year and 123.49 minutes per outage.

Electricity consumption in West End CDP results in the release of 3,636,223.48 kilograms of CO2 emissions per year, which is the 585th highest in the state out of 1306 cities. This total results in 1,667.23 kilograms of CO2 emissions per capita, ranking the city 257th worst in the state for pollution per capita from electricity consumption. There are no electricity generation plants in the city.

Average Residential Electricity Bills & Rates in West End CDP

West End CDP residential electric rates are highest in October and the highest average bill is in July.

Historical Electricity Rates:

Price Per kWhAverage Bill$0.195/kWh$0.112/kWh$165.74/mo.$68.96/mo.
484th18.16¢Average residential price per kWh in the city of West End CDP
457th$127.07Average residential monthly electricity bill for West End CDP Residents

Electric Companies With Service in West End CDP, New York

ProviderService TypeResidential Rate (¢)Residential Average Bill ($)City Production (MWh)Residential Sales (MWh)Residential Revenues ($)
Abest Power & GasENERGY17.2573.9816,971.162,928,203.4
Aggressive EnergyENERGY
Agway Energy ServicesENERGY12.8284.1113,471.1514,542,537.39
All American Power and GasENERGY44.621922,648.221,181,755.49

Go Solar for less than your cell phone bill.

Cooperstown, NY Electricity Overview

Coverage Map Placeholder

Citizens living in Cooperstown are charged an average residential electricity rate of 18.16 cents per kilowatt hour, which is 25.14% less than the state's average price of 24.26 cents and 10.12% higher than the national average of 16.49 cents. Residents in the city have an average monthly residential power bill of $127.07. This is 10.80% lower than the nationwide average bill of $142.46. The electricity grid in the city has an average of 0.89 outages per customer a year, with outages lasting around 93.82 minutes each. The United States averages of outages and outage time frames are 1.44 outages each year and 123.49 minutes per outage.

Cooperstown's electricity use results in CO2 emissions totaling 3,392,808.25 kilograms, which is 607th highest in New York out of 1306 cities. The city averages 1,667.23 kilograms of CO2 emissions per resident, which is a better measurement of the city's emission levels. The city has one electricity generation plant within its borders.

Average Residential Electricity Bills & Rates in Cooperstown

Cooperstown residential electric rates are highest in October and the highest average bill is in July.

Historical Electricity Rates:

Price Per kWhAverage Bill$0.195/kWh$0.112/kWh$165.74/mo.$68.96/mo.
484th18.16¢Average residential price per kWh in the city of Cooperstown
469th$127.07Average residential monthly electricity bill for Cooperstown Residents

Electric Companies With Service in Cooperstown, New York

ProviderService TypeResidential Rate (¢)Residential Average Bill ($)City Production (MWh)Residential Sales (MWh)Residential Revenues ($)
Abest Power & GasENERGY17.2573.9816,971.162,928,203.4
Aggressive EnergyENERGY
Agway Energy ServicesENERGY12.8284.1113,471.1514,542,537.39
All American Power and GasENERGY44.621922,648.221,181,755.49

Go Solar for less than your cell phone bill.

Electricity Production in Otsego County, New York

Power Plants in Otsego County, New York

PlantCity/CountyStatePrimary Fuel TypeProduction (MWh)Production State RankEmission (kg)Emission State RankEmissions per MWhEmissions per MWh State RankToxic Chemical ReleaseClosing Date
Pool Brook Rd Community Solar Farm
Otsego County NY Solar 3,00325911
Goodyear Lake PlantEnel Green Power (100.00%)
Otsego County NY Conventional Hydroelectric 2,30415011

Otsego County, New York Details

Power Plant Fuel Types, Emissions & Pollution Factors

Electricity consumption in Otsego County results in the release of 97,746,284.82 kilograms of CO2 emissions per year, which is 1737th highest in the nation out of 3221 counties and 33rd highest in the state out of 62 counties. Averaging 1,658.07 kilograms of CO2 emissions per citizen, the county ranks 2608th highest for emissions per capita from electricity use. Approximately 100.00% of Otsego County's electricity is generated using Conventional Hydroelectric. There are 2 power plants in Otsego County, which is the 884th most plants in a county in the country.

Conventional Hydroelectric
Conventional Hydroelectric
Conventional Hydroelectric
Conventional Hydroelectric
Conventional Hydroelectric
Conventional Hydroelectric
Conventional Hydroelectric
Conventional Hydroelectric
Conventional Hydroelectric
Conventional Hydroelectric

Otsego County, New York Net Metering

Companies offering net metering in Otsego County include New York State Electric & Gas, National Grid, and Delaware County Electric Cooperative Oftentimes net metering regulations are controlled at the state level, and New York has commendable laws and regulations for consumers interested in purchasing solar.

Energy Loss

There are 13 companies in Otsego County that report energy loss, including New York State Electric & Gas, National Grid, and Agway Energy Services. Combined, these 13 electricity companies average an annual energy loss of 5.29% of electricity produced. The countrywide average is 2.43%, resulting in Otsego County receiving a rank of 2292nd best in the nation for energy loss efficiency.

Providers In Each City in Otsego County:

  • Cherry Valley, New York:
    • National Grid: 50.00%
    • Otsego Electric Cooperative: 50.00%
  • Cooperstown, New York:
    • Otsego Electric Cooperative: 50.00%
    • New York State Electric & Gas: 50.00%
  • Gilbertsville, New York:
    • Otsego Electric Cooperative: 50.00%
    • New York State Electric & Gas: 50.00%
  • Laurens, New York:
    • New York State Electric & Gas: 50.00%
    • Otsego Electric Cooperative: 50.00%
  • Milford, New York:
    • Otsego Electric Cooperative: 50.00%
    • New York State Electric & Gas: 50.00%
  • Morris, New York:
    • New York State Electric & Gas: 50.00%
    • Otsego Electric Cooperative: 50.00%
  • Oneonta, New York:
    • Otsego Electric Cooperative: 4.40%
    • New York State Electric & Gas: 95.60%
  • Otego, New York:
    • New York State Electric & Gas: 50.00%
    • Otsego Electric Cooperative: 50.00%
  • Richfield Springs, New York:
    • Otsego Electric Cooperative: 48.65%
    • New York State Electric & Gas: 51.35%
  • Unadilla, New York:
    • New York State Electric & Gas: 49.64%
    • Otsego Electric Cooperative: 48.11%
    • Delaware County Electric Cooperative: 2.25%

* City coverage generated based on government data. Always verify you can get service from the provider.


Which electricity company is the largest supplier in Otsego County, New York?

The largest electricity provider in Otsego County, New York by total customer count is New York State Electric & Gas.

How many power plants are located within Otsego County, New York?

There are 2 power plants located in Otsego County, New York

Which electricity companies offer service in Otsego County, New York?

How many electric companies offer service in Otsego County, New York?

Otsego County, New York is home to 62 electricity suppliers offering service in the area.

King Manalo
Last Reviewed By: King Manalo
Published: 2024-11-12